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This Discourse constitutes the 2d Art. of part II, of this volume, page 31.


At 2 o'clock, P. M., the College convened pursuant to adjournment, in the Hall of the Ohio Medical College.

President PICKET, assisted by Vice President SLACK, officiating.

The Secretary read the minutes of the "proceedings" of the College of October, 1833, which were accepted.

The President, in behalf of the Local Executive Committee, submitted their Annual Report, which was read by the Secretary.

The Report constitutes the 12th Art. of part II, of this volume, page 279.

On motion of W. NIXON, seconded by JOHN L. TALBOTT, it


"Resolved, that the Report of the Executive Committee be accepted, and published in one or more of the city papers."

On motion of N. HOLLEY, Sen., seconded by A. KINMONT, it was

"Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed to devise a method for raising funds to defray the past and future expenses of the College."

The following gentlemen were appointed a "Financial Committee," viz :


On motion of THOMAS H. QUINAN, seconded by A. KINMONT,

it was

"Resolved, that so much of the Report of the Executive Committee as relates to the 'formation of a more extensive society,' be referred to a Committee of three, to devise the best method of bringing the subject before the present session of the College, and those who meet with us.

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The Report of the Treasurer being called for, it was, on motion, referred to the Financial Committee.

A letter from E. D. MANSFIELD, Esq., was received, accompanying the "proof-sheets" of two works, requesting the opinion of the College upon their merits; one on political law, entitled "the Political Grammar," by E. D. MANSFIELD, Esq., Cincinnati; the other, entitled the "District School," by J. ORVILLE TAYLOR, New York; and on motion of A. KINMONT, seconded by A. M. BOLTON, it was

"Resolved, that the subject of Mr. Mansfield's communication be referred to a Committee of two to report;" whereupon the following gentlemen were appointed that Committee: W. H. McGUFFY, of Miami University, T. M. POST, of Illinois College,

A communication was received from ARTHUR WHITESIDE, Esq., Secretary of the "Circleville Association of Teachers," suggesting the propriety of amending the Constitution of the College, so as to admit "Auxiliary Societies" to membership, by delegation.

On motion of the Recording Secretary, seconded by R. MORECRAFT, it was


Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed, to inquire into the expediency of recommending the formation of Societies Auxiliary to this College."


On motion of D. L. TALBOTT, seconded by A. KINMONT, it was "Resolved, that B. F. RALEIGH, of Hamilton, be appointed Assistant Secretary, to take abstracts of the discussions of the College.

The Committee of Arrangements recommended that the hours of 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. be appropriated for the Lectures, and that the College meet daily at 9 o'clock, A. M. and 2 o'clock, P. M., for business; which was agreed to.

The College then adjourned.

DAVID L. TALBOTT, Recording Secretary. At 7 o'clock, P. M. agreeably to adjournment, the College and citizens assembled to hear the closing part of Dr. DRAKE'S

Discourse. The Rev. E. PEABODY officiated as Chaplain. After the Discourse had been concluded, the orator announced that the subject was open for further discussion; upon which a debate ensued on Emulation and Corporeal Punishment, in which the Hon. THOMAS SMITH GRIMKE, of Charleston, S. C., the Rev. JOSHUA L. WILSON and Dr. DRAKE, of this city, took part; the first, in opposition to Corporeal Punishment and the principle of Emulation.*

After which the College adjourned.


Tuesday, Oct. 7, 1834.


At 9 o'clock, the members were called to order. minutes of Monday were read and approved.

The Committee on Finance made a report, which was accepted. J. L. VAN DOREN, of Lexington, Ky., Chairman of the Committee, to whom was referred, at the last annual meeting, the question, "What shall be the order of studies to be prosecuted in our primary Female Schools?" submitted a Report, which was read, and on motion duly seconded, it was referred to a Committee of five, to report their views thereon. The following were appointed that Committee:

A. HARVIE, Cincinnati, O.
T. M. POST, Jacksonville, Ill.
M. P. JEWETT, Marietta, O.
B. F. RALEIGH, Hamilton, O.
N. HOLLEY, Sen., Cincinnati, O.

