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sight of men only; and saith, 'Works will not justify in the sight of God.' And he saith, that works are only to justify so far as to show their faith to be true before men.'

A. Abraham was not justified to men only by his obedience, but to God, and where there is faith there is justification, which faith works by love. And the saints' faith and works were not only to justify them in the sight of men, for the work of God is to do what he saith, and his will; which they who do not are not justified, but to be beaten with stripes. And they who seek to be justified by their faith and works in the sight of men, are dead, faith and works both.

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P. He saith, They are no christians that do not hold Christ absent from his church; but antichrists.'

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A. Which is contrary to the scriptures, which say, they are flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone,' and they are as nigh together as husband and wife. And thus he is ignorant of the great mystery, Christ and the church, which Christ is the head of.

P. He saith, that the light wherewith Christ (as he is God) hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, is not the spirit of Christ,' page 19.

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A. And so makes that which comes from God and Christ, not spirit, (as he is God,) and thus the man is beating the air. He saith, Christ was God that lighteth every man,' &c. And yet (saith he) not with the spirit!' How then come men to be condemned for not believing it? So thou hast reproved thyself, and art blind, and fallen into the ditch. P. And again thou sayst, Though Christ, as he is God, doth give every man a light, (which is conscience,) otherwise called nature!' A. And so thou hast given those new names to the light of Christ, contrary to the apostles, as thou mayst read, John i. 2. John doth not tell us, that it is conscience or natural light, as thou dost; and the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withal, was before all things, and by it all things were made. So it was before any naturals were, and is that which gives all men the wisdom of God to order the naturals; so by the scriptures thou art reproved.

P. And he saith, Christ will not give his spirit to the world.'

A. But Christ said, he would send his spirit to reprove the world, and that is sent to them; and that which doth reprove them is manifest to them in the world, to their own understanding, and in them, which spirit leads the saints into all truth. There is no man reproved, but it is within him, manifest to his understanding. And if he quench the spirit that reproveth him, he is not lead by it, and that is the condemnation of the world, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness,' &c. And this thou calls not spirit. Now this is the condemnation of them whose consciences are seared, and of them who

have the created and natural lights, the sun, the moon, and stars; which light was before they were.

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P. And thou sayst, The scripture plainly denies that conscience can justify, though it may condemn.' See page 23.

A. Which is contrary to plain scripture, where the apostle saith, Rom. ii. 15. Their consciences either accusing or excusing.' And again saith he, Herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence towards God and towards men.' And the light condemns, which you call conscience.

P. He saith, that the gospel is called the ministration of life, but not of condemnation." Same page.

A. But they are condemned that obey not the gospel of Christ. And the scripture speaks of a savour of death unto death, and a savour of life unto life, and the gospel is so, the power of God.

P. He denies that Paul bid the saints listen within,' &c. See page 25.

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A. Whereas Paul said, that the light shined in their hearts, to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.' And it was the treasure in the earthen vessel;' and Christ was within them.' And 'the ingrafted word,' was able to save their souls: and the hidden man of the heart.' And he had 'revealed his son in them,' and many other scriptures. And he saith, he served the law of God with his mind.' And yet thou sayst, He did not bid any listen within.' And he said, 'the word was in their hearts to obey it, and in their mouths' and can they obey that, and not listen within,' and do that, and not have their minds staid upon the Lord?

P. He saith, The light doth not shine in the consciences of them that he lost.' See page 26.

A. But John saith, the light shines in darkness, but darkness cannot comprehend it, and there is that of God in the children of disobedience, and reprobates, as in Rom. i. and ii. chap.

P. And he denies that every man hath the light.'

A. Contrary to John, who saith, That is the true light which enlighteneth every man that comes into the world.' John 1.

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P. He saith, It is a counterfeiting of the new birth, for men to follow the light wherewith men coming into the world are enlightened,’ &c.

A. None come to the new birth, but they who come to the light which every man that comes into the world is lighted withal; which believing in, they are children of the light. Believing and receiving it, they receive power to become the sons of God.

P. He saith, To say that Christ is risen within, there is no scripture to prove it.' See page 28.

A. Doth not the apostle say, 'Christ formed in you?' And 'Christ in you the hope of glory?' which hope purifies as God is pure. And Christ being within, doth he not arise there before all waves be still? and shall he not arise with healing under his wings? How ignorant of the letter are the priests grown, and much more of the mystery? Gal. iv. and Malachi.

P. And whereas thou sayst, thou art confident, that while some would persuade others that they have no sin, their consciences will tell them they lie.' See page 41.

A. The apostle told the Romans that they were made free from sin; and the Romans did not tell the apostle, that their consciences told them he lied, as thou sayst.

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P. He saith, The body of Christ is out of the sight of all his saints,' &c. See page 47.

