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he mocks all miracles in every age, in the religious system. He says, "Though the Being to whom the miracle is ascribed be in this case Almighty, it does not upon that account become a whit more probable; since it is impossible for us to know the attributes or acts of such a Being." It is shocking to relate in what a wretched manner this man mocks the Scriptures of Truth in "The Testimony concerning religious Miracles." Yet this writer is not condemned by the religious world; neither were his books suppressed from going out in the world, that must do more hurt to mankind, to fill their minds with Atheism, than all the books Mr. Brothers hath printed; for though he ascribed the Scriptures to man, which allude to the Lord; yet he does not deny the Scriptures being the word of God. There is another who wrote against him, who denies the fulfilment of the Bible: and as the commentators, he says, have failed in their judgment of the times, that he cannot rely on the wisdom of man, he doth not believe the millennium will ever take place. So thus, as the commentators have failed in their wisdom, he judges the Lord will fail in his promises; so as he denies the fulfilment of the Scriptures, how can he think to convince any man of his errors in any belief. When a man tells me, that the Scriptures will never be fulfilled; then he must deny the truth they contain; and must make himself a false prophet to me and to every true believer in the Scriptures. Now I am clearly convinced, from the folly there is in mankind, that were the world to go on as it now is, and the Lord were not to take the cause into his own hand, to open the eyes of men's understanding by the visitation of his Spirit, the wisdom of men would soon bring the world into that state in which the antediluvian world. was, when the deluge came and swept them away; and our Saviour's words would be verified-" If the days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved;" therefore it is the visitation of the Lord by

his Spirit that must enlighten the understanding of men, and prepare their hearts for his coming. This cannot be done by men; as I observe, from all the writings, of the professors of religion in these days, that they write more out of strife and contention, pride and vain glory, who shall be the greatest, and who shall be the wisest, than who shall be the humble followers of Christ. Let men deeply weigh the pamphlets that were out against Mr. Brothers, to convince mankind he was no prophet: they are written more in a style to persuade men that there is no truth in the Scriptures, than to point out the errors that were in him. And can this wisdom convince the world, any more than the Rev. Dr. Priestley's letter convinced the Jews? for, like him, they deny the Scriptures, which they pretend to support, as he denied the Gospel, which he pretended to persuade the Jews to turn to: and who but the Lord can open the eyes of men's understanding, to see the folly of what they are doing?

Another observation I shall make from a Preacher whom a friend of mine heard. He told his hearers, that all dreams, visions, and voices were from the devil. Then he must tell them that all the Scriptures were the same; for in dreams and visions the Gospel began; and from dreams and visions we repeatedly see the Prophets were warned; and it is from the SMALL STILL VOICE, that ye hear like the rustling wind, our Saviour told Nicodemus was to those who were born again of the Spirit of God. Now as to dreams, I have already published to the world how I was warned by a dream; and how I awaked with a dream, that saved my own life, and the lives of others, and the house from being burnt down; and will men say this was the devil's kindness, to warn and save us? Then they must say he is a guardian angel to protect us. I do not say that all dreams and visions come from the Lord; for I am clearly convinced they do not; and yet I am assured, from the

Scriptures of Truth, and the true warnings that have been given in dreams, that the Lord often visits that way and it is expressly said by the prophet Joel, and confirmed by St. Peter, that by dreams and visions many should be warned in the latter days. Now if we trace the records of the Bible, and discern how the Lord warned his people, in all ages of the world, in dreams and visions, and a small still voice; and it is said, the Lord is the same to day, yesterday, and for ever, in him there is no variableness nor the shadow of turning; then we must discern that in the same manner the Lord has gone on in ages past, to give his warnings; in the same manner he will go on now and as by the visitation of the Holy Ghost HE inspired his disciples; so in like manner HE hath promised to visit again in the end. And without this visitation of the Lord, no man can be warned of the end; for as these men observe of the commentators-the wisdom of men hath always failed; and I say, in spiritual things they ever will fail; and I do not know any thing that men have made so little progress in, as they have in the knowledge of the Scriptures: and, like Babel's builders, they go on one against the other, to confound each other; therefore they must confess they never can build in their own wisdom to come to a full knowledge of the meaning of the Scriptures, how they will be fulfilled, in what manner, or at what time. This same preacher, who denies all dreams and visions, or any warnings from the Lord, at the same time spoke against the wisdom of man, and his knowledge, and greatly reprobated Mr. Mayer's works in his Prophetic Mirror. So we see that every man is setting himself up as an earthly God, telling his hearers he is right, and all others are wrong, which I have observed from many writers of late. When my writings went first out in the world, many simply said I had taken them from books, and men's works, which I had brought together, when at that time

I had no books, but the Bible, and that I had not time to read, only where my hand was directed, when I have been ordered to open it, and pen the words, as they were explained to me all my writings were from the visitation of the Spirit, in Communications, as they were given me, which would not have gone out in the world, if the Truths had not followed, which I was ordered to put in the hands of the ministers year after year; but now, within these two years past I have been ordered to read my Bible through; and the explanation of great part has been given me; many books of the works of men I have been ordered to read, of those that have been lately published of different sects and parties; but amongst them all I have not found one that I could receive any instruction from, as the wisdom of man differs so greatly from the wisdom of God: as it is said by the Apostle, the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain; therefore let no man glory

in men.

This inclines me to make a further observation from the wisdom of men, how they bring to perfection the plan of their own wisdom in things that are temporal, and how they are at a loss in things that are spiritual. Now if we discern in things that are temporal, they build upon the foundation they have laid for their building, and so they carry it on in a regular order to complete it; but in things that are spiritual they go from the foundation that the Lord laid at first. Suppose a man were to go from the foundation of his building, thinking to build a castle in the air, or only resting upon a few pillars that are not strong enough to bear its weight; and by so doing the whole fabric would fall down, having no foundation to stand upon; perfectly so is their building upon the Scriptures; they take off from the foundation in the beginning, and the promise that was made in the fall, and all the promises through the Scriptures, which are pointed out in my writings, to

make the church militant and the church triumphant unite together; but all this foundation, that bringeth in our Redemption, they take away, and build their faith like castles in the air, without having any foundation to stand upon; because they go off from the foundation that the Lord hath laid; and so become like Babel's builders, who confounded one the other; as their speeches were divided, perfectly so is men's wisdom divided, as they forsake every foundation that the Lord hath laid for the Redemption of the Fall; and every spiritual union and visitation of God, to make the church militant join the church triumphant, they take away likewise; then what foundation hath man to build on of the Kingdom of Christ being established on earth? or any change to take place, while sin and the author thereof remain? Things of course will remain as they are, if the author of evil is not destroyed, as the foundation was laid in the creation, to bruise the serpents' head; this is the foundation the Lord laid at first; and this is the promise that is made us, to be fulfilled at last, as we may see in Rev. xx-That Satan should be bound for one thousand years, and a seal set upon him that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years shall be fulfilled; then will the Top Stone be finished with joy to the glory of God, and the good of mankind: and he that takes away these Prophecies, taketh away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the Holy City. Now I shall conclude with one more observation from men. A few days ago a hand-bill was brought me, that is put out to the public, with these remarks in it:

"Neighbours and friends. While so many dreadful calamities have lately visited surrounding nations-while so many of our great men are taken rapidly from us one after another, is it not high time for us to begin to think and to act aright for ourselves, for our families, for our country, and for our God? Have we been doing this as we ought to

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