At 11 o'clock, A. M. the College convened at the Methodist Protestant Church, to hear the Lecture "On the expediency of studying the Classics," by Professor T. M. Post, of Illinois College. This Lecture constitutes the 3d Art. part II, page 63.

The Rev. J. GANO, of Ky. officiated as Chaplain.


At 2 o clock, P. M. the members took their seats.

* The Committee of Publication regret that they are unable to give the very interesting discussion, which succeeded this discourse, as well as other discussions on several succeeding evenings, owing to the sudden death of the Hon. THOMAS S. GRIMKE- all the discussions being extemporaneous.

On motion of J. L. TALBOTT, seconded by A. WATTLES, it was "Resolved, that a Committee of five be appointed to draft an address to the citizens of the Western States, in relation to the inefficient modes of instruction, now too common amongst us." The following gentlemen compose this Committee:

W. H. McGUFFY, Oxford, O.

M. A. H. NILES, South Hanover, Ia.
B. F. RALEIGH, Hamilton, O.

MILO P. JEWETT, Marietta, O.

On motion, duly seconded, a committee was appointed to nominate officers for the ensuing year, consisting of

Messrs. ELIJAH SLACK, Oxford, O.

T. M. POST, Jacksonville, Il.

O. L. LEONARD, Frankfort, Ky.


Cincinnati, O.

On motion of J. LIVINGSTON VAN DOREN, of Lexington, seconded by J. G. SALISBURY, it was

"Resolved, That one or more of the following subjects be taken up for discussion on Wednesday morning."

1st. Is it expedient that a travelling agent and lecturer on education and improvement in schools in each of the Western States, shall be employed? and if so, by what means shall he be supported?

2d. That a uniformity as to time for vacations be recommended, in which time the College shall hold its annual meeting.

3rd. Is it expedient to establish circuit schools in sections of the western country, where the population is sparse?

The College then adjourned.


At 7 o'clock P. M. agreeably to public notice the citizens and members of the College assembled at the church, to hear the address, "On the influence of the regular Study of the Bible, on intellectual and moral improvement," by the Rev. W. H. McGUFFY, of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. * The Rev. Mr. BURTT, officiated as Chaplain.

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*The Committee of Publication regret, exceedingly, that owing to the severe indisposition of Professor McGuffy, immediately succeeding the meeting of the College, he has been unable to prepare his Lecture for the press.


After this address had been delivered, agreeably to previous announcement, the subject of the introduction of the Bible into schools as a class book, was taken up for discussion. The Hon. T. S. Grimke addressed the meeting, and urged the importance of the introduction of the Bible into schools of every grade.

He was succeeded by Dr. Daniel Drake, who advocated the same principle, and by Alexander Kinmont, in favor of its introduction into the higher grade of schools, without note or


The College then adjourned.


At 9 o'clock A. M. the College convened, pursuant to adjournment.

The "Board of Directory," recommended an amendment to the Constitution, so as to admit auxiliary societies to membership by delegation, which was deferred until after the "Committee on the formation of Auxiliary Societies," shall have made their report:-also "an amendment of the Constitution, so as to abolish the office of 'CENSORS' and to transfer their duties to the Executive Committee," which was agreed to.

On motion of J. L. VAN DOREN, duly seconded, it was "Resolved, That the questions, "Are there any defects in the common schools; if any, what are they, and how may they be remedied?" be referred to the committee "on the inefficient modes of instruction," to report to this College at its next annual meeting. *

The first subject, of deferred business, viz: "Is it expedient that a travelling agent and lecturer on education be employed? if so, how shall he be supported? was taken up and discussed until 11 o'clock, when the College adjourned.

At 11 o'clock the members of the College and citizens convened to hear the oration by the Hon. THOMAS SMITH GRIMKE, of Charleston S. C., on the subject, "That neither the Classics nor the Mathematics should form a part of a scheme of general Education in our country."

The Rev. Mr. TRIMBLE officiated as chaplain.

* See the Committee, page 9.

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