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cherish the relic which reminds them of those hours of social conversation when subjects of literature were discussed; when they were illuminated by his scientific and enlightened mind, or exhilarated by his innocent and undissembled cheerfulness. The public, we trust, will receive the Work as the last performance of an Author whom they have long approved, of one whose life was uniformly devoted to their, and his own, best interests: those of science, and literature; of religion, and virtue.

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Works lately published by the same Author.

POPULAR LECTURES on EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ASTRONOMY, and CHEMISTRY, intended chiefly for the Use of Students and Young Persons. In two volumes 12mo. illustrated by thirty-five superior engravings. Price 13s. in boards, and 14s. bound and lettered.

A NEW CYCLOPEDIA; or, COMPENDIOUS DICTIONARY of ARTS and SCIENCES: including every Modern Discovery, and the Present State of every Branch of Human Knowledge; in a Series of One Hundred and Twenty Numbers, at One Shilling each, which will be published weekly till the Work is completed, or the First Part of a Series of Twelve Monthly Parts, at Ten Shillings each; or complete at once in two very large and closely printed volumes in 4to. illustrated with One Hundred and Fifty superior Engravings, price 61. 6s. in boards, or 61. 16s. 6d. bound. The following are the advantages which are promised to the purchasers of this work.

I. It exhibits a compendium of all human knowledge, more luminous because cleared of all extraneous matter, in which that has been preferred which is practical, to that which is speculative; and it is occupied chiefly by the most useful branches.

II. It is of a convenient and comparatively portable size, calculated to lie on the table of every studious person, as a book of constant reference. The retrenchment of many superfluous and useless articles, having caused a considerable reduction in size, without impairing the intrinsic value and general utility of the work.

III. It is printed so as to correspond with the quarto editions of Johnson's Dictionary; and the possessors of both works thus have, in a moderate compass, and at a moderate expence, all the compendious literary aid which can be desired in the form of a Dictionary.

IV. It is neatly printed in a new and elegant type, on superfine yellow wove paper. The copper-plates have been engraved chiefly from original drawings, by the first artists, and are equal to any plates ever given to the public in a work of this nature; and having been completed since every other, it demands a preference, as containing all the latest improve ments and discoveries in every branch of knowledge.

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