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fanes no day, is in his rest, and will give rest to his creatures, will not oppress any thing at all, and comes into the wisdom of God by which they were created, to order and use them to God's glory.

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And whereas thou sayst, that Adam being in honour, did not abide a night,' and brings Psalms for it, which doth not mention Adam, nor night nor day; and as I said before, thou who art in the shadow, art intruding into the things thou never saw; for thou never saw where Adam was before he fell, and therefore art corrected and judged.

P. And thou say st and confessest, The Jews' sabbath was given to the Jews for a sign.'

A. The apostle will tell thee that the body is Christ: if the sabbath be a sign to the children of Israel, it was a sign of something to them; for the other signs given were signs of something, and so something those signs did signify, which thing did end them. Sabbath signifyeth rest; for the earth shall enjoy her sabbaths.

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P. And thou sayst, that the inventions of men's hearts have blotted out the remembrance of the sabbath day, they first cast it out of paradise, and shut it out till Moses' time.' And thou sayst, the sabbath was not all a type, or ceremonial.'

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A. What is a shadow is a type, and a shadow and type are ceremonial; when the substance comes it ends, and in him is no shadow, as in James the first; who is the body, before the days were. And thou never read that the sabbath was spoken of from paradise until Moses, and then it was given unto him for a sign through the generations of the congregations of the children of Israel, not to gather meat, make a fire, nor bear burthens: so they who come to Christ, the body, the end of signs, the rest, who was before days were, bear no burthens, gather not their meat, make not a fire.

P. Thou sayst, It is an absurd conclusion, that we must offer sacrifices if we will keep a sabbath.'

A. Thou shalt offer sacrifices made by fire, of a sweet sacrifice unto the Lord, on a sabbath day.' Numb. xxviii. Now offerings were a shadow of Christ, the offering, and the sabbath was a shadow, and so if ye will observe one, ye must observe the other, and so deny the body, the substance Christ, the one offering, and so that is ceremonial.

And thou sayst, the law justified the disciples for plucking the ears of corn upon the sabbath day, and bringest Deut. xxxiii. which speaks nothing to the thing, and doth not mention the sabbath day: and so Christ the end of the law, who comes to fulfil it, is the Lord of the sabbath. And the disciples who followed him, in whom they had rest, saw over the day and the shadow, to Christ the substance, who forbade them. not gathering meat on that day, the sabbath, the shadow, that was the law; but Christ the end of the law and shadows, the substance, the dis

ciples that were in him, plucked the ears of corn on that day. And so Christ did not break the sabbath, but came to fulfil the shadow, and was the substance, who was the end of it, the lord of it, and therefore might do what he would, being the Lord of the sabbath; what had any to do to question him?

P. And whereas thou sayst, The cripple carried his bed on the sabbath day, which the hypocrites speak against our saviour for."

A. The law says, 'Thou shalt not bear a burthen on the sabbath day.' Now Christ the end of the law, and the end of the shadow, that fulfils it, and is rest, often gives rest upon that day: yet he is not a breaker of the sabbath, but a fulfiller, and convinces the gainsayers, with this: Which of you having an ox or ass fallen into a ditch, would not pluck him out on that day.' And the circumcision was to be on the eighth day, on which Christ rose, and on which the saints met in the circumcision of the spirit, in the spirit which circumcises, which puts off the body of sin, which hath laden them; in which spirit they have rest and are led withal up to God the father of spirits, and so come to know the first day, and him who was before it was made.

P. And thou sayst, and bringest the apostle's words, 'one man esteeming one day above another, and another esteeming every day alike.'

A. Now the apostle here did not lay any burthen upon the saints, or tell the saints of the sabbath day, nor burthen them concerning it; that if they did not keep it, they should die, as the law says, but that every man be fully persuaded in his own mind, and not to judge one another in such cases, but that every man stand or fall to his own master. Now these words were spoken among saints by the apostle, who was leading from meats and drinks, and days, to the truth, to the body Christ; and so he judged that judgment that was judging one another about the days, but brought every one to the truth in his own particular, wherewith he should stand or fall to his own master. For until they come to see clearly about shadows and signs, there is the weakness of the meats, of the days, before they come to see him who was before the days were, the Lord of the sabbath, and the everlasting offering, where ends the judgment, in whom they have peace.

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P. Thou sayst the apostle says, ye observe meats, and drinks, and days, and months, and years.' And thou sayst, will any be so bold as to say he doth reproach the sabbath?'

A. The apostle does not tell the Galatians who were running into circumcision and days, that they were to keep the outward sabbath; for circumcision was an everlasting covenant, as well as the sabbath, to the Jews, throughout all their generations: so they that draw people to circumcision without, and to days, draw them from the body, (mark his

judgment!) and the apostle was not a reproacher, and was out of the nature of a reproacher.

P. Thou sayst, 'Let no man judge you in meats and drinks, and in respect of any feast, new moons or sabbaths, which are shadows of things to come, but the body is Christ; but in this bold absurdity some will cast off the sabbath, the seventh day.'

A. The apostle says, 'the body was Christ,' and the sabbath was a sign and a shadow of good things to come: so then this fulfils Moses' words. The body is Christ, the sabbath is a sign: so the good things being come, Christ, the substance, ends the shadow, the sign; and Christ rose on the first day, on which the saints met, and the apostle doth not call that a sabbath, nor doth establish the other sabbath among the christians, nor bid them keep it, that ye read of any where. For if that day had been observed as it was in the law time, the seventh, which signifies perfection, the apostle would have spoken of it somewhere; for those things that were observable were often spoken of in law and gospel, but this is no where spoken of, nor to the saints that they should keep the seventh day as a sabbath, for offerings were on that day. But the offerings being changed, the law also changed, and the offering, Christ Jesus, being come, the law came to be within, and the circumcision within: and Christ the rest is the Lord of the sabbath, and the rest for the people of God. And he that holds up sabbaths and offerings, holds up circumcision and works, and so keeps people from the body and the head, in the signs and shadows, and so in the works of the law, which the law commands.

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P. And thou sayst, Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy works of sin, but the sabbath day thou shalt not sin, thou nor thy son, thy daughter, thy cattle, and stranger within thy gates.'

To keep thy son, daughter, and stranger from sin; as for the poor cattle they are nor capable of such a rest.'

A. In the six days thou wast to do that which was just, that which the law commanded, which was justice, and to do to all men as thou wouldst be done to. Not to covet, steal, bear false witness, nor kill; the seventh day was the rest, that signified Christ Jesus, the end of the law, the rest. If any man can receive this, let him.

And the sabbath day, that all servants, strangers, cattle, son and daughter might rest upon the seventh day, the sign, the shadow, which Christ the body ends, was a figure, a sign, and a shadow of the restoration of the creation to the rest, whereby the gospel might again be preached to every creature under heaven. This is a touch of the thing, more might be said of it.

The sabbath was everlasting to the state wherein it was, and circumcision was everlasting to the state wherein it was, through their gene

rations, and it was in the first covenant of shadows, types, and figures; but the body is Christ, that came to do the will of God, which ends them all, and sanctifies man, and brings him to rest and peace with God, before days were.

P. And thou sayst, J. E. was instructed in the Old Testament, which is able to make wise unto salvation through faith; therefore be instant in season and out of season. Now the only moral season the scriptures enjoin us is the Seventh-day sabbath, never changed till the little horn arose. And the holy spirit in the apostles highly approves us in our fulfilling the royal law, which, as to the season of worship, is none other than the Seventh-day sabbath.'

A. They who are made able and wise to salvation, know the scriptures through the faith, they see the substance of them, Christ Jesus; and they see while Moses was read, the veil was upon their hearts; for the sabbath was a sign and type, and so was circumcision, and this was in Moses, and this was the sign read, the shadow was read, the type was read, and the figure read, the veil being over the heart. Now as the seed, Christ, the body, comes to be known, the sign, the shadow, the type is ended, the body is known that doth the will of God, that brings people to the rest. So they who know the scripture that is able to make wise unto salvation,' (mark that word,) through the faith that is in Christ Jesus, have salvation, which are able to make wise unto salvation that testifies of it; and so Christ, the seed, the body, that ends the types, figures, and shadows, takes off the veil from men's hearts. And such as come to know the fulfilling of the royal law according to scriptures, come to the body, Christ, in which the law ends to every one that believes; and so they that are in days and sabbaths which Moses says were a sign, and which Ezekiel and the apostle said were a shadow, are not yet come to the body which is Christ, who was before any days were, who is the sanctification and rest of his people, and who are in him that is the truth, worship God in the truth and in the spirit, which never change. But shadows and signs of a thing are not the things signified; for signs and shadows will change, but the spirit and truth do not change, in that is God worshipped.

P. And thou sayst, 'It cannot be that horn, except he change your times also, and that he had no time to change but the Seventh-day sabbath, and the sabbath is perpetual, a rule of righteousness."

A. Christ made all things new; he ends the law, and brings it in the heart; he ends the covenant, and changes things that were in the old time, changing circumcision, offerings, priests, and ends the sabbath, which was perpetual to the Jews in that generation, among the types, as the covenant was, and circumcision, and the law was a rule of righteousness for them; but Christ, who is the end of the law, comes to re

deem them that are under the law, and ends their covenant, and ends their shadows, and changes those times; he by whom time was made. And so thou that knowest not the time in his hands, showest thou art not in the time that is in his hands, and so not of the body, of Christ. P. And whereas thou sayst, No other time but simply the seventh part, must, from week to week, be devoted to God's worship; for whensoever the seventh part of time is altered, the morality must be destroyed.'

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A. They worshipped God, that said the body was Christ, and the sabbath day was a shadow of good things to come; and so they that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth, and in that which doth end all figures, and shadows, and signs, in the spirit and truth before they were, and not one day in seven, a signification of rest, of sanctification, the Lord's sign which he gave to the people in transgression. Before transgression, ye do not read it was given to men as a command to the first Adam, but of the earth, earthly; but who comes to the second Adam, the Lord from heaven, he by whom the world was made, comes into that that ends all types, figures, and shadows, and so doth destroy nothing of the law, but comes to that which ends it.

P. And thou sayst, 'It is a great stumbling block as to believers in Christ, because christians violated the sabbath.'

A. Christ is the body, that ends the shadows and the signs, and fulfils the law; he who was before the world was made, in him are the christians, the body that ends the shadows and the signs, in whom the veil is come off their hearts; and so Christ did not break the law, but fulfilled it, and in him that fulfils it, the saints met, who met together in him, and gather together in him, who is the body; they are the members, he is the head, who are the church, whom he is in the midst of.

P. And thou sayst, So that to produce the world of wonder, manifest it is that night was the beginning of time.'

A. That is false; the beginning of time was God and Christ, and times and seasons are in his hands, and God is light; read that who can. P. And thou sayst, Thou supposest it will not be questioned in Moses' time.'

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A. This was while Moses was read, while the body was not come, Christ Jesus, that ends the sign, the shadow, the type, and blots out the ordinances and commandments that held them up, from which veil the apostle brought the people, to the body, Christ Jesus, where no shadow was, nor changing. Now days are changing, but Christ doth not change who is the body. And you that hold up the sign, the shadow, the type, the figure, you hold up the dead, and come not to Christ the life,

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