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and tell the rest of your story? Mrs. Lovegood knows you are in good hands.

Loveg. Oh Sir, I begin exceedingly to want retirement, after so much fatigue of body and mind; especially as it is Saturday evening.

Wor. Well Sir, we would not press upon your spirits, or your time; we'll wait till Monday, when you always come to see us. I wish you would bring Mrs. Lovegood and the children oftener than you do.

Loveg. My good Mary is frequently obliged to act a Martha's part; and children are apt to be troublesome guests.

Wor. Perhaps Mr. Henry, after you have seen your Father, you may have something more to communicate respecting William Frolic; if so, we shall be glad to see you at the same time.

Hen. Somehow Sir, it seems quite impertinent in me, to come so often to your house; though you are so condescending to invite me.

Mrs. Wor. And Mr. Henry, let me also invite your wife to attend you: you have married into a very worthy family.

Hen. Indeed I have Madam, and have reason to thank God for it. Mr. and Mrs. Considerate are very excellent people.

Wor. Mr. Henry, as I like to have my friends about me, I beg that you will request them to be of the party.

Hen. Sir, as they generally come by our house, down the hill from Mapleton to Brookfield Church, 1 will tell them of your kind invitation. I dare say they will be very happy to accept it.

Mrs. Mer. Let me request also, that dear old Mr. Littleworth may be one of the party.-How my dear husband delighted to talk with him, and to talk about him!

Hen. Oh Madam, his want of education always keeps him back from such invitations.

Mrs. Wor. I beg you will bring him. We are

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charmed at the plain, unaffected simplicity of his manners it is quite a treat to us.


Hen. Madam, I will tell him of your kind invitation, but we cannot well be both absent from the farm at the same time, about this season of the year.

Loveg. Come Mr. Henry, we must be going, and as we walk together through the park, I am ready to attend you. [They all depart till Monday.]





THE HE writer of these dialogues, begs to apologise for his old and useful friend, Thomas Newman, who first introduced himself into his imagination; as it respects his fears, a little selfish I confess, lest Mr. Lovegood should be made the Archbishop of Canterbury.* His mind was perfectly correct; his ideas of the distribution of such high ecclesiastical preferments, were not only as honorable to the state, as they were respectful to the characters who should be promoted to receive them.

Who then can presume to cast a second smile on the simple supposition, as it originated with this honest peasant, that such a man as Mr. Lovegood should be thus preferred:-a Minister so truly pious and devoted to God; with so much judgment and wisdom; with so much purity and integrity; with so much simplicity and godly sincerity: so completely delivered from all the fleshly wisdom of the world; who could address a country congregation with such lovely familiarity, and yet with such solemn dignity, so as to make the wisest to wonder, and the most unlettered to understand; who could reason, alarm, allure, as the subject required in short, who had no fault but his overmodesty; while at the same time, he was possessed of every ability, capable of rendering him truly splen

* See Dialogue II.

did and great. At one time a Paul in argument; then an Apollos in eloquence; next a Peter in bold simplicity; and at other times, not less a John in childlike familiarity on the one hand, when the language of a Boanerges was necessary; such a son of thunder was he, that his auditory would stand trembling before him, struck with astonishment and holy awe; and when the balmy language of a Barnabas was required, he proved such a son of consolation also, as that no man living was better qualified to bind up the broken hearted, with so much tenderness and love.

Notwithstanding Thomas Newman's selfishness, who would not wish for at least episcopal honors, on behalf of such a man of God as this?-Happy therefore, shall I be, if this slight sketch of a character so great and good, might be the means of making known his excellent worth, so as that he may be called to fill the next vacant Bishopric, whether great or small; and long in that situation may he live, to lay his hallowed hands, on many wise heads, with upright hearts, who shall prove themselves "workmen that need not be ashamed," to the honor and credit of the established Church, and to the salvation of thousands, who love to worship within her sacred walls.

One circumstance I acknowledge, I fear may operate against such high preferment, being conferred on such a man, however eminent and good. It must be observed, that he rather made a breach in his accustomed ecclesiastical good manners, while by the imperious command of a hungry starving company of sinners, he was compelled to make use of an assemblyroom, when it was not in his power to procure a Church. What could he do, what must others of the regular Clergy do under the like devotedness of spirit, under the same fervent desire for the salvation of souls? Let charity under the like feelings plead their cause, before a contracted spirit, presumes to condemn.

Doubtless, the Rev. Mr. Bellweather will make known the crimes of this ecclesiastical delinquent, far

and wide; let envy, like the serpent, lick the file, as long as its envenomed tongue can last. Mr. Lovegood is still the same, while his very faults prove his fitness for the episcopal office. Give him but a Bishopric, and he can command all the Churches in his diocese at his will he wants but scope equal to his wisdom and zeal, and then he will ac regularly in course; and under such a call, at least as I conjecture, may we not ask the question, where shall we find the Bishop upon earth, however warmed by his indefatigable zeal, though like Bishop Jewel, who wished to die preaching; who shall outshine the character of Bishop Lovegood, in his unwearied labors for the salvation of souls? Oh that such heavenly-minded men, may never be wanted to fill that sacred office in our British Sion! then shall the Church be blessed indeed, while men, so truly great and good, shall be made the instruments of conferring the solemn character on others also, not less diligent and devoted than the renowned, though retired, vicar of Lower Brookfield himself.

Sorry am I, that my kind readers have now to be in the company of this excellent servant of God for the last time. That the lovely peasant, Thomas Newman, that the simple-hearted Farmer Littleworth, his truly converted son Henry, his worthy sister Nancy, Mrs. Traffic, and their family, the judicious Mr. Considerate, and his family, the plain and honest Mr. Steady

the truly catholic and mild-spirited dissenting minister, Mr. Peaceful, the deeply wounded, and contrite Mrs. Chipman, the serious and reflecting Mr. Reader, the most amiable and delightful Mr. and Mrs. Lovely, the pleasant and lively Mr. Merryman, and the very admirable and respectable family of the Worthys-sorry I am to say, that after this last dialogue, they are to appear no more. And let such

characters, held forth as a warning, which have been brought forward as a contrast to their excellent qualific tions, vanish from our imaginations without regret.

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