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to perfection, and purity, and holiness, without which none shall see the Lord.' And they were to stir up their pure minds.


P. He saith, To witness perfect purity is an alluding to an enjoyment of heaven upon earth,' and saith, This is as the world,' &c. See page 19.

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A. Which is contrary to the scriptures, which witness the kingdom of heaven to be in the saints, and their conversation in heaven; and thou that bringest to the contrary art a deceiver.


P. He saith, He dare boldly assert, that the gospel is not first made known by the seeing within, but by hearing tidings without,' &c. A. Contrary to that which they call their original, which saith, the gospel is preached in every creature.' And none come to hear and see the gospel, but with the eye within, that which is oppressed. For the Jews that heard not, and saw not within, stood against the gospel: and Christ said, their ears were stopped, and their eyes were closed;' and so they heard words, but the gospel, the power of God, they could not hear, but stood against Christ; and so none hear but they that hear within; and he only is a preacher of the gospel, which is the power of God, that preacheth to the inward eye.

P. He confesseth, that none of the saints had ever a particular command;' and then again he confesseth they had, and so he is in confusion, page 26. He saith, It is a lie to preach the kingdom of heaven within unbelievers."

A. Contrary to Christ's words, who told the Pharisees, the kingdom of God was within them.' Luke xvii. So in confusion, in Babylon; the smoke of the bottomless pit hath blinded his eye, who is got up since the days of the apostles. The foundation hath been lost among these inwardly raveners, which is the light, Christ Jesus, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, the rock of ages.

P. He saith again, It is a lie to say that any come to the knowledge of the light of God by the light that shines in their hearts,' &c. See page 28.

A. Contrary to the apostle, 2 Cor. iv. who said, 'the light that shined in their hearts should give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus;' and so he is a messenger of satan, the devil's minister, one that draws from the light that must give people the knowledge: the witness in thy conscience shall answer. P. And again he saith, 'It is a notorious lie, to say that Christ preached the kingdom of heaven in unbelievers.'

A. Contrary to Christ, and contrary to Luke xvii. who said, the kingdom of heaven was in the Pharisees, and so thou art an unlikely man to be a minister of Christ, who art of the letter ignorant, that knows not the kingdom in thyself, that knows it not in the unbelieving Pharisees. P. He saith, The greatest of the apostles were never exempted

from the remnants of sin, and the saints' pilgrimage is a continual warfare to heaven, while they be on this side the grave,' &c.

A. Which is contrary to the apostle, who said, they were made free from sin;' and said, 'how could they live any longer therein?' And said, 'their conversation was in heaven, and they sat in heavenly places,' and they witnessed the kingdom wherein was 'joy in the holy ghost.' So this was the end of their pilgrimage then; and thus he shows he is ignorant of the scriptures, and of the apostles' doctrine. And it is not a strange thing that the teachers of the world should cry up imperfection and the body of sin, who are ravened inwardly from the spirit of God by which it is put it off, and gone forth from the apostles' and Christ's doctrine. But those who are come to the spirit of God, which they are ravened from, put off the body of imperfection and sin. And so you have corrupted the earth with your windy doctrine; for what good hath their doctrine done, that teach people they must be in imperfection and in sin while they are upon earth? they can but be so if they never come to teach them. And they are apostatized from the ministers of Christ, whose work was to the perfecting of the saints, 'until they came to the perfect man,' the possibility of which these apostates' work is to deny.

P. He is judging the apostle, and saying, "The prick in the flesh which the apostle received, was neither through the want or disability of faith,' &c. See page 34.

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A. Why then did the apostle cry out? answer me that. And the Lord said, His grace should be sufficient for him; and his strength should be made perfect in his weakness,' and is not weakness disability' P. He saith,That no man by that native light inherent in him, had power to believe,' &c. See page 26.

A. The light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, he calls native,' and 'inherent.' He gives these names to it, which is the light which doth enlighten every man, &c. there is power given in the light to believe. But he that hateth the light, hateth the power, and so the light is his condemnation. The names he gives, as 'native' and 'inherent,' are his own, out of the truth.

P. He saith, The scripture doth not set forth a certain allowance for ministers, but it is left to human prudence,' &c. See page 12.

A. So he is flown from Christ's words and the apostles,' who with the wisdom of God set down the ministers' allowance, and did not leave it to human policy in after ages for maintenance for ministers: for human policy will feed the false prophets, such as the prophets, and Christ, and the apostles declare of in scripture, whose spirits are seen with the spirit that gave forth scripture, gone out into the earth, who were covetous, and so idolaters, ordering with the policy which is human and earthly.

P. He saith, Abraham's obedience was not an act of the body,' &c. A. Which any may read the scripture and see, and judge thee whose body is out of the action of God, serving him who is not of God.

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P. He saith, God doth not work immediately now,' &c. See page 43. A. So all the works of God are mediate now by his principle; then by his conclusion, none have the spirit of Christ which is immediate, and works immediately. So then none hear God's voice, and none are sent from God, and Christ is with none of them! For they who are sent from God hear his voice; and they who have Christ in them, have that which is immediate.

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P. He saith, He utterly declares (as others have done) against not praying or preaching, &c. unless the spirit move,' &c. See page 44.

