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With flowing gowns, and pompous wigs,
Your dancing dogs, and learned pigs.
Clofe on their heels are ufher'd in
Punch, Scaramouch, and Harlequin ;
A tribe the lynx's eye to cozen,
And your fire-eaters by the dozen :
With all that's ftrange of plum'd, or hairy,
An Irish giant, and a fairy.

At dusk choice parties with the king
To fee the play are on the wing;
For tho' the joyous day is done,
Their pleafares fet not with the fun,
But on through ev'ning hours furvive,
Kept by variety alive;

Till paffion founds the charge anew,
And love again demands his due,
Demands the undivided right

To rule the happy couple's night;
O'er whom his purple wings out-fpread,
Flung bridal rofes round the bed,
Where lapt in extacy they lay,

Till wak'd by fuch another day."

But, in fpite of this amplification, we now and then perceive fome flight cmiffions, One, which we remarked in our › account of the former tranflation, occurs alfo in this, viz. amour est un grand fard.' If the following lines are intended to include it, they lofe the force of the original, by extending the expreffion.

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'Tis love, 'tis pleasure, muft difclofe, And give at once the full-grown rose.'

The French may now retort the fatire, and speak of their line of bullion ornamenting whole pages, when drawn into English wire.

On the whole, however, we have not feen a more happy verfion of this celebrated poem. The tranflator feems to have understood his author, and to have preferved his brilliancy: if the poignancy is leffened, it has arifen chiefly from his defire of leaving no drop of this immortal man.'


For those who wish to compare the different translations, we shall select, as a fpecimen, the fame paffage which we quoted from the former verfion, in page 224, of our fortyninth Volume. That is written in more finished verse, and is nearer to the words of the original. This approaches more clofely to the carelefs, roguish manner of Voltaire. The features are often exactly traced in a picture, where, from a neglect of the air and manner, we find no great refemblance of the original.

Le bon Roi Charle, au printems de fes jours,
Au tems de Pâque, en la citié de Tours,
A certain bal (ce prince aimait la danse)
Avait trouvé pour le bien de la France
Une beauté nommée Agnes Sorel.
Jamais l'amour ne forma rien de tel.
Imaginez de Flore la jeuneffe,

Le taille & l'air de la nymphe des bois,
Et de Vénus la grace enchantereffe,
Et de l'amour le féduifant minois,

L'art d' Arachne, le doux chant des firénes
Elle avoit tout: elle auroit dans fes chaines
Mis les héros, les fages & les rois.
La voir, l'aimer, fentir l'ardeur brulante
Des doux défirs en leur chaleur naiffante,
Lorgner Agnès, foupirer & trembler,
Perdre la voix en voulant lui parler,
Preffer fes mains d'une main careffante,
Laiffer briller fa flamme impatiente,
Montrer fon trouble, en caufer à fon tour,
Lui plaire enfin, fut l'affaire d'un jour.
Princes & rois vout tres vite en amour.'
'Twas on one Eafter tide at Tours,
Where Charles in cap'ring spent his hours,
The youth, bleft circumftance for France!
Saw Agnes Sorel at a dance.

A form of that fuperior kind

As leaves defcription far behind;

For let imagination feek

The first young rofe on Flora's cheek;
Go bid the Sylvan nymphs attend
Their harmony of fhape to lend;
And then to Love's enchanting face
Add all that beauty owns of grace;
For eafe and elegance make room,
And dress her from Arachne's loom :
With fyren mufic let her tongue,
Her steps be with feduction hung:
Befide, like bees round ev'ry charm
Let je n' fcai quois unnumber'd fwarm,
A fingle one of which contains
A pow'r to lead the world in chains
On's marrow-bones the hero brings,
Makes fools of fages, flaves of kings;
And yet fuch colours were too faint
This lovely paragon to paint.
The monarch faw and felt a flame,
To fee and love her was the fame;
And through th' afcending fcale of fire,
From the firft fpark of young defire,

His royal breast was taught to prove
The whole thermometer of love.
And now 'twas ogling, trembling, fighing,
The voice in fpeechlefs murmurs dying;
Lock'd hands unto each other growing;
The anguish of the bofom fhowing
By looks that fpeak, and eyes that burn,
Impatient of a fond return:

In fhort, in each occafion feizing
To practice ev'ry art of pleafing
Which love ingenious could invent,
A day, a live-long day was fpent.
The bus'nefs which their fubjects mince
At once is fwallow'd by a prince,
Who falls in love o'r head and ears
No fooner than the fair appears,
Made of combuftibles to catch
At fight of beauty, like a match.

An Inquiry bow to prevent the Small Pox. By John Haygarth, M. B. F. R. S. 8vo. 35. Johnson.


