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overthrow of Pharaoh and his hoft in the Red Sea, Exod. xv. 20. as also that of David before the Ark of the Covenant, 2 Sam. vi. 14. fince it would be a moft ridiculous abfurdity to go about to prove that thefe, and other Dances recorded in Scripture, are quite. of a different nature and tendency from modern BALLS and ASSEMBLIES.

My hearty wish is, that what is here offered to your perufal and ferious reflection, may have the fame. happy effect upon many readers of it in print, as I have reafon to hope it had in manufcript upon the. Lady for whofe benefit it was chiefly defigned: upon which account, I earnestly intreat your patience to go through the whole; or at least I hope you will not tofs it afide before you have well begun it, with declaring that you never faw fuch horrid stuff in all your days."

Truth is a mighty weapon, though wielded by a weak hand; wherefore fince I have this on my fide, I do not defpair of convincing all thofe who will weigh what they read with a fair unbiased judgment. As to merit, I claim none, but that of a good intention ; and would not willingly give offence, where I hope to render the greatest of all fervices: therefore if any take exception at what they may meet with in the courfe of this little pamphlet, let me beg them to fearch. into their own hearts, and examine carefully whether an unwillingness to part with thofe idols, the keeping of which they can no otherwife defend than by refufing to hearken to the voice of Scripture, Reafon, and Confcience, may not in fome meafure be the cause of their being difpleafed at what they read.

And now, heartily recommending what follows to the bleffing of God, and humbly fubmitting it to your candor, I beg leave to fubfcribe myself

Your most obedient,

and moft humble Servant,








LTHOUGH it is the undoubted duty of every Chriftian to do all in his power to promote the Salvation of others, yet he should be careful to guide bis words with difcretion, and not to urge any thing upon those with whom he hopes to fucceed, without defending his cause with weighty and forcible arguments; left he fhould make them imagine, because he advances little or nothing on his own fide of the question, that confequently there is little or nothing to be faid in fupport of it.

It is upon this plan that I purpose, with God's affiftance, to purfue my design of proving the abfolute unlawfulness of the now fo fashionable diverfion of BALLS; and tho'


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I am fenfible that the mighty torrent of custom is against me, and that I may be branded with the appellation of a precife fanatic; yet I hope to demonftrate with the clearest evidence that BALLS are entirely inconsistent with the Spirit of Christianity, and that it is not poffible to be present at them without incurring great guilt. All I defire of those who read the following pages is, (what I have already requested in the Preface) that they will for a little while diveft themfelves of all prejudice, and not blindly refolve to condemn, before they read. The arguments I fhall bring, are all founded upon Scripture and plain Reason; therefore till they can be answered from Scripture and plain Reason, it is neither Laughter, Sneers, nor Ridicule, that can invalidate their force.

Obferve here, that I addrefs myself chiefly to those who have fome good defires, and yet indulge themselves in the practice of going to BALLS, because they are not convinced of the great wickedness of them; for to prove their finfulness to fuch as are determined to go to them at all events, would indeed be labour in vain.





LL the arguments I ever remember to have heard brought in vindication of BALLS,


First, That they are no where forbidden in Scripture, and confequently are innocent. Secondly, That many good Chriftians go to them. Thirdly, That provided a perfon does not make a conftant practice of going to them, there can be no harm in them now and then by way of relaxation; and that by mixing ourfelves fometimes with the diverfions of the World, we return with greater relish to retirement and religious Duties.

Whether BALLS are particularly forbidden in any place of Scripture, I will not take upon me to determine, let it fuffice for my prefent purpose that they are forbidden by the whole voice of Revelation, inasmuch as every thing is strictly forbidden that may disorder our Souls; and be destructive of that meek, humble, believing, contrite Spirit, which conftitutes the real Chriftian; and that BALLS do tend intirely to prevent the attainment of fuch a temper, and cannot but be very pernicious to our fouls, will be fully proved hereafter. There are many things not particularly forbidden in Scripture, which yet every one must allow to be


very great and heinous Sins; and were we to do what we please, from the notion that what we do is no where forbidden in Scripture, how great extravagancies would fuch a fancy lead us into? We are no where throughout the whole Bible commanded not to fet an houfe on fire, yet no-body can be fo weak as to imagine it is no fin wilfully to commit fuch an action; and that because the whole tenor of Scripture forbids us to injure our neighbour. Befides, had our Saviour and his Apostles given a particular prohibition against all the fooleries that the depravity of fallen man hath invented, might we not fay with Saint John, that even the world itself could not contain the books that fhould be written (a)?

But have we any reason to think, that at the time when Christianity was firft preached, there were any fuch pleasures among Chriftians as are to be met with in a modern Ball-Room? No, the honour of thefe improvements is all due to us, who have been fo long blessed with the transcendent light of the Gofpel; scarcely did the Pagan world, in the midst of their idolatrous darkness, ever arrive at that exquifite perfection in all kinds of Diverfions, Luxury, and Extravagance, that is now to be met with amongst those that are reckoned good Chriftians.

But granting that, at the time of the planting of Christianity, there really were fome fuch entertainments amongst Heathens as modern BALLS; yet we cannot suppose that Christ and his Apoftles should

(a) John xxi. 25.

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