UPON THE FOUR GOSPELS; SHEWING THEIR DEFECTS, AND HOW FAR THOSE DEFECTS, TOGETHER WITH THEREBY EVINCING THE NECESSITY OF REVISING THE BY A FRIEND TO TRUTH. WHEREVER THE RELIGION OF ANY STATE FALLS INTO DISREGARD AND CONTEMPT, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR MACHIAVEL. GENEVA: PRINTED FOR J. B. LETELLIER; IT MAY ALSO BE HAD OF THE BOOKSELLERS IN BERN, PARIS, LYONS, AMSTERDAM, AND LONDON MDCCLXXXIX. [Price Twenty-eight Florins, or Half-a-Guinea English.] PREFACE. 1 THE Author of these sheets had, like many others, lived near fifty years in the world without examining the religion he professed. He perfectly understood (though perhaps he imperfectly practised) his duty both to God and his neighbour: and this knowledge he thought fufficient for the government of his moral conduct through life; near thirty years of which were so totally employed in an extensive line of business, that he had no time for an examination of the Scriptures in compliance with St. Paul's direction, and, in course, could give no satisfactory account of the faith that was in him; or rather of the Proteftant Faith which he publickly professed; because educated therein. In the prayers and ceremonies of the church, he is forry to say, his voice was not in all things accompanied by his understanding, or, which is worse, his approbation; and he could not avoid condemning himself for a duplicity, senseless if not criminal. He however carefully avoided a participation in the Athanafian Creed, the Commination, and Communion services; nor could worldly confiderations, aided by the example of his friends, tempt him to the latter. Retirement from the busy scenes of life determined and enabled him to investigate this interesting, necessary, and important business which had long dwelt on his mind. Original fin, redemption, regeneration, predestination, |