WHAT is implied in God's permitting sin?...Where-
in appears the Wisdom of God in permitting Joseph to
be sold-Israel to be oppressed-Pharaoh to harden his
heart-Israel to sin and fall in the wilderness?....
God's conduct in these instances, a clue to lead us into a
view of the reasons of his permitting the original apos-
tacy of finite intelligences; and teaches how to solve all
difficulties.....Did God foresee the fall of finite intelli-
gences ?....Could he have hindered it ?....Did he stand
by as an unconcerned spectator?...What was the original
state of man?.... How was it possible so holy a creature
should fall?....What induced him ?.... The good ends
God designed to be answered by it.... Humility, holiness,
and happiness increased, and God exalted.... The inhab-
itants of heaven receive great instructions from all God's
works here below.....What plan, of all possible plans,
ought to be esteemed the best ?.... Such is the present
plan....Objections answered..... Ramsay's scheme con-
futed.....A right idea of God, how obtained?.... It is
matter of great joy, the universe is under the govern
ment of infinite Wisdom.