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people sometimes drawn from their condition, ib. 228. The groundlessness
of the saints' discouragements, a necessity to consider whether we be in Christ
or no, ib. 252. Which holds forth an invitation for souls to come to Christ,
ib. 253. Which urges them to see that they walk in the comforts of the Holy
Ghost, ib. 254. Faith a help against all discouragements, ib. 275. The
means appointed against, ib. 255.

DISTRESS, an opportunity for God's appearance, ii. 55.
DIVISIONS, between friends, the work of Satan, i. 132. That time a dark time,
ib. 407.

DOUBTS, as to interest in Christ's intercession, i. 37, 39, 43, 176. As to com-
ing to Christ, ib. 44. As to the acceptance of our prayers, ib. 55. Arising
from infirmity, ib. 56. As to Christ's sanctification of duty, ib. 60. As to
interest in Christ's blessing, ib. 80. They are favourable to temptation, ib.
99. Of Christ's willingness to succour in temptation, ib. 118. Respecting
interest in justification, ib. 121.
Arising from temptation, ib. 137, 174.
Through mistaking temptation for corruption, ib. 138. Answers to them, ib.
174. Concerning faith, ib. 177. As to interest in Christ's fulness, ib. 220.
Of possessing spiritual life, ib. 311. Whether justified by faith alone, or no,
ib. 333. Of protection in the time of plague, ib. 481. Whether peace be
true or false, ii. 17. Of finding comfort in reading the Scriptures, ib. 40.
Arising from the Lord apparently not answering prayer, ib. 114. From the
length of time of a temptation, ib. 154. In the time of desertion, ib. 173.
Arising from afflictions, ib. 193. Whether afflictions proceed from God's
love, ib. 200. From want of abilities in God's work, ib. 213. Arising from
the saints' mean condition, ib. 232. From an unsettled condition, ib. 234.
Originating in a sad state of soul, ib. 236. Of proving a hypocrite at last,
240. Arising from the doctrine of God's decrees, ib. 243. As to personal
interest in Christ's redemption, arising from the particular nature of it, ib.
250. Arising from the apparent dissimilarity of condition with that of the
saints, ib. 251. Through delay of the promise, ib. 272. Doubts in the soul,
whether it hath had some special mercy, or no, ib. 290. Of possessing the
fear of the Lord, ib. 425.

DRAKE (Mrs.) troubled in conscience respecting the sin against the Holy Ghost,

iv. 206.

DREAMS, much vanity in, i. 420.

ib. 420. Are uncertain, ib. 420.

They do not consist with the fear of God,
Difficulty of ascertaining whether they are
from God or the devil, ib. 420. To interpret them the work of a prophet, ib.
421. Whether God speaks by them now or not, ib. 421. No ordinance of
God, ib. 421. No mark of God's love, ib. 421. Have been had by the
wicked, ib. 421. The soul not to be ventured upon them, ib. 421. Inferior
to the light of Scripture, ib. 422. Dreams and voices, a hard matter and un-
profitable, ib. 423.

Doors, three great ones to be opened before a man's conversion, i. 261.
DUTY, of the saints to resist temptation, i. 123. It is not to stand in the room
of Christ, ib. 332. Exactness in it a mark of growing in grace, ii. 98. Of
heartlessness in it as a cause of discouragement, ib. 107. The excellency of
enlargements in it, ib. 108.

DUTIES, sanctified by Christ as Mediator, i. 49, 57. Accepted in him, ib. 54,
66. None lost, ib. 58. The least not despised by Christ, ib. 62. Flowing
from Christ's fulness, ib. 194. Arising from an answerableness of grace in
the saints to every grace of Christ, ib. 287. Called for on possessing spiritual
life, ib. 316. No ground of acceptance with God, ib. 332. When a man
may be said to make them a ground of acceptance with God, ib. 333. Flow-
ing from the indwelling of Christ by his Spirit, ib. 379. Christ a greater
hand in them than ourselves, ib. 389. May be observed unprofitably, ii. 37.
Failings in them, sometimes the cause of the saints' discouragements, ib. 101.
Christ in all the saints' duties, ib. 103.

ELECT, chosen in God from eternity, v. 373. Not justified from eternity, ib. 374.
Not justified at the resurrection of Christ, ib. 377.

ELECTION, the doctrine of, no cause for discouragement, ii. 243. The doctrine
set forth, ib. 243. How a man may know his election of God, ib. 244. When
musing thereon the saint beholds God as a potter, ib. 305.

ENCOURAGEMENT, from Christ's willingness to intercede, i. 43. For sinners to
come to Christ, ib. 43, 62, 81. To look for the Lord's blessing, ib. 81. Το
go on in the ways of Christ, ib. 83. To good and bad men to come to Christ,
ib. 218, 257. To saints who doubt their interest in Christ's fulness, ib. 220.
To the godly to come to Christ, ib. 257. To come unto God in prayer, duty,
&c., ii. 120. Under the want of assurance, ib. 139. To doubting