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derstanding, it is having in the foresight of e spirit, experience in profounder laws.

The whole character and fortune of the indi lual are affected by the least inequalities in e culture of the understanding; for example, the perception of differences. Therefore is ace, and therefore Time, that man may ow that things are not huddled and lumped, tsundered and individual. A bell and a ugh have each their use, and neither can do > office of the other. Water is good to drink, al to burn, wool to wear; but wool cannot be ink, nor water spun, nor coal eaten. The wise an shows his wisdom in separation, in gradan, and his scale of creatures and of merits is wide as nature. The foolish have no range their scale, but suppose every man is as every er man. What is not good they call the worst, what is not hateful, they call the best. In like manner, what good heed nature forms us! She pardons no mistakes. Her yea is , and her nay, nay.

The first steps in Agriculture, Astronomy, logy, (those first steps which the farmer, the nter, and the sailor take,) teach that nature's e are always loaded; that in her heaps and bish are concealed sure and useful results.

one after another the laws of physics noble emotions dilate the mortal as 1 into the counsels of the creation, and knowledge the privilege to BE! His in fines him. The beauty of nature shin own breast. Man is greater than he can and the universe less, because Time an relations vanish as laws are known.

Here again we are impressed and even by the immense Universe to be explored. we know, is a point to what we do no Open any recent journal of science, an the problems suggested concerning Ligh Electricity, Magnetism, Physiology, ( and judge whether the interest of nat ence is likely to be soon exhausted.

Passing by many particulars of the d of nature, we must not omit to specify t

The exercise of the Will or the le power is taught in every event. F child's successive possession of his severa up to the hour when he saith, "Thy done!" he is learning the secret, that reduce under his will, not only particular but great classes, nay the whole series of and so conform all facts to his character. is thoroughly mediate. It is made to se

ceives the dominion of man as meekly as the s on which the Saviour rode. It offers all its ngdoms to man as the raw material which he

ay mould into what is eary of working it up.

useful. Man is never He forges the subtile and delicate air into wise and melodious words, d gives them wing as angels of persuasion and mmand. One after another, his victorious ought comes up with and reduces all things, til the world becomes, at last, only a realized ill, the double of the man.

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2. Sensible objects conform to the premonions of Reason and reflect the conscience. All ings are moral; and in their boundless changes ave an unceasing reference to spiritual nature. herefore is nature glorious with form, color, nd motion, that every globe in the remotest eaven; every chemical change from the rudest ystal up to the laws of life; every change of egetation from the first principle of growth in e eye of a leaf, to the tropical forest and anteluvian coal-mine; every animal function from e sponge up to Hercules, shall hint or thunder man the laws of right and wrong, and echo e Ten Commandments. Therefore is nature ver the ally of Religion: lends all her pomp nd riches to the religious sentiment. Prophet nd priest, David, Isaiah, Jesus, have drawn



















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so penetrates the bone and marrow of
to seem the end for which it was made
ever private purpose is answered by an
or part, this is its public and universal
and is never omitted. Nothing in nat
hausted in its first use. When a thing
an end to the uttermost, it is wholly n
ulterior service. In God, every end is
into a new means.
Thus the use of co

regarded by itself, is mean and squali
is to the mind an education in the do
Use, namely, that a thing is good only
it serves; that a conspiring of parts a
to the production of an end, is essenti
being. The first and gross manifestati
truth, is our inevitable and hated tr
values and wants, in corn and meat.

It has already been illustrated, that ural process is a version of a moral The moral law lies at the centre of n radiates to the circumference. It is th marrow of every substance, every rela every process. All things with which preach to us. What is a farm but a The chaff and the wheat, w


plants, blight, rain, insects, sun, — it i emblem from the first furrow of spri

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the fields. But the sailor, the shepherd, the iner, the merchant, in their several resorts, ave each an experience precisely parallel, and ading to the same conclusion: because all ganizations are radically alike. Nor can it be oubted that this moral sentiment which thus cents the air, grows in the grain, and impregates the waters of the world, is caught by an and sinks into his soul. The moral influnce of nature upon every individual is that mount of truth which it illustrates to him. Who can estimate this? Who can guess how uch firmness the sea-beaten rock has taught he fisherman? how much tranquillity has been eflected to man from the azure sky, over whose nspotted deeps the winds forevermore drive ocks of stormy clouds, and leave no wrinkle r stain? how much industry and providence nd affection we have caught from the pantoime of brutes? What a searching preacher of lf-command is the varying phenomenon of Health!

Herein is especially apprehended the unity of Nature, the unity in variety, — which meets s everywhere. All the endless variety of things make an identical impression. Xenophanes omplained in his old age, that, look where he

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