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cus Order, by the fubtle Influences of Attraction : --I would only, like the Herald before that illuftrious Hebrew *, proclaim at every Turn, Bow the Knee, and adore the Almighty Maker; magnify his eternal Name, and make his Praife, like all his Works, to be glorious.

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receive their All from their Saviour,86-Moon al-
ways varying; the Things of this World liable to
perpetual Viciffitudes; our own Righteoufness une-
qual and imperfect, our Redeemer's complete and
always the fame, 88-Moon under an Eclipfe ; ga-
zed at by Multitudes; the Faults of eminent Per-
fons feldom efcape Obfervation, 94-Moon reflected
by the Ocean; the Virtues of Perfons, in diftin-
guished Stations, influential on others, 96-Moon
actuates the Sea; the everlasting Joys of Heaven
`attract and refine the Affections, 97—Prayer a
reasonable Service, Praife a delightful Duty;
with devout Recollections proper for the Night.






HE Bufinefs of the Day dispatched, and the fultry Heats abated, invited me to the Recreation of a Walk: A Walk, in one of the fineft Receffes of the Country; and in one of the most pleasant Evenings, which the Summer-Seafon produced.

THE Limes and Elms, uniting their Branches over my Head, formed a verdant Canopy, and caft a moft refreshing Shade. Under my Feet lay a Carpet of Nature's Velvet; Grafs intermingled with Mofs, and embroidered with Flowers. Jeffamines, in Conjunction with Woodbines, twined around the Trees, displaying their artless Beauties to the Eye, and difVOL. II, fufing


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