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SMITH, GEORGE. Life of Alexander Duff.

SMITH, GEORGE. Henry Martyn. $1.50.

THOMPSON, A. C. Modern Apostles in Missionary Byways. 40 cents.

WALLMANN. Leiden und Freuden Rheinischer Missionare. $1.25. WOLF, L. B. Missionary Heroes of the Lutheran Church.




BERGIN, C. F. Autobiography of George Müller (Orphanage in England). 90 cents.

CLARK, JOSEPH B. Leavening the Nation. The Story of American Home Missions. $1.50.

EICHNER, K. WILHELM LOEHE.. Ein Lebensbild. 60 cents. GERBERDING, G. H. Life and Letters of Dr. W. A. Passavant. $2.00.

GROSE, HOWARD B. The Incoming Millions. 50 cents.
GROSE, H. B. Aliens or Americans? 50 cents.

HENNIG, MARTIN. Taten Jesu in unseren Tagen. Skizzen und Bilder aus der Arbeit der Inneren and Aeusseren Mission. $1.25. Very interesting and instructive sketches.

HENNIG, M. Dr. Joh. Hinr. Wicherns Lebenswerk. 75 cents.
Hertzberg, GUSTAV F. August Hermann Francke und sein Hal-
lisches Waisenhaus. 75 cents.


The Deaconess and Her Work. 75

MORRIS, S. L. At Our Own Door. A Study of Home Missions with special reference to the South and West. $1.00. NORLIE, OLAF M. The United Church Home Missions. (The United Norwegian Lutheran Church.)

OHL, J. F. The Inner Mission: A Handbook for Christian Workers. $1.00.

RHIEM, HANNA. Hinter den Mauern der Senana. 60 cents. SCHAEFER, THEODOR. Die Innere Mission in der Schule. Ein Handbuch für den Lehrer. $1.00.

SCHAEFER, THEODOR. Leitfaden der Inneren Mission. $2.35. STEINER, EDWARD A. The Immigrant Tide-Its Ebb and Flow. $1.50.

STELZLE, CHARLES. Christianity's Storm Center. The modern city. $1.00.

SUTTER, JULIE. A Colony of Mercy. $1.00. (Paper cover 30 cents.) Interesting description of the charities at Bielefeld, under the leadership and direction of Bodelschwingh. UHLHORN, G. Die christliche Liebestätigkeit. 1. in der alten Kirche; 2. im Mittelalter; 3. seit der Reformation. 3 vols. $3.00 each.

WURSTER, P. Die Lehre von der Inneren Mission. $2.70. WURSTER, P. und M. HENNIG. Was jedermann heute von der Inneren Mission wissen muss. 70 cents.


Abraham, call of, and promise
given him, 153.
Abyssinia, 18.

Acceptable to God, Acts 10,35,
explained, 201.

Administration of the work, by
independent societies, 250; by
the Church, 251; cost of, 253;
faithfulness required, 334.
Africa, 17; modern missions in,
88-98; South Africa, 89; West
Africa, 92; Central Africa, 94;
East Africa, 95; North Africa,

of missions, in general,
219-225; in home missions,
277; in rescue and inner mis-
sion work, 301.

Alaska, missions in, 84.
America, early Protestant mis-
sions in, 44, 61; missionary
societies and agencies in, 78.
Ansgar, apostle to the Scandin-
avians, 33.

Apostles, immediate call of the,

247; import of the name, 172.
Apostolic Church, missionary
character of, 18-22; extent of
the work in the apostolic age,
13; community of goods in,

Apostolic missions, a norm and
guide, 5.

Arabia, missions in, 100.
Australia, missions in, 116.
Authority for mission work, di-
vine, 247; churchly, 249.
Bataks of Sumatra, 104.
Bible distribution, 265.
Bible Societies, 265; British and
Foreign, 72; American, 80.

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Chalmers, James 116.
Child-training, example of Ro-
Catholics, 286, 308; in
the Lutheran Church, 287.
China, missions in, 105.
China Inland Mission, 72.
Christianity and missions, 135,
148, 325.

