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blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

The above are the Chapters, that were pointed out in my last Book, for Hann to explain; but as he hath acknowledged he cannot explain them himself, yet others may; and as the explanations given by the Spirit are condemned by others, as well as him, and say they cannot understand the prophecies given to me, it is required of them that reprove to explain the scripture prophecies, that I have pointed out, which I am warned the Lord is hastening on to fulfil. But as I have brought the promises together, and left out the threatenings, on what conditions they stand, no man can draw any judgment from what I have brought forward, without applying to the scriptures, where the words are taken from; perfectly so stand my writings; no man can draw any judgment of them from the pamphlets that are brought forward by men, without having my books to refer to, to know on what conditions they are placed.

And now I shall answer the enquiries that are made of me.

First, I am desired to point out where the prophecies stand in my books, that have received their fulfilment. I refer such enquirers to the First Book of Strange Effects of Faith, printed in 1801; they will find at the end of the Seventh Book, printed in March 1802, the pages marked from the first Books, what was hastening on to be fulfilled concerning the war that hath taken place.-Warning to the World, page 25 to the 36, the readers may see what was fulfilled; and confirmed by the witnesses, which may be seen in the Book of the Trial. These books I have pointed out: but those who have a desire to search into the truth will find the fulfilment of many other things have taken place in others. And I am


also desired to prove the dates when they were printed; in answer to this I must refer them to Stationers Hall, as all my books are entered there When printed, and the date is put upon the books. Secondly, how I know the Spirit of Truth from the Spirit of Error. To this I answer-from the power and wisdom of God, which I could not have known from the wisdom of man, had hot the Lord by his wisdom permitted me to have a knowledge of the two different spirits, and their working, that I might be a judge of them both. Thirdly, to know in what manner my communications are given, whether in an audible voice, or an impulse on the mind. I answer, neither; for though I have often heard my name called in an audible voice, yet my communications are not given in that manner; but the words come to me as distinct to my hearing, as though they were spoken in an audible voice. But no man can understand in what manner the visitation of the Lord is, by his Spirit, to speak within and to be distinctly heard by the outward ear, but those that have experienced it; none could understand how the Spirit of the Lord came to the Disciples, but themselves; neither could they understand how the Word of the Lord came to the Prophets, in what manner it came: and when it is said the Spirit of the Lord came upon the prophet, to answer the enquiry made by Jehosaphat, no one saw the Spirit or heard his voice, but the prophet himself. Therefore the things of the Spirit are 'spiritual, which no man can know or understand, but those to whom it is sent; because it is past man's finding out. As to an impulse on the mind, that is not a Visitation from the Lord; for every one hath impulses on the mind, either good or evil; and there is an influence on the mind, both good and evil, to work upon the hearts of men, one way or the other; if it be good, to influence

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them to do good; but if evil, to work upon their hearts to do eyil: but this is not the visitation of the Spirit of the Lord, whereby his will is made known or revealed. No one can prophesy from that; yet men may be under the influence of the Spirit of the Lord, to believe and rely on his words; on the other hand, they may be under the influence of the devil, to be filled with unbelief and all manner of evil; and it is by this influence the world is filled with Atheism, and the fear of the Lord is rejected by men. This I have explained for the sake of the Public, that they may know the difference between the impulse, or influence on the mind, and a visitation from the Spirit of the Lord.

There is also another enquiry made-how it is I seal those that do not continue stedfast and immoveable in the cause, but destroy their seals, and become opposers. This I shall answer as our Saviour answered the scribes of old, when they spake unto him, saying, Tell us by what authority doest thou these things? or who is he that gave thee this authority? And he answered and said unto them, I will also ask you one thing, and answer me: The baptism of John was it from heaven, or of man? And in like manner I answer such enquirers; and let them answer me, how Moses came to be sent to deliver the children of Israel, that afterwards rebelled in the wilderness, and were, there destroyed? how our Saviour came to suffer one amongst his disciples to come in, that, afterwards betrayed him? Were these things done for want of knowledge in the Lord? Let this be answered, and then I will answer the question put to me, how I came to seal those that did not all abide in the faith they professed.—In like manner I shall answer another enquiry: How I pretendto possess a power of sealing persons as heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. ThisI an

swer like the former: tell me, from the prophets and the apostles, by what authority they did the things which were commanded them, without disputing the wisdom of him that gave the commands, or made an enquiry, why it should be done. Let this be answered by them that reprove, why all these things were permitted and commanded to be done. I am answered by the Spirit, but shall leave them to explain it by their wisdom, who say there is no occasion for any further revelation, or knowledge of God, to explain the Scriptures, or how they will be fulfilled.

Now I shall give the answer of the Spirit to those who profess they are writing against the visitation, pretending that they are doing it in zeal for the honour and glory of God, and the good of mankind, ⠀⠀⠀

"I have ordered thee to bring forward the Scriptures in this book, to demand of those who despise Prophecies, and judge there is no occasion for a further revelation, or knowledge of God, to explain them. The demand is made of such, for them to explain, what is the meaning, and how they will be fulfilled; and let them know, that no man can have a right faith of his Creator, or a right faith of the prophets, that the word of God came to them, or a right faith of my Gospel, that I came to fulfil them in the end; noman can have a right faith in the Scriptures, without be lieving in the fulfilment, that they are spoken by the God of truth, whose words are Yea and Amen. What I have said I will fulfil; and these are the promises men must now look to, that I ordered thee to bring forward. And let them know my answer to their hypocrisy, that if it was out of zeal to God, or for the good of mankind, their endeavours would be to convince men of the infidelity that is so fast increasing for these are the dangers that men are in but this

is not regarded by those who profess to come forward out of love to God and condemn the visitation of my Spirit. Therefore I tell thee of such, they are like the Scribes and Pharisees of old, who strain at a gnat and swallow a camel: because they can easily pass by the mockers of the Scriptures and swallow the Blasphemy that comes from them, without being wounded and grieved, or try to pluck them as brands from the burning, when they see them go on in infidelity; but this destruction in men does not awaken their conscience, or feeling, to warn such men of the dangers they are in; but, when I come to warn by my Spirit, that the Scriptures are true, that I shall fulfil them, and prove from the truth of prophecies, that there is a God of knowledge and power, to convince such men of their infidelity, who judge all things came by chance; but to shew them there is no chance, as they vainly suppose, that could have given knowledge to thee of what was hastening on, when no appearance was before thee; therefore, it is to convince men of the error of their ways, that I hold out this controversy with mankind: for like fuel added to the fire is every pamphlet that hath been printed against thee, to strengthen the fire of unbelief and infidelity a mong mankind; and there is not one, that hath published against thee, if I bring them to the Scriptures, and demand their answer, how men can be brought to the knowledge of the Lord, without the visitation of my Spirit, to bring men to that knowledge and understanding; there is not one who can answer his assertions, or prove how it can be done. And, from Hann, I shall condemn such men; because, like the Atheists, he hath brought forward his arguments against thy writings. Come to his remark on thy Trial."

Hann says, "A promise was claimed of the Judge of all the earth, who, it is said, gave a

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