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but is rendered in the highest style of art. It is a really sad sight to witness the fathers and mothers, who used to help swell the gusts of praise that once swept over pew and pulpit until the waves of sacred song almost carried the congregation bodily into the presence of God, now stand through the singing of a hymn by the choir, while not a note may fall from their silent lips, for such time and tunes as choirs now use are not known to the veterans of the cross. Our service of song, in too many places, is a mere mockery, for it mocks God and mocks the people; and he who shall lead us into the proper use of this right arm of our former power will deserve the thanks of men and angels too. Our author makes suggestions and pleads manfully for the right kind of singing; but manifest destiny seems to be against us, and the world and the flesh and the devil have compelled the Ship of Zion to strike her colors, and to float at her mast-head a flag unknown to those who sailed in that staunch old vessel in the days of our fathers and mothers. O tempora! O mores! But we fear the days of the good oldfashioned lip and heart singing will hardly return in our day. Hinc illa lachrima. Yet perchance a baptism of the Holy Ghost will set the Churches once more on the highway of spiritual song, over which so many have traveled who now stand on the "sea of glass mingled with fire," and "sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb!" In the matter of prayer we also need an awakening; for in how many congregations do we find the knee bowed before the Lord, or the body inclined as if in worship? Styles of dress or the arrangements of the pews oftentimes interfere with kneeling; but much oftener the spirit of devotion is wanting. When the heart is burdened, and when the desire goes out of a burdened heart for God's blessing, the knee will bow, the eye will close, the lip will move; and then, in answer to pleading prayer, the Comforter will come into the heart, filling it with joy unspeakable and full of glory. How we should plead with our congregations to show some signs of reverence, and to exhibit some desire to worship, when the throne of grace is approached by him who ministers at the altar! Here, also, our author deals plainly with the subject under consideration, and makes some valuable suggestions to the leaders of worship.


But we pass from this point to notice the radical views of our author upon a question now agitating some of our conferLet us quote his own words: "Not only every pastor, but every Christian minister, should be himself a pledged abstainer from every thing that intoxicates, if for no other reason than to give the weight of a consistent example on the right side. He should also be an habitual abstainer from the use of tobacco in all its forms, for the double purpose of maintaining personal purity (of the flesh and of the spirit) and of escaping the taunt of inconsistency embodied in that old rebuke, Physician, heal thyself.' With what effect can a smoker or a chewer of the filthy weed reprove a consumer of opium or a drinker of ardent spirits? With what confidence or hope can he preach any form of temperance or self-denial to others, when he fails to embody in his own life a consistent example of both?"-P. 506. Brave and timely words, these, and such sentiments bespeak an honest Christian minister, and our young men are safe under such a teacher if they will consent to regard his precepts. In many of our conferences no candidate is admitted who uses the weed, unless he vows to abstain hereafter. Indeed, of such importance has this question become, that, with reference to our highest Church officials, not the question, "Will the coming man drink wine?" but that other one is asked: "Will the proposed candidate, if elected, use tobacco?" If by word or work we cleanse the ministry from all filthiness of the flesh, then may we have hope of reaching with a new power our children and the world that lieth in the wicked one. From these glimpses of this book, we can readily infer that common sense, extended observation, and the fruits of much study are happily blended, making one harmonious whole that must be a lasting benefit to any and to all Churches. We must omit extended notice of the valuable suggestions relative to the pastor's wife and family, his social relations, and his relations to neighboring pastors, and close our review by commending the author's views of revivals. In these latter days we are too prone to ignore the effects of spiritual agencies in the wonderful success of the Church in former days, when revivals were every-where looked for and enjoyed; and it is refreshing to find the men having control of our theological schools fully in accord with

our standards and the time-honored sentiments of the Church. The truth is, the Church needs such a revival to-day as will thoroughly arouse her latent energies, and make her enter upon her high calling with a zeal equal to the work she is called upon to perform. A revival is needed that will affect society powerfully, and bring to life the untold thousands of very dry bones that are lying in the valley of death. We are carefully guarding our doctrines and belief against the attacks of rationalists, and are opposing true science against science falsely so called, and there can be no fault found with our strong thinkers in this direction; but it occurs to us, that if Huxley and Bain and Darwin, "et id omne genus," could be brought to witness such a scene as was witnessed on the day of Pentecost, and be brought to feel the breath of the Comforter as the three thousand felt it on that day, there would be a radical change in their belief and teachings. Whether science and learning will effect that change is more than doubtful. While pleading for a high standard of ministerial education, let us teach that what we need above all is a thorough revival of genuine religion. It would cleanse our Augean stables, break up our corrupt "rings," purify the political atmosphere, and usher in that day, long prayed for, when the kingdoms of this earth shall be given to the Son as his rightful possession. Let all our learning, all our wealth, and all our efforts tend to the salvation of men from sin, and the restoration of the world to the divine favor. May he whose book we have so imperfectly reviewed live to see the good results that must flow from his teachings, and be permitted to rejoice eternally with those whom he has assisted to be successful ministers of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