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A. The apostle saith, they sat with Christ in heavenly places:' and the saints are flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone,' and the church which he is head of, is his body. And every one that eats his flesh, knows his body given for the life of the world; and the body of Christ is not out of the sight of the saints that are in the church. Therefore you ministers and teachers, that say Christ's body is out of your sight, are not saints; neither are you of his church, which is his body; neither have you eaten his flesh, nor known that which is given for the life of the world, but are out of the sight of the church which is his body. P. And thou sayst, 'They shall have a greater judgment without them, than they shall have within them,' &c. See page 48.

A. The scripture saith, 'If ye judge yourselves, ye shall not be judged of the Lord.'

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P. And that place in Jude he brings, to prove that all men have not the spirit,' &c. See page 49. Where he saith, They walk after their own ungodly lusts; these be they who separate themselves, being sensual, and have not the spirit, who went in Balaam's way.'

A. Jude shows that they went forth from the spirit, and turned the grace of God into wantonness. And this doth not make for thee or to thy purpose, but rather against thee; and the same spirit that reproves the world leads the saints into all truth.

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P. He saith, that God did not give the law that people should live in it, &c. See page 49.

A. And the scripture saith, that they that did the law had life, and were justified by it: for 'Do this and live,' saith God to Moses; and therefore thou wouldst make God a liar, who cannot lie; who sayst, that God did not give forth his law that men should have life. Are not the curse and the death in the transgression of it? Christ is the end of the righteous law, who is the light that doth enlighten every man

that cometh into the world,' which believing in, he comes to be a child of light: which light thou blasphemously calls conscience, or natural, which light is Christ, the foundation of God, which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, that with the light they might see Christ who hath enlightened them, the foundation of God, from whom light comes. And the apostle saith, the law is spiritual, and just, and good;' and so thou art carnal, not yet come to the law which is spiritual.

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P. He saith, He that will but observe the motions of that light which every man hath within him, (say they,) so as to obey and close in with it, to follow it, shall undoubtedly save himself from the wrath to come: now this is clearly a great error,' thou say st. See page 50.

A. Contrary to John's doctrine, and Christ's, who saith, The light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, is the true light, that men through the light might believe.' Therefore they are enlightened; and he that believes in the light shall not abide in darkness, nor in error, nor in condemnation, but shall have the light of life. Saith Christ, I am the light of the world;' and he saith moreover, 'Believe in the light, before they be children; ' Believe in the light, that ye may be children of the light.' So every man is enlightened with a light before they are children, with the true light. He that believes in the light is a child of the light: he that doth not believe in the light, the light condemns him.

P. And whereas thou sayst, The law gives not life, nor justifies." See page 50.

A. It is false, thou art mistaken in the scriptures, and rebuked by them. The law gives life to him that obeys it, and lives in it and he that doth it lives, and is justified; the doer of the law is justified, and not the hearer only; and the law is righteous, and just, and good. But Christ Jesus, the law and the spirit of life, which is the end of God's righteous law, is the justification to life; God's righteousness, who is the end of the other law. And the apostle Paul saith, The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, hath made me free from the law of sin and death.'

P. And thou wouldst make it an error to say, 'the saints are saviours of the world.' See page 50.

A. The apostle said, when he wrote to the saints, he should save himself and others, and this was by the power of Christ. And Jude saith 'others saving with fear,' but hating the garments spotted with the flesh.' Now thou art a deceiver, and not a saviour both of thyself and others, and ignorant of the power and the spirit.

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P. He saith, there is no such scripture as faith, the light within. the conscience.' See page 52.

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A. Contrary to the apostle, who saith, the light shines in their hearts, and is not there the conscience? 2 Cor. iv. And Christ saith, They will not come to the light, lest their deeds should be by it manifested, and they by it be reproved, and this is not conscience, nor nature. And the apostle Paul saith, 'Our rejoicing is the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but in the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world.'

P. The new covenant which God promised to write in their hearts,' he calls the law by nature.' See page 52.

A. And thus he is stumbling at the corner stone, and errs in his judgment; for that which orders nature is above nature, and all naturalists, and transgressors call it natural.

Doctor Glisson's paper concerning James Parnel's death in prison, the lies that are in which are not worth mentioning, but will fall upon themselves; but here is one of their lying slanders taken off. They who strike at the rock, split themselves; and the blood of that innocent, lies upon their heads.

P. In the preface he saith, that the most knowing part of these Quakers have received their principles from Rome,' &c.

A. It is false, for the instructions which they have received are from Christ, who was 'glorified with the Father before the world began,' and before Rome was, or revilers either, which makes the world to rage. The corner stone, the light, which lightens every man that comes into the world,' and was before it was; which makes the beast, and the false prophet, and the pope, and you to arm yourselves against the lamb and his light, which he doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world withal. And the priests' instructions have been from Rome, to set up their schools to make ministers, and temples east and west, with a cross at the end of them; and the tenth, which they imprison men to death for, and their preaching by the hour glass, and naming their colleges and mass houses by the saints' names: your instructions have been from Rome to do these things; but the Lamb shall have the victory. Glory to the Lord in the highest for ever.

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