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and windy doctrine, never makes them able to come to the knowledge of the truth; which truth is the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world.' Are not ye 'fierce despisers of them that are good?' Hath not all the blood of the martyrs and saints, which hath been shed since the days of the apostles, been by the stock that you are in, who are the false spirits, erred from the true spirit that the prophets and apostles were in, and gone out into the world from them? And ye confess ye have not the same infallible spirit that the prophets, Christ, and the apostles had: this Eaton the pastor admits. But neither the Indians nor Turks will deny the light, that convinceth them of sin; for to the Turks and Indians was the covenant promised, as well as to the Jews, for they are heathen. And thus your ignorance appears, both of the scriptures of truth and ministers of God, and with them you are judged.

P. Priest Coale saith, 'The light which he is justified by is a created light,' page 56.

A. Neither the scriptures of truth which the saints declared, nor Christ, ever held forth a created light as justifying; for the saints are justified by Christ the light, by whom all things were created. That light was not created, that was the saints' justification.

P. He saith, Who are washed from their sins by the blood of Christ, and made priests unto God; and in this sense, if they themselves do not once become priests, they will become companions of devils for ever.' See page 56.

A. They that become priests to God, and are washed by the blood of Jesus Christ, are come out of the devil's power and overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and own the light to be their justification, which thou denies.

P. He tells us of Paul's mediate call, and that his extraordinary call of itself had not been sufficient."

A. The scripture tells us no such thing as Paul's mediate call; and Paul declares himself a minister not of man, nor by man, but by the will of God,' and that was sufficient; which call you are out of since his days, who are called by men.

P. He saith, 'Christ doth not forbid simply to be called of men master,' &c. page 62.

A. It was Christ's command plainly to his disciples, Be not ye of men called master, for ye have one master, even Christ.' And thus thou stands against Christ's doctrine and commands, and so art a transgressor, and an antichrist.


P. He saith, Christ's human nature,' &c.

A. Where doth the scripture speak' of human? where is the word human written? tell us that we may search for it. Now, we do not deny that Christ, according to the flesh, was of Abraham, but deny the

word human. Christ's nature is not human, which is earthly, for that is the first Adam.

P. Priest Coale saith, his justification is not done within him, but without him in the court of heaven.'

A. Reprobates may talk of justification. Did not Christ work justification without them upon the earth for mankind, and brought righteousness? And where Christ is made manifest within, is not their justification wrought there from heaven, within? Where faith is witnessed within, doth not that justify? And none know justification in truth, but where it is wrought within. See pages 77, 78.

P. Again priest Coale saith, the life that he lives is a created life.' A. So thou hast showed thyself a natural, not a spiritual man, nor a son of God led by the spirit of God, nor in the faith; and dost not live by faith, nor in the spirit, so hast manifested vain glory.

P. He calls trembling and quaking the shaking of the soul.'

A. The power of the Lord God cometh to shake down that nature which prisons the soul, and set it free. And as for all thy other complaints, revilings, railings, and lies, they will turn upon thyself, and will be hard for thee to bear: and thou shalt cry out with Cain, when thou feelest the burthen; who are out of Christ's steps, who is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.' As in the day of thy judgment thou shalt witness, and the witness in thy conscience shall answer.


Francis Fullwood's book, called, A True Relation of a Dispute. His principles follow.

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P. HE saith, The scriptures are able to make wise unto salvation.' Again, the son in whom eternal life is, is only found in scripture, and they are they that testify of him, and therefore eternal life is found in scripture.'

A. Many had the scriptures, but stood against the son of God. Scriptures signify writings. The son of God is not writings. And many may have the scriptures, and not have the son of God, and so not eternal life. For the devil hath scripture, but hath not eternal life; 'For he that envyeth his brother, hath not eternal life abiding in him.' So who have eternal life, they have that which the scripture speaks of, it testifies of Christ the life, of the spirit; they are the words given forth by the spirit of God, and so are to be fulfilled by the same spirit again. And the scriptures are able to make wise unto salvation

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through faith in Christ Jesus." For they were not wise unto salvation, who had the scripture without the faith.

P. He saith, We attain our gospel another way than Paul did.' And it is blasphemy to tell us that what ye deliver is by revelation from heaven,' &c.

A. You, who are apostates from the apostles, have received your gospel another way than Paul did, I do believe. And is it not blasphemy for you to speak and preach that which ye have not received from heaven? and so you have brought yourselves under the curse, and showed yourselves ministers of another gospel. For whosoever receiveth the gospel, which is called the power of God,' it is immediate, and by immediate revelation from God. And so your gospel which is of men and after men, is another, not the power of God received from God; for whosoever receiveth the gospel, the power of God, must receive it immediately, for the power of God is immediate; and that is the glad tidings to poor souls, that sets the soul free.

P. He saith, 'We claim tithes not by the law of God, but by the law of the land, and tithes seem to be Christ's wages, and Melchisedeck still liveth to receive tithes in Christ,' &c.