We cannot close this review more appropriately than by quoting the author's closing sentences, concerning the rewards that await the faithful minister of the New Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ: "Among the felicities of the everlasting glory of the Redeemer, will be that of having shared the companionship of earthly toil and faith and suffering for the cross and kingdom of Jesus. By it the minister of the Gospel who shall have been faithful to his talent and his trust will be brought into perfected sympathy with the prophets, the apostles, the martyrs, and the accepted ministers of the truth in all

ages. While eternity can never exhaust the delights of such a companionship, it may nevertheless be made more rapturous by the harvest home of souls who shall appear as the gathered fruit of every individual's labor. Nor will the pastor then feel that his share of triumph is limited to the direct results of his personal efforts. As Christ prayed not for his disciples alone, but for those who believe on him through their word, so each Gospel laborer may expect to share in the glorious results of all the successful labors of all who are converted through his instrumentality, and that of their successors, to the end of time. But since 'eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him,' how can thought conceive or tongue utter the riches or the extent of those peculiar glories which await the sincere, the zealous, the obedient and selfdenying ministers of Jesus in the world to come?"

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May it be our author's lot to enjoy the reward above pictured, in all its fullness and all its duration !



It is no small matter that "Ginx's Baby" has attracted the eye of intelligent Christians and philanthropists of every shade of opinion; and although, in the marvelous diversity of sentiments as to the best course to be pursued with him, he is still exposed to no inconsiderable peril and suffering, yet is it a great point gained that the eye of the community has been fastened upon him. This forlorn infant is blessed with a powerful voice, and sooner or later he will make it to be effectually heard. He is an object of no little controversy now between Romanists and Protestants, union and sectarian boards, almshouse commissioners and children's emigration societies, street missions and permanent asylums, congregate institu tions and family schools; but the controversy itself makes him so prominent an object that he cannot be covered out of sight by the smoke of the fight. He is in the newspapers; fills magazines originated in his interest; breaks in upon the mo

notony of the stately quarterlies; and, like the memorable "Oliver" of "the Workhouse," although now one of the most conspicuous personages in modern fiction, is still clamoring, and not without success, for "more," and demands a far wider hearing. He is an admitted and terrible fact in modern civilization; and the only question for discussion now pertinent in reference to him is, "What shall we do with Ginx's Baby?" The community cannot long endure that condition of things which gives the stinging point of truth to the capital volume of satire bearing the expressive title which we have quoted, and which it has now permanently bestowed upon the neglected waifs of our city streets.* It is very evident that "Ginx's Baby" will not much longer plead in vain. That will not always be a true charge against British and American civilization which this author so nervously urges in his volume:

Your dirtiest British youngster is hedged round with principles of an inviolable liberty and rights of habeas corpus. You let his father and mother, or any one who will save you the trouble of looking after him, mold him in his years of tenderness as they please. If they happen to leave him a walking invalid, you take him into the poor-house; if they bring him up a thief, you whip him, and keep him at high cost at Millbank or Dartmoor; if his passions, never controlled, break out into murder and rape, you may hang him, unless his crime has been so atrocious as to attract the benevolent interest of the Home Secretary; if he commit suicide, you hold a coroner's inquest, which costs money; and, however he dies, you give him a deal coffin and bury him. Yet I may prove to you that this being, whom you treat like a dog at a fair, never had a day's, no, nor an hour's, contact with goodness, purity, truth, or even human kindness; never had an opportunity of learning any thing better. What right have you, then, to hunt him like a wild beast, and kick him and whip him and fetter him, and hang him by expensive, complicated machinery, when you have done nothing to teach him any of the duties of a citizen?

The writer answers the natural response to his question, that there are endless means of improving the lad-industrial schools, reformatories, asylums, hospitals, Peabody buildings, laws to protect factory children-by saying, "They don't reach one out of ten;' " and he continues: "I do not say it can be done; but in order to transform the next generation, what we should aim at is to provide substitutes for bad homes, evil training, unhealthy air and food, dullness and terrible igno* "Ginx's Baby." 16mo. Strahan & Co., London. Routledge & Sons, New York.

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