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specting the School; I see great reason to bless the Lord on your behalf, knowing that he is training you for a Shepherd to feed his lambs. That the Spirit of truth may guide us into all truth, prays your ever sincerely devoted SARAH."

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I now return in the order of dates, to her diary, the following extracts from which will speak to us the happy privilege of walking and talking with God in secret, and (as the sure fruit) living forth his word and doctrine.

"August 1st.-I have thought much of the poor negroes in Jamaica to day; it is eight years since they were emancipated. I long to be with them, to help them in singing praises to God for all his goodness towards them. I have been praying for a missionary spirit, but how cold and dull my heart is to anything for the promotion of my Father's glory."


Aug. 2nd. When in company, I am led away by foolish talking and jesting. Oh when I remember that Christ who has done and suffered so much for me, and has borne all my sins upon the cross, I say that is just like my heart, so prone to leave heavenly things for those of a worldly nature . I have, too,

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neglected the means of grace: oh, what a vile sinner I am, and can there be pardon? yes, there is, and I will go now and ask it.

"Aug. 4th.-I have had a blessed opportunity of attending the Sanctuary of my God; the subject was,

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.' This is what I want to do, but my heart is so cold, I don't really know how to begin; I trust the Lord will instruct me: the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few."

"Aug. 7.-Surely I can say my God heard my prayer yesterday, I do not think I ever spent a happier Sabbath than I have this day: now I can say, 'Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name;' the ordinance of His house has been a feast indeed."


Aug. 13.—I have been at the throne this day imploring God to open the windows of Heaven and send showers of blessings upon the Church with which I am connected; and that he may raise up a pastor, one after His own heart, that will be made instrumental in building up believers in their most holy faith, and of pulling down the strong-holds of Satan in every heart."


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"Aug. 14th.-Another favourable opportunity of attending the sanctuary. I am afraid the seed is sown by the wayside, and the fowls of the air come and devour it before it has taken root. Forbid this, oh my God."

"Aug. 18th. I have been offering a broken prayer, for the children at East St. School, and for a special blessing on the labours of the teachers, that out of this School, there may be many that shall call the name of the Lord blessed, who shall date their first acquaintance with him there, and be made members of the Militant, and finally, Triumphant Church."

"Aug. 23rd.—I have been to-day to Sonning Anniversary (a little village not far from hence). We took tea in a tent, and afterwards Mr. A. preached a most faithful sermon from Jeremiah's Lamentation, i. 12. Surely the Lord met with us in that meadow; and a most refreshing time it was to my soul."


Aug. 24th.-Again remembering the many happy hours I have enjoyed in the Sunday School, and pray that the seed sown in weakness may be raised in power, to the honour and glory of God."

In harmony with the last entry, I insert here part

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of the first letter I find written to one of her beloved and prayed for scholars. The original is of considerable length, and breathes throughout the most ardent desire for her eternal welfare. The language seems to vibrate between doubt and hope, but, rising in precious faith, her heart ascends to God, and from her pen flows the earnest exhortation, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you."


"My Dear Girl,

66 Sydney Terrace, "Reading, Aug. 12th, 1842.

“I avail myself of an opportunity to acknowledge the receipt of your letter which I was so happy to receive. I was glad that you were pleased with the Jubilee Meeting: do not forget the poor heathen; do all in your power to aid them, and pray for them also. Remember you have the Gospel preached unto you, but they have not; then would you not wish them to hear the glad tidings of salvation, so freely declared in the word of God? Invite others to add a farthing to yours, to send a Bible to the poor black children, for they know not the true God.



Now, my dear girl, I must say a word to yourself. Are you enquiring the way to life? Remember Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life,'—and 'Whosoever believeth in Him, shall never perish, but have eternal life.' How important to be prepared to meet our God, and exchange time for eternity . . Pause for a moment, and think how truly awful it will be, to hear the voice of the Judge, 'Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting punishment!' The words make me tremble now; but may I hope better things than these? I trust the Lord has begun a good work in your heart; and you are not too young to serve Him. Oh, there is such happiness in religion, that the world can neither give, nor ever take away. Oh, what a comfort, when on a bed of sickness or death, to know that you have been living to the glory of Christ! I long to hear that your heart is His. That you may grow in grace, and in His knowledge is the prayer of your ever dear and affectionate Teacher,


Her mind at this time dwelt much upon the great work of Christian Missions, and she had, I believe, a growing desire to be employed in teaching the Gospel

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