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And as the beft Return of Gratitude we can make to God, let us by our fu ture Loyalty to his illuftrious Vice-gegerent, by our firm Relyance on his Royal Promifes, which hitherto have been ever facred and inviolate, by our chearful Submiffion to his Laws, and constant Forwardness to oppose and detect all treasonous Defigns against his Perfon and Government, endeavour as much as in us lies to render his Reign fafe and eafie and profperous. And by our immovable Conftancy in the Profeffion and Practice of our holy Religion, the moft pure and unfophifticated, the most primitive and loyal Religion of the Church of England: Let us endeavour to endear our felves to God, that fo by our faithful Supplications we may prevail with God to fix the Crown upon his Royal Head, to guard and protect his facred Perfon, to blefs and fecure his Government, to abate the Pride, affwage the Malice, and confound the Devices of his Enemies ; and after he hath enjoyed a long, a pious and profperous Reign upon Earth, to crown him with everlasting Glory in Heaven. To which Prayer

I am fure all that are the genuine Sons of the Church of England, will with a true Heart and zealous Affe&tion fay, Amen.




Preached at the




In the County of


AUGUST 31, 1686.


Rom. xiii. 1.

Let every Soul be subject to the Higher Powers; for the Powers that are, are ordained of God.

N which Words you have first a Du

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ty enjoyned, Let every Soul be fubjec to the higher Powers. Secondly, a Reafon inforcing it, for the Powers that are, are ordained of God. In the Duty there are three things confiderable. First, The Extent of it, it is to every Soul, Se condly, The matter of it, it is to be Subject. Thirdly, The Object of it, the higher Powers; of each of which I shall difcourfe very briefly.

First, Here is the Extent of this Duty, it is to every Soul, that is, to every Man of what Order or Degree or Quality foever, whether he be high or low, rich or poor, fpiritual or fecular, none are exempt, let every Soul be fubject; without any Exception either of St.


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