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ner of men, to put a Seal upon my adversary, and the adversary of mankind. Thus, if men had wisdom to discern in what manner types and shadows have stood through the scriptures, and what was the malice of my enemies, by setting a watch, and putting a seal upon my tomb, they would not marvel, that a Seal should be made for Satan's doom; for, as the creation began by types and shadows, and the command being given in the beginning, so, in like manner, from types and shadows, and a command, will the ending be. And let men discern, from my Gospel, what was done by man, worked on by the malice of hell; then let men discern from the Revelation, what was shewn to John in the Visions, how Satan was bound, and the Seal set upon him, as man before had placed it to ME. Thus, if the eyes of men's understanding were opened, to discern what men did at my death, they would clearly discern the Sealing must take place against the adversary of mankind, before I come to cast him out. Now, if men discerned, from the Scriptures, all that is spoken of things that are spiritual, there is first a shadow in things that are temporal; and what is spoken of things that are heavenly, there is first a shadow in things that are earthly; then they would discern from being said-The LAMB slain from the foundation of the world, and my being called the LAMB of GOD, to take away the sin of the world, these are heavenly and spiritual. But the shadow began first with what was temporal and earthly, of the Lamb being slain and offered up, before I came to be an OFFERING for all. If men clearly understood these things, and what is said of the SEALS in heaven, and how it was seen by John, whose revelation was to shew him the end; if men had wisdom thus to discern, they would clearly discern, that the SEALING must take place, before the ending can come to mankind. For

the Apostles themselves did not understand the meaning of their words or visions; neither is the meaning of Paul's words understood by mankind -"Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of Redemption." This, thou knowest, all men have judged to have no other meaning than a spiritual sealing; neither were the words understood by the Apostle, that any temporal sealing would be commanded by the Spirit of God to be done, before the day of re- . demption took place; neither did the Apostle discern or understand the meaning of his words, any more than thou understoodest the sense and meaning of the Sealing, when I warned thee of it in the beginning, which thou understoodest nof urther than my promises being sealed up, what I should do in the end for them that believed.

But thou hadst no knowledge of the Sealing going out, for man's redemption, or Satan's destruction, for men to be redeemed from his power, before I made it clear unto thee how I should go on in the manner Satan had begun, to say he would gain the kingdom, or lose it, after the manner of men, by election; and so, after the manner of men, I ordered the Sealing to go out, to try and prove the hearts of men, and to confound the enemy in his own wisdom.

But now I shall come to the SPIRITUAL SEAL

This meaneth the heart being given up to God, to be saved with an everlasting salvation, and having a witness within, as Abraham had, that they are heirs of the promise, which is faith unto salvation, to be saved in the hour of death; and this spiritual sealing is to those that are saved in the end, who rely upon ME for salvation. But however men may judge this is the meaning of the Apostle's words, to go no further than a spi ritual sense, I now tell thee, they go to both temporal and spiritual; for now is the time the

command is given by the Spirit of God, for men to be scaled with a temporal sealing unto the day of redemption. But know, all that believe are redeemed from the power of death, hell, and sin, when they die and go to glory; but that is the redemption of the spirit, and not of the body; but it is the redemption of the body that the Apostle told them to be looking for. These things I have shewn to thee, in what likeness the things that are spoken of in heaven must have a resemblance here upon earth, before the end cometh, to fulfil the Scriptures and my Gospel. Know what I told thee of the Roman Powers, how they would be shaken, when the Revelation began to break; which meaneth, the truth of the words to be fulfilled; and so I tell thee and all mankind, the visions John saw in heaven must take place apon earth, which never can be accomplished, or fulfilled, before the sealing hath taken place upon the earth. Therefore marvel not in thy heart that blasphemy is spoken by man against it; because Satan's working is strong in man to condemn it. But now let him that reproves answer, how all these things, that I have mentioned to thee, of things that are heavenly and spiritual, should have a resemblance upon earth in things that are temporal-that all these types and shadows should first take place, and the sealing, that was seen in heaven, spoken of in the Scriptures, never designed to take place upon earth? Let them answer, for what ends, or for what use, it was shewn to John?

Now come to my Birth: Luke ii.-" And the angel said unto them, Fear not: Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men."

Now from these words, spoken by the angels, men must discern what I was born for; but let them discern further, what was said by Simeon, when I was carried into the temple.-"This Child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against: (yea a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed."-Here let men discern in what manner my Gospel stands mixed together. No sword could have went through my mother's soul, if the words of the angels had then been fulfilled, for peace then to be established on the earth, and all to give glory to God in the highest; but from the words spoken by the angels, it sheweth what I was born for in the end; and from the words spoken by Simeon, it shewed what I had first to go through; and how men would fall by my gospel, before they would rise in the end. Now, to shew men in what manner the scriptures stand, I have placed thy writings together in the like manner. Now come to the communication, that I gave thee, after thy writings had been out in the world one year to try men, and my commands had been obeyed by them, but a persecution began to arise in some; therefore I shewed thee, from these different men, what would go on amongst mankind."

The following communication was given to me in February, 1802.

"Now the mystery I'll explain:

Lift up your heads, you sons of men :
For your redemption now draws near-
Convulsions in your land appear;
And fast convulsions will come on,
As on thy father they did come;

And so in man they will appears
For Satan's arts will some ensnare,
To be convuls'd in words from hell;
By Satan's arts will men rebel,
Until I do convulse'the whole,

And sudden shake the hearts of all.
For I shall shake the earthly ground-
The hearts of men convuls'd are found,
Tempted by malice and by word,
And mock the coming of the Lord;
And like thy brother do appear
"We cannot judge that it is near,"-
But they are all mistook like he;
The hand of death, you all might see,
That day did to thy father come;
The five days he did linger on,
In strong convulsions to appear,
And then his death thou didst see clear.
So now these days I'll turn to years:
The hand of death doth now appear,
And strong convulsions here are found;
From heaven and hell I hear the sound ;
For some are strong convuls'd for ME,
And wish my kingdom for to see;
And so my kingdom shall appear,
In glorious triumph, in five years;
That is to say, I'll make this land
To judge my coming nigh at haud;
For in the hearts of men I'll reign,
And they my kingdom shall obtain;
A perfect peace within five years,
A happy nation shall appear,
To such as are couvuls'd for ME,
My happy kingdom wish to see.
For I shall now convulse the whole,
And death shall make the mockers fall,
And I'll bring in a glorious peace,
And make your jarring discord cease;
For of one heart and mind you'll be;
A happy nation you shall see,
That I shall give unto my friends;
The heavenly music shall descend;
For here must come the first redeem'd,
The living water and the stream."

"The meaning of these words I shall answer, from what was said by the angels at my birth, that they told the shepherds I was born for to

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