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my Spirit, to point out to man, how the Tree of Life is preserved for man; that my leaves shall heal the nations: and there shall be no more curse: but the THRONE of GOD, and of the LAMB, shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him. Here reason must tell every mind, there is no curse in heaven; all are healed from sin, and sorrow, when they arrive to the realms of bliss; but know the curse is upon the nations; and all nations feel the sting: but now that sting I will take away, and heal the remnant that shall be saved. But I tell thee, the nations will not be healed, before they have severely felt the wound. Is not my Spirit refused, and denied by what you call an enlightened nation, who profess to walk in the light of my gospel? And yet they stumble at the noon day's sun. Then how shall those nations stumble that are in darkness, and the shadow of death, before I have opened the eyes of their understanding by the truth of my visitation?

Now come to the xi. Revelations, when the the earthquake had destroyed the tenth part of the city, and thousands were slain: the remnant that were affrighted, gave glory to the God of Heaven. But how could this glory be given in the midst of judgments and distresses, if they were not warned of the end to know of the glory that should follow? If this was not known to man, fear and confusion must fill the whole, fearing the same destruction that had fallen upon the one, might fall upon the other. Do the affrighted nations now that have no knowledge of my kingdom approaching, no knowledge of the change that will take place do they give glory to God for what has already happened? Are they not alarmed fearing the end, and what shall come upon them; for they have no thoughts of their deliverance. And without the visitation of my Spirit, to warn men of the end, my Bible can never be fulfilled. Know

what is written, hold fast that which ye have, till I come. And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. Here let men discern how my words are left on record, to warn men of MY COMING; and to warn them of the END, that they which keep my works shall have power over the nations. Now power must be given to man in the end; power to convince and power to destroy. Therefore, as I told thee at first, I now tell thee again, there must first be an ENLIGHTENED NATION,an ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE, full of knowledge, and full of faith; to warn all nations, convince all nations, and to awaken the nations; that they may be looking for the coming of the Lord. But how can this be done by man without the visitation of my Spirit, to shew them clear the time is at hand, and to lay every thing plain before them? Now discern what followeth upon the nations; they shall be broken to shivers as the potter's vessels; and these things must come upon the nations before they will regard the warning, or accept the invitation. Now let them weigh the Revelations through. Behold I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown from thee. But did I come quickly in the days of my Disciples? did I come then, when the warning was given? Was my Bible then fulfilled? But thou sayest in thy heart, the words were then spoken, "I come quickly;" to this I answer, if the words had not stood on record, and spoken as though they were to be shortly fulfilled-then after my visitation in the Spirit, there would be room for the world to dispute, that there were no such words on record for man to expect, but they must look to the words "BEFORE THE HOUR OF TEMPTATION WHICH SHALL COME UPON ALL THE WORLD TO TRY THEM THAT DWELL UPON THE EARTH:

and then followeth, I COME QUICKLY." But

saying a thing shall come, is not saying it is come; therefore ye must discern what is spoken before my coming: "he that keepeth my works unto the end, shall have power over the nations." But when where the nations broken as a potter's vessel, all to shivers? this have not been done, The heathen nations have flourished with the increase of multitudesthe Christians have suffered--the martyrs put to death-the Jews are scattered, but not gathered. Then how is my Bible fulfilled? or how are the nations, broken like a potters vessel? this must be known unto all men was never accomplished. But know what I told thee in the beginning, my visitation to thee, was to all nations, that the END was AT HAND. And now I shall fulfil thy prophecies, and fulfil my Bible, for they both stand together; and I am now come to call men to discern their Bibles, for they testify of My Second coming in my Gospel, more than the Prophets prophecied of my FIRST Coming: now let men answer me, why the angel warned the churches so much of my coming, if they suppose I never meant to come? how is the New Jerusalem to come out of Heaven, if my Kingdom be never established among men, here upon earth? how is the NEW NAME to come to man? these things the churches were warned of, to hear what the SPIRIT saith unto them; and these things the Spirit warned them, that they were to expect should come from God, who created all things in the beginning. Now where is the man that can bring forward my Bible, to shew that all these things must be fulfilled? do they not appear as a dead letter to man, as though they had never read them? or if they had read them they had never discerned them. Bring all my Bible together, and where is the man can answer before me, to say these things, were not all foretold? Is it not written, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come; then can men answer

me, if I was in the beginning, if I have been amongst them, that I am to come again and be worshipped by man here upon earth. For by me were all things created, then shall I not enjoy the world that I created? that men may give glory and honour to my name, upon the earth that I created them in. All this stands upon record to shew mankind what will be. And now I AM come in the SPIRIT to bring forward all these things to man, that have been as a dead letter in my Bible, that I may open the eyes of their understanding,-that they may consider the latter end; and know all this must be fulfilled on the earth, as it is written, thou hast made us unto our God, kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth; here I have shewed thee from the Revelations what must take place upon the earth. Here follows the Explanation of Isaiah XLI. which is printed in the answer to false doctrine, 43 page.

In reading the XXVII. of Isaiah, I pondered in my heart, how judgements and mercies, blessings and destruction, was so mixed together, that no man could explain the meaning of the Prophet's words; to which I was answered,-to understand the words of the Prophet, you must call back what happened to the Jews; what is already fulfilled, and what remains to be fulfilled. But to discern the mystery of the great promises, and the great judgements, being so mixed together, you must call to your remembrance, that when the Jews were scattered and destruction came upon them; there was found a Daniel, to stand for the end, and those that were cast into the fiery furnace. These things you must weigh deep, to discern the words of the Prophet, what happened before my coming; and then discern, at my coming, how many of the Jews were my Disciples, and how the others were destroyed, and cut off through unbelief; these things you must discern deeply, if you

will discern the words of the Prophet. For there are thousands that have read their Bibles, and pondered in their hearts like thee, how fatal judgements can be placed with promised blessings; by which reason they have become Atheists, as they do not land their thoughts back on the past, to see what have taken place, nor look to the standard in the Jews, how they stand to this day. But if men discerned deeply, how my Gospel was brought in by many of the Jews, while others were scattered and destroyed; then, they would discern into the words of the Prophet, how blessings and threatenings might stand together. Great promises, and and great judgements, were united together when I came upon the earth. For though the Disciples suffered persecution, yet their names stand for a memorial of blessings for ever, which will end as a blessing to mankind. While the others stand out in judgements, that are so plainly proved to all the world. This must be deeply discerned, and weighed, to see the BND: then you will see the truth of the Prophet's words, how great blessings and great judgements will come together, when I makė an end of the whole. Now come to Isaiah, i. 27; Zion shall be redeemed with judgement, and her converts with righteousness, and they that forsake the Lord shall be consumed. Here is a Prophecy that stands for the END. But do not think in every place, where it is said redeemed, allude to the perfect Redemption of man in a spiritual sense as well as temporal; I tell thee no: the children of Israel were redeemed from the bondage of Pharoah;-but yet they were not redeemed from the power of sin;their sins had dominion over them, after I had redeemed them from the bondage of Pharoah. They theirselves went on to provoke me to anger, till they were cut off. But when it comes to the end, to the Spiritual redemption, then her converts become righteous, .

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