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by St. Paul. That the Pope should oppose and exalt himself above all laws, divine and human, sitting as God in the church of God, and shewing himself that he is God that his coming should be after the working of Satan, with all power and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness, is also foretold by the same Apostle.

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These prophecies are more largely developed in the Thirteenth Chapter of the Revelation: and it has been the object of the Author to explain this portion of Scripture, and to make it intelligible to all. He has generally followed the interpretation laid down by Bishop Newton, though on some points he has seen reasons for differing from that excellent and learned prelate. He agrees with Bishop Newton that the famous period of 1260 years is to be dated from the year 727, so that next year (1838) the Pope will have practised 1111 years. As this work has already exceeded the intended limits, the Author will add no more in this place, than an earnest prayer to Almighty God for a blessing upon this humble attempt to interpret his blessed word.

Riddings, near Alfreton,

Dec. 2, 1837.

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