'HIS Inquiry is conducted with great judgment, and the rules of prevention are dictated by an intimate acquaintance with the fubject. In fome refpects it has confirmed our opinion where we once doubted; and, in others, we are not afhamed to own, that it has corrected our mistakes. Yet there is one view of the queftion, which we wish ftill to fuggeft, for farther examination. In many inftances, the fmall pox appear without fpreading, and are styled sporadic, though the disease has not for fome years been epidemic. We cannot reafonably fuppofe that, at thefe times, mothers are more ftrict, or children more cautious: it must depend either on the air not being capable of conveying the infection, or the body not being fufceptible of it. The former reafon is fatisfactorily obviated, by the very careful observations of our author, fince he has fhewn that, except when the wind blows directly from the patient to the perfon liable to the infection, the contagion ceases at a very little diftance. Yet this propofition must be in fome degree limited by the state of the body; and, in an epidemic fmall pox, the contagion must be fuppofed generally diffufed, though in fuch a state as to be often harmless, unless other occafional caufes concur. In other fevers, any cause of debility, any obftruction of perfpiration, a common cold, or a furfeit, will bring on a fever of the peculiar type which diftinguishes the conftitution. In these cafes then, the miafina must be generally prefent; and we think that we have feen

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the fmall-pox occur in the fame manner. But we will allow the extreme difficulty and uncertainty of fuch obfervations; at the fame time it must be evident, from the very rapid progrefs of the difeafe, that fomewhat, decidedly in the conftitution itself, muft contribute to render the poifon efficacious, in the most diluted ftate. We mention this view of the subject with great diffidence; fince by the diligence of the infpectors at Chefter, its progress has been very generally traced by actual infection: but this or fome other reason is still wanting to explain the different rapidity with which the disease frequently fpreads.

We fhall extract a few of the propofitions which are remarkable for their utility, or which we think clearly and fatisfactorily demonstrated.

Sect. 5. The period between infection and the commencement of the variolous fever is generally from the 6th to the 14th day inclufive, after inoculation: and this period is not much Jonger in, the natural small-pox.'

.. This propofition is juft, and well fupported. It explains too the reafon why infection, received at the fame time with inoculation, does little injury; but it is moft precifely true, when the matter inferted is in a fluid ftate,

Sect. 6. Perfons liable to the fmall-pox, and infected by breathing the air, impregnated with variolous miafms: either (I) very near a patient in the diffemper, from about the time that the eruption has appeared, 'till the lait fcab is dropt off the body, or (II) very near the variolous poifon, in a recent ftate, or (III) that has been close shut up, ever fince it was


Sect. 7. Clothes, furniture, food, &c. expofed to the variolous miafms, never, or very rarely, become infectious.'

Though the laft pofition is well fupported, yet, as the danger is often fo great, it fhould not occafion neglect.

Se&t. 8. The air is rendered infectious, but to a little diflance from the variolous poifon.'

We muft fubjoin a curious fact from the commentary.

These observations may be deemed too general to determine, with fufficient exactnefs, to what diftance from the poifon the air is rendered peftilential. But, as the following fact will afcertain, with fome precifion, in certain circumstances, the limit where the variolous poifon begins and ceafes to be infectious, in the open air, I fhall endeavour minutely to defcribe every particular that could be supposed to influence this effect. A gentleman's family, of whom eight were children, all liable to the fmall-pox, became inhabitants of Chester, in November 1777, having always till then lived in the country,


On the 8th of that month, in the afternoon, the weather being howery, cloudy, but not windy, and of a moderate temperature for the feafon, the eldest, an intelligent young lady (mifs Archer, fince married to Roger Comberbach, Efq. from whom I had this information, and three of her brothers, went out, for the first time after their arrival, to view the town. Afcending the walls at the northgate, they turned westward, and foon met a child of about a year old, in the fmall-pox. The puftules were pretty numerous on the face; fome appeared fresh and full of matter, others were fcabbed. A nurfe had the child on her left arm, paffed on the north fide, between them and the city wall, fo that its face was toward the young lady and brothers. The clothes of neither nurfe nor child feemed dirty. The breadth of the path is a yard and a quarter, between the wall of a building on the fouth fide two yards and a half high, and the city wall, on the north fide, whofe top is one yard and a quarter higher than the path, and fix yards above the ground. The young lady's face was nearly on a level with the child's; her brothers were rather lower. She is certain that he paffed within half a yard of the child, and doubts whether the was not within half that distance of it. Her brothers, the believes, were all'as near it. The narrowness of the path between the two walls renders this opinion very probable. They all walked exactly, or nearly, in the fame line with the child, both before and after paffing it. Both parties walked uniformly forward in oppofite directions, at a moderate rate, except one of the brothers, who expreffed a curiofity to look at the fmall-pox patient, ftopped a little moment when oppofite to it, and about a minute when fome yards paft each other. The young lady is certain that he did not touch, but thinks that he approached nearer the child than herself or any of the reft. This brother was the only one of the party who was infected. He was feized with the eruptive fever on the 15th of November, that is, on the tenth day after the interview; yet all the other three were fufceptible of the distemper, being infected by him. They were attacked on the 1ft, 2d, and 3d of December; that is, on the 24th, 25th, and 26th day after meeting the child; a longer period than has ever been fuppofed to precede the fever. Another brother was feized November 29th, and another fifter, December 2d, who had not been on the walls. Though the three who met the fmall-pox patient, paffed fo near it, yet it is highly probable that none of them, and to a much greater degree, feveral thoufands to one, that all were not expofed to the infection. Few medical conclufions can be drawn with fuch a degree of probability.'

We need not copy the methods which were taken to prevent the contagion, or the tranfactions of the Society. Those who wish to follow their example will undoubtedly refer to the work itself. We can only add our entire approbation of the


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