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A. So here then, thou prayest and the spirit moves not, and preachest, and the spirit moves not: so the spirit of error is it that moves thee. And thou art contrary to all them that gave forth the scriptures, the prophets and ministers of God, who spoke as they were moved by the holy ghost.' And thou art never likely to read the scripture, but by the same that gave them forth, nor know them, nor is any one upon the earth; nor to know God of whom they learned that gave them forth, and were taught of him; and so thou art no minister of the spirit.

P. He saith, Not to preach, nor to pray but as the spirit moves; in a sort is to shut up the kingdom of God from the sons of men; and brings men to neglect their duty, and is the gap where the delusion of satan comes in, and draws men to sluggishness. And how can glad tidings be known, unless they be told,' &c.

A. Now they are all in the sluggishness, shutting up the kingdom of heaven against men, under the delusion of satan, and none can bring the glad tidings, but as the spirit moves them. And they who go when the spirit doth not move them, are they that run and the Lord never sent them; and they who pray or speak without the moving of the spirit, are out of the path of all the holy men of God.

P. He saith, It is the privilege of the Bereans to try an apostle,' &c. Again he saith, They are to put up their supplications when the spirit doth not move them,' &c. See page 45.

A. Now see if God ever accepted that which was not moved from the spirit: God who is a spirit never accepted that; and that which tries apostles is the light, and it gives the Bereans to believe the scriptures which the apostle speaks of.

P. And he saith, Far be it from me to imagine that the spirit of God moved the apostles to preach when they did only, and not at other times, and that they always waited in silence till then,' &c.

same page.


A. So he would make out that the apostles preached when the spirit

moved them not, and run without the moving of the spirit, and so would make them like himself. Peter said, they spake as they were moved by the holy ghost.' And they that are the sons of God are led by the spirit of God. And the spirit shall lead them into all truth.' And the spirit should tell them what they should speak, and show them things to come;' and that was their guide and rule. And thou who speakest, and not as the spirit moves thee, art no minister of the spirit; and sayst, 'far be it from thee to imagine the apostles preached only when they were moved,' and so with thy imaginations, dost not own the apostles were the ministers of the spirit.

P. And the singing of the saints in the spirit and grace, is not like the ungodly singing without the spirit.'

A. And saying, the grace of God hath not appeared unto all men,' and that all have not the spirit;' which is contrary to scripture. It saith, the grace hath appeared unto all men;' and 'I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.' And the spirit that reproves the world is the saints' leader; and you that sing David's quakings and prayers, are not in the understanding nor grace, but distinct from the saints; whose singing must be turned into howling. How then can ye give them the psalms to sing that have no grace?

P. And the priests of Scotland say, 'Cursed is he that says, grace is free.' These are the Scottish principles, &c.

A. Ye give the psalms to all to sing, and yet say all have not grace, and all have not the spirit of God, and then can they sing in the grace, and sing in the spirit? Is there any prudent reason or good understanding without the spirit?

P. He saith, we deny the scripture to be the word of God.'

A. The scriptures are the words of God, and Christ is the word, in which the words end.

P. And he speaks these detestable words, and says, 'Is not our tongues oiled with a spirit of confused delusion,' which is his own, &c. See page 5.

A. Because we say, such as pray or preach, it must be by the moving of the spirit of God; which they are not in, that are in the spirit of delusion.

P. And he is opposing the commands of Christ, who said, 'Be not of men called master, for ye have one master, even Christ,' (who conquers death and hell.) And he saith, Why may they not be called master?"

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A. It is his master that teacheth him to be that is gone out of the truth; but Christ said, master;' and wo be to them that are. Matt. xxiii.

called of men master, Be not of men called And you are they that

are made by the will of man, that break his commands.

George Willington's book, called The Gadding Tribe Reproved.'

A right title to his own condition is his book, who, like a wild beast, is gadding up and down; but the Lord rebuke such spirits. His principles follow.

P. HE himself falls to judging others, and then cries, 'O man! who art thou that judgest another,' &c. See page 9.

A. And doth not see the work that he is doing himself. But bids others not judge, and falls to judging himself, which is like all the rest of his gadding tribe; and how they run with their horns at the righteous, and push at the upright in heart! But the Lamb is above them all, and the wrath of the Lamb is kindled; therefore the beast rages, who makes war against the Lamb. And where judgment is come through into victory, he may judge; and the hidden things of darkness are brought to light, and the counsel of the heart made manifest; and the Lord is come, and the spiritual man judgeth all things.' But he shows that the counsel of his heart is not made manifest, nor his hidden things of darkness brought to light, and the Lord is not come to him, and so cannot judge. And George Willington hath judged before his time, with which he is charging others, therefore his words shall be his burthen.

P. And his principle is, that he is justified by faith alone without good works,' &c. See page 10.

A. What! without the faith that works by love? Hast thou concluded those works to be the works of Popery, which are the works of faith that works by love, that gives the victory? How dost thou gad now? whither art thou gadding now? Know, faith that works by love is owned, and he that believes has ceased from his works, as God did from his, and hath entered into his rest. And faith gives victory over all the Popish murdering spirits, and thine also, and your works; which gives to have access to God, and the works of such are wrought

in him.

P. He saith, Whilst the upstart sect of Quakers look after the light within, we have a more sure word of prophecy,' &c. and so would make the sure word of prophecy not the light within. See page 12.

A. His spirit he hath made manifest, where it is, amongst them that are gone from the apostles, who stand against the light within. For they that draw from the anointing within are the seducers, and they went forth from the apostles that went from the anointing within. Art not thou and you and the world all gadded from the anointing within you, and so seducing one another? Therefore have you so many heaps

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