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pryant and said to Hym that he sholdy assemble all his folk to councepft. Andy Whan they were alle comeŋ. Anthenoz saydy to hem that for to come top peas of the grckes they mufte news pape twenty thousandy mare of gold and of good pope/andy as moche of spluer/ And also an honderde thousand quarters of whete. And this mufte Be maade rdp with m certapi terme. And than whan they haue this, they shall fette feworte to holde the peas wyth out ony frawde az inalengpne· There it was aadeynedy how this some sholdy be leuepedy and whyks they were besp ther abowotes. Anthenoz wente to the preeft p kept the palladyum/the whiche preeft had to name Thoant / andy have to Hym a guete quantite of goldy. Andy there were they two at councill Anthenoz fard to Hym that he sholdy take this some of gold. wherof he holdy be ryche aff hye lyf andy that He fholde grue to hym the palladyum/ andy that noman hold knowe therof/ ffoz I haue.sayd he .gete fere and as moche dude as thou.that ony man shold knowe therof. And I shall send hit to våres/ andy he shalf bere the Blame vpon hpm. and euery man shall fape that vares shall haue stolen hpt! and we shall be qupte therof bothe two zef.

Hoant the preeft refifted longe to the wordes of
Anthenoz / But m the end for euetyse of the

grete fome of goldy that anthenoz gaf to hym. He consented that he sholdy take the palladpum and Bere hpt away. Than Anthenoz toke hpt anone andy fente hyt vnto vires/the saine nyght / Andy after the wope ranne amonge the peple that vares by his fubtilite Hadi taken andy Bożn awaye the palladyum out of trope


The first book printed in English. See page 38. The passage tells how Anthenor secured the palladium from the temple in Troy. (Courtesy of the New York Public Library.)

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