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the conclusion of the history of the Carthaginians, upon the intimate friendship of Polybius with this second son of Paulus Æmilius, who afterwards conquered Carthage and Numantia. That young Roman perceived the value of such a friend, and knew how to apply his lessons and advice to the best advantage. It is very probable, that Polybius composed the greatest part of his history, or at least collected his materials for it, at Rome.

When the Achæans arrived at Rome, the senate, without hearing or examining their cause, supposing, without any foundation, and contrary to the most known truth, that they had been tried and sentenced in the Assembly of the Achæans, banished them into different towns of Italy.. Polybius was excepted from that number.

The Achæans surprised and afflicted with the fate of their countrymen, sent deputies to Rome, to demand that the senate would vouchsafe to take cognizance of their cause. They were answered, that it had been done, and that they had adjudged it themselves. Upon that reply, the Achæans sent back the same deputies to Rome (with Euræas at their head) to protest again before the senate, that those Achæans had never been heard by their country, and that their affair had never been brought to a trial. Euræas, in consequence, entered the senate with the other deputies who accompanied him and declared the orders he had received, praying, that they would take cognizance of the accusation, and not suffer the accused to perish, without passing sentence upon the crime they were charged with. That it were to be wished the senate would examine the affair themselves, and make known the guilty; but, in case their other great affairs should not afford them leisure for such inquiry, they had only to refer it to the Achæans, who would do them justice in such a manner, as should evince the greatness of

Polyb. Legat. cv,

A. M. 3844.

their aversion for the guilty. Nothing was more equitable than this demand, and the senate was very much at a loss how to answer it. On the one side, they did not think it proper to try the cause, for the accusation was groundless; on the other, to dismiss the exiles, without passing judgment upon them, was to lose irrecoverably all their friends in Achaia. The senate, in order to leave the Greeks no hopes of retrieving their exiles, and to render them thereby more submissive to their orders, wrote into Achaia to Callicrates, and into the other states to the partisans of the Romans, that it did not appear to them, that the return of the exiles was consistent with their interest, or with that of their country. This answer not only threw the exiles, but all the people of Greece, into a consternation. An universal mourning succeeded it. They were convinced, that there was nothing further to hope for the accused Achæans, and that their banishment was perpetual.

However, they sent new deputies, with instructions to demand the return of the exiles; but as suppliants, and as a favour; lest in taking upon them their defence, they should seem in the slightest degree to oppose the will of the senate. There did not escape any thing in their harangue, that was not very well weighed, and sufficiently reserved. Notwithstanding which, the senate continued inflexible, and declared that they would persist in the regulations already made..

* The Achæans, without being disheartened, apAnt. J. C. pointed several deputations at different times, but 160. with no better success; they were particularly ordered to demand the return of Polybius. They were in the right to persevere thus in their applications to the senate, in favour of their countrymen. Though their repeated solicitations had no other effect than to place the injustice of the Romans in full

iPolyb. Legat. cxxii. * Id. Legat. cxxix. cxxx.

light, they could not be considered as unnecessary. Many of the senators were moved with them, and were of opinion, that it was proper to send home the exiles.


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The Achæans,' having received advice of this favourable disposition, in order to improve it to their advantage, appointed a last deputation. The exiles had been already banished seventeen years, and a great number of them were dead. There were very warm debates upon this subject in the senate; some being for their return into their own country, and restored to the possession of their estates; and others opposing it. Scipio, at the request of Polybius, had solicited Cato in favour of the exiles. That grave senator, rising up to speak in his turn: "To see us (said he) dispute an whole day, whether some poor old men of Greece shall be interred by our grave-diggers, or those of their own country, would "not one believe, that we had nothing at all to do?” That pleasantry was all that was wanting to make the senate ashamed of so long a contest, and to induce them at last to send back the exiles into Peloponnesus. Polybius was for desiring, that they might be re-instated in all the honours and dignities they possessed before their banishment; but before he presented that request to the senate, he thought proper to sound Cato upon it, who told him smiling, "Polybius, you do not imitate the wisdom of Ulysses. "You are for returning into the cave of the Cyclops "for some miserable tatters you have left there.” The exiles accordingly returned into their country, A. M. but of the thousand that left it, only about three 3854. hundred remained. Polybius made no use of this Ant. J. C. permission, or if he did, he soon rejoined Scipio, since three years after he was with him at the siege of


Plut. in Cato Cens. p. 341.


A. M.

Ant. J. C. 166.

SECT. II. Mean fiattery of Prusias, king of Bithy nia, in the senate. Eumenes, become suspected by the Romans, is not suffered to enter Rome. Ariarathes, king of Cappadocia, dies, and is succeeded by a son of the same name. Death of Eumenes. Attalus, his brother, succeeds him, as guardian to his son, then very young. War between Attalus and Prusias. The latter having formed the design of putting his son Nicomedes to death, is killed by him. Embassy of three celebrated Athenian philosophers to Rome. Another from the people of Marseilles. Digression upon the city of Marseilles.

AFTER the defeat of Perseus, new embassies came every day to Rome, either to congratulate the Romans upon their victory, or to justify or excuse themselves for the attachment they seemed to have to that prince; and some came to lay complaints before the senate in regard to some allies. We have seen hitherto what relates to the Rhodians and Achæans. In this section I shall collect what concerns Eumenes, king of Pergamus, Prusias, king of Bithynia, and some other particular affairs.

Prusias being come to Rome", to pay to the senate 3838. and Roman people his compliments of congratulation upon the good success of the war against Perseus, dishonoured the royal dignity by his abject flattery. At his reception by the deputies appointed by the senate for that purpose, he appeared with his head shaved, and with the cap, habit, and shoes and stockings of a slave made free; and saluting the deputies; "You see," said he, "one of your freed men ready to fulfil whatsoever you shall please to command, and to conform entirely to all your customs." When he entered the senate, he stood at the door,

Polyb. Legat. xcvii. Liv. lib. xlv. n. 44.

facing the senators, who sat, and prostrating himself, kissed the threshold. Afterwards, addressing himself to the assembly, "I salute you, ye gods, preservers," cried he; and went on with a discourse suitable to that prelude. Polybius says, that he should be ashamed to repeat it. He concluded with demanding, that the Roman people would renew the alliance with him, and grant him certain lands taken from Antiochus, of which the Gauls had possessed themselves without any right or pretension. He then recommended his son Nicomedes to them. All he asked was granted him; only commissioners were appointed to examine into the condition of the lands in question. Livy, in his account of this audience, omits the abject submissions of Prusias; of which he pretends the Roman historians say nothing: he contents himself with mentioning, in the conclusion, part of what Polybius had said before; and not without good reason.` For that base deportment at least dishonoured the senate as much, who suffered, as the prince who acted it.

Prusias had scarce left Rome", when advice came, that Eumenes was upon the point of entering it. That news gave the senate some trouble. Eumenes, in the war against Perseus, had behaved in such a manner, that they could neither consider him as a friend nor an enemy. There was reason for violent suspicions, but no certain proofs against him. To admit him to an audience, was to declare him innocent: to condemn him as guilty, was to lay them under the necessity of a war with him, and to proclaim to all the world, that they had been deficient in prudence, by loading a prince with favours and honours, with whose character they were little acquainted, To avoid these inconveniences, the senate made a decree, by which, under the pretext that the reception of kings was too great an expence to the republic, they forbade all kings in general to enter that city,

Polyb. Legat. xcvii.

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