Christianization defined, 222.
Christians, number of, close of
the first century, 17.

Church, The, duty to supply
workmen, 253; to support the
missionaries, 255; missionary
character of, 216.

City churches and inner mis-
sion work, 308.

City missions, 276, 310.

[blocks in formation]

Erromanga, the martyr isle, 113.
Eskimos, missions to, 50, 59, 84.
Ethiopianism in South Africa,

Evangelistics, use and meaning
of the term, 129.
Evangelization and Christiani-
zation, practically equivalent,

Faith, Christian, a missionary
qualification, 238.

Faith societies and missions, 72.

Fiji Islands, 112, 114.

Foreign and home missions,
relation between, 137.
Francke, August Hermann, 47,

Gardiner, Allen, 88.

Geographical discoveries and
missions, 65, 96.

Germany, missionary societies
in, 73-76.

God's hand in missions, 9, 23,
63, 96, 159.

Gospel, The, as a missionary
power, 4, 117, 174, 226, 233,
235, 284, 298, 337.

Goths, conversion of, 29.
Greek Church, The, 27, 33.
Greenland, Christianized, 84.

Halle, as a pioneer and path-
finder of modern missions, 47,

Hawaiian Islands, The, 112.
Hermannsburg Mission, The, 75.
Home missions, in relation to
other activities of the Church,
269; and general benevolence,
272; field of, 273; aim of, 277;
forces to be enlisted in, 279;
conditions of success in, 282;
means and methods, 284.

Inauguration of modern mis-
sions, 47, 63; Francke and
Zinzendorf, 48; Carey, 65.
Independent missionary socie-
ties, occasion and origin of,
67, 250.

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[blocks in formation]

schools and missions at pres-
ent, 85.

Indians of South America, Prot-

estant missions among, 87f.
Individual effort, importance of,
285, 305, 332.

Industrial missions, 85, 97, 103.
Inner missions, 290-321; distinc-
tive character of the work,
290; relation to home mis-
sions, 291; survey of the his-
tory of, 294; justification of,
297; the aim distinguished
from the methods, 301; prin-
cipal lines of the work, 303-
321; congregational, 303; in-
stitutional, 316.

Inner mission societies, 311.
Immigration and missions, 275.
Irish, conversion of the, 28.
Islam, 82, 98.

Japan, modern missions in, 108.
Jonah, an Old Testament mis-
sionary, 159.

Judson, Adoniram, 103, 255.

Kingdom of God, The, as a mis-

sionary thought, 166.
Kols, The, missions among, 75.
Korea, missions in, 108.
Krapf, Dr. John L., 70, 95.

Laborers, prayer for, 183, 254.
Labrador, missions in, 84.
Language, native, knowledge
of, essential, 195, 238.
Lay preaching, in the Early
Church, 19.

Lay workers, need of, 175, 304.
Leadership, of the missionary,
241; of the pastor, 313, 332.
Library, missionary, for pas-
tor and people, 354.

Literary work in missions, 264;
in home missions, 288; in inner
missions, 318.

Literature, Christian, distribu-
tion of, 105, 288, 318, 335, 349.
Livingstone, David, 88, 96.
Lull, Raymond, pioneer mission-
ary to Mohammedans, 36.
Lutheran Church, Christian
education in the, 287; home
mission work, 271; inner mis-
sion work, 296, 311; foreign
mission work, 74-76, 79, 92,
101, 103.

Madagascar, missions in, 91.
Martyn, Henry, 330.
Medical missions, 99, 265.
Medieval missions, distinctive
methods of, 25; extent of, 28-

Men and missions, 256, 351.
Methodius and Cyril. mission-

aries to Slavs, 33, 57.

Methods of work in foreign mis-
sions, 259-266; in home mis-
sions, 284-289; in inner mis-
sions, 303-321.

Mexico, missions in, 86.
Ministry, meaning of, 198.
Missionaries, how sent forth,

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