A. Christ is come, and the everlasting priesthood; he ends the commandment that gave tithes, and the priests that took them; they end in him who is after the order of Melchisedeck that received tithes of Abraham, of whom Christ came according to the flesh. And Christ doth not any where give his disciples an order to set up another law in the nations, to give them tithes, the tithes of men's estates; so you are none of the order of Melchisedeck, but are of the order of them which Christ said should come, who are inwardly ravened, which John saw were come, and went forth from them, the false spirits that went forth into the world, into the earth; and so ye have set up tithes, temples, schools, and priests by the pope's authority. Had ye not your spiritual courts' not long since? And was not the pope the first author of your tithes? And are not you of that order, and far off from that spirit that leads after the order of Melchisedeck? For none come to the priesthood after the order of Melchisedeck, but who come to the spirit of Christ, and these are kings and priests to God for ever.' So ye have received your tithes after the order of that spirit that went forth from the apostles into the world, into the earth, that has had the sheep's clothing, but ravened and devoured the lambs, and worried the sheep, the ministers, prophets, and saints. So all that are of the royal priesthood, after the order of Melchisedeck, will see your order to be come of the pope's stock; for the apostles and Christ did not set up tithes.

P. He saith, Baptism comes in, in the room of circumcision, and it VOL. III.


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is called the circumcision of Christ.' Again he saith, that thee and thou is a custom. So if any man be contentious, we have no such custom in the church of God.'

A. Circumcision is no where said to be a type of sprinkling infants; and sprinkling infants is no where said to be the circumcision of Christ. But the circumcision without, was a type of the circumcision within; and that the apostle witnessed the fulfilling of in the spirit, and so denies the outward. And the baptism of John was a type of that within. And you' to a particular, is your custom, and the scripture doth not declare to us, that that custom was in the church of God. But the apostle bid them keep to the form of sound words, that could not be condemned.' Now you' to a particular is not a sound word, as they can tell that have read but the bible or accidence. And no heathenish customs come into the church of God, that will spot or wrinkle it, nor does any thing come into it (that is the pillar and ground of truth) that will be condemned.

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P. And he tells us of a word trinity: and saith, The only ordinary way to know Jesus Christ, is outward revelation; and to attain to the knowledge of Christ is, by the scriptures; and that he may be a minister of Christ, though he be partly out of Christ's doctrine, and though he be called of men master.' He saith, The scripture tells us plainly, that baptism is a christian's circumcision,' Again, He that saith, that light which is in every man is sufficient to discover and lead men to Christ, is under the darkness of his own fancy, having so far left the true light, the word of God.'

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A. The light in every man, which Christ hath enlightened him. withal, loving it and walking in it, is sufficient to discover Christ and salvation; and they that are out of that, are in the darkness and fancy. And as for the word trinity, that comes from the old stock, the pope; the scripture teacheth us no such word. And none can know Christ by the scriptures; they testify of him, but none can know Christ but by revelation. Flesh and blood had not revealed it to Peter: and the son was revealed in the apostle. And none that deny revelation can preach Christ in truth; and they that are ministers of Christ, are in his doctrine. For when they are out of his doctrine and his commands, then they are wrong ministers; for they minister not for Christ, but preach themselves, and are antichrists and transgressors. And the scripture no where says, that' baptism is a christian's circumcision,' as sprinkling infants; but circumcision in the spirit, and baptism in the spirit are all one, in which the outward ends.

And as for all thy other silly expressions published to the nation, it had been better thou hadst kept silent, and all of you, than to have published your shame to the nation. But your folly you must bring forth,

to make it manifest to all men, whose eyes are opening. Are not you in the devil's snare, who are out of the discerning? For you cannot tell what to bring people into. Alack for you! who are hung about with rags, and are not covered with the spirit of the Lord, but are all from that which we are in, and so have kept people in darkness, and not turned them to the light, being all ravened from it, and so think there is life in the scriptures, which testify of the life! So, I say, search them, and see if they do not testify of the life. And all your words that ye have spoken that have not been from the life, shall be your burthen; the witness in thee shall answer it.

Thomas Weld, Richard Prideaux, Samuel Hammond, William Coale, and William Durant, ministers in Newcastle. Their book, called The Perfect Pharisee.' Their principles follow.

P. THEY say, if they shall say that every man hath the knowledge of Christ by special revelation, and that immediate by the spirit, they say that which is quite contrary to the common knowledge of thousands.'

A. All that ever come to know Christ, (you and all the people upon the earth,) it must be by revelation; for no man knows Christ but by revelation. And all that ever own Christ, they must own the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world' to be the covenant of God; which light men are to believe in; which not believing in, they are reprobated. And I do believe you, that neither you nor thousands and thousands who have had the sheep's clothing upon their backs, and so have covered the wolf with it, ever knew the revelation of the son of God;' and as none know the son of God until he be revealed, so they have not the knowledge of him. The scriptures testify of him, but they that had the scriptures knew him not, only those who were in the light, and in the covenant. So ye have all discovered yourselves to be in the apostacy from the apostles' spirit; and all to be the false spirits gone out into the world, for means, for maintenance, and are all puffed up in your pride. And that makes all your doctrine to be so dry and so barren, there being no revelation among you, nor any immediate speaking from God and Christ, but feeding people with the husk, with the outside. You have here proved yourselves to be but the wolf in the sheep's clothing, inwardly ravened from the spirit: (but with it ye are comprehended:) if it had not been so, you would never have published your folly to the nation. But the spirit of love,

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