Page images

Marcosians, the, ii. 151.

Millenarians, the, ii. 153.

Mills's N. T. ii. 126. v. 151.

wife, iii. 229.

Martial, ii. 35.

Medes required polygamy, iii. 224. Milton's attempt to divorce his

[blocks in formation]

Montanists, the, ii. 151.
Montgeron's relation of miracles,

ii. 207.

Moravians's scruples about oaths,
iii. 147.

Moses Chorenensis, v. 16.

Noëtus, ii. 156.
Novatians, the, ii. 156.
Novatus, ii. 131, 153.

Otaheite, common property of land,
there, iii. 94.

Pallas's Travels, i. 324.

Pantaenus, ii. 144.

Papias, ii. 113.

Paris's, the Abbé, tomb, miracles
at, ii. 205.

Paul of Samosata, ii. 152, 156.

Pausanias, ii. 301.

Pearce's Comment, v. 155.

Pearson's Antiq. ii. 319. Annals,
ν. 19, 193, 209.

Pelagians, the, ii. 154.
Percival's Father's Instructions, i.
314. iv. $65.

Persians allow divorce by husband,
iii. 225.

Phalaris, Epistles of, v. 233.

Philaster, ii. 168.

Philo, ii. 288.

Philopatris, ii. 301.

Pliny, junior, ii. 25, 34, 62, 68, 327,


Plutarch, ii. 294, 377.

Pocock's Ed. of Grotius de Ver. ii.


Poebadius, ii. 133.

Poland, Constitution of, iii. 368.
Polycarp, ii. 56, 75, 112, 138, 233,

389. v. 228.

Porphyry, ii. 164-166, 181, 393.
Porteus's Sermons, ii. 405.
Powell's Discourses, ii. 417.
Praxias, ii. 151.
Prideaux's Life of Mahomet, ii. 345.
Priestley's Letters to a Philosophi-
cal Unbeliever, i. 279. ii. 314.
Lectures on the Truth of the
Jewish and Christian Revelation,
ii. 367.

Philosophical Transactions, i. 33, Priscillianists, the, 154, 156.

40, 111, 239.

Philostratus, ii. 182, 301.

Photinus, ii. 156.

Puffendorff, iii. 7.

Puritans excluded from subscrip.

tion, iii. 161.

Pierre's St. Philosophy, i. 231, 237. Pythagoras, ii. 181.

[blocks in formation]

Sabellians, the, ii. 152.
Sabellius, ii. 156.

Sales's Koran, (vide Koran.)
Sanderson's, Bishop, construction
of a marriage promise, iii. 110.
Saragossa, pretended miracle in the
church of that city, ii. 204.

Schelhammer, i. 79.

Scroderus, v. 16.

Secker's Archbp. works, iv. 49.

Seneca, ii. 297.

Serapion, ii. 173.

Sethians, the, ii. 151.

Sherlock's Sermons, iv. 292.


marriage within what degrees,
220. Allowed divorce by hus-
band, 225. Allowed father right
over life of his child, 252.

[ocr errors]

Rousseau, i. 359. iii. 14.
Rufen, ii. 169.
Rutherford's Institutes of Natural
Law, iii. 9.

Socinians, the, ii. 150.
Socrates, ii. 153.

Solon introduced wills, iii. 163.
Sonnah, the, ii. 345.
Spallanzani, i. 122, 186, 200.
Spartan Law of marriage, iii. 206:
Steno in Blas. Anat. i. 106.
Stevens's Experiments on Diges-
tion, i. 124.

Sturmius thought examination of
the eye a cure for Atheism, i. 30.
Suetonius, ii. 19, 32, 285, 293, 299.
Sweden punishes polygamy, how,
iii. 224. Revolution in, 361, 369.

Simon Magus gave his name to Si- Sybilline oracles, ii. 220.

mony, iii. 156.

Sydenham on Fever, i. 339.

Smellie's Philosophy, i. 253.

Syriack version of N. T. v. 93.


Tacitus, ii. 19, 26, 30, 201, 326, 377. | Thucydides, ii. 186.

Tacitus de Mor. Ger. iii. 163.

Talmud, the, ii. 240.

Tatian, ii. 143, 151. ν. 232.
Temures's perfidious performance

of his promise, iii. 105.
Tertullian, ii. 123, 167, 140, 141,
144, 288, 330, 391. v. 147, 223,
230, 235.

Theodoret, ν. 236.
Theodotus, ii. 151.

Theophilus, ii. 130, 139. v. 228.

Tillotson, ii. 12.

Townshend on the Resurrection, ii.
255, 314.

Tucker's Light of Nature, i. 341,
370. iii. 12. iv. 92.
Tunstal's Controversy about Cice-
ro's Epistles, v. 234.
Turks allowed polygamy, iii. 224.
Divorce by husband, 225.
Twelve Tables, Laws of the, allow-
ed wills, iii. 163.

[blocks in formation]

Wake's Ed. of Clem. Rom. ii. 55. & | Wilkins, Bishop, i. 105. His Natu-

[blocks in formation]

Xavier, ii. 183.

| Zuinglius, iv. 450.








CHAP. ii. ver. 2, 3, vol. iii. 303 Chap. xviii. ver. 1-18, iii. 220

[blocks in formation]

iv. 351

iii. 217

iv. 353

iii. 307

[blocks in formation]

VOL. v.




Chap. xxiv. ver. 20, 21, ii. 307


[blocks in formation]

iii. 184

ii. 255


[blocks in formation]


iv. 210


ii. 228

Chap. xix. ver. 12, 13, iv. 243


[blocks in formation]

iii. 212

[blocks in formation]

ii. 251

[blocks in formation]

iii. 147

[blocks in formation]

v. 16,

v. 17, 18,

v. 21,

ν. 22,

ν. 27, 28,

v. 28,

ν. 28,

v. 28,

ν. 29,

ν. 33-38,

ν. 34,

ν. 34, 37,

ν. 34, 39, 44,

v. 35,

V. 39-41,

v. 42,

vi. 1,

vi. 1, 2,

vi. 3, 4,

vi. 6,

vi. 6,

vi. 14, 15,

vi. 25-30,

vi. 26-28,

vi. 31-33,

vi. 33,

vii. 1, 2,

vii. 2,

vii. 7, 11,

vii. 11,

vii. 11,

vii. 11,

vii. 18,

vii. 21,

vii. 21, 22,

viii. 11,

viii. 21,

viii. 26,

ix. 13,

ix. 13,

ix. 18,

x. 1,

x. 32, 33,

xi. 2,

xi. 2, 3,

xi. 4,

xi. 16,

ii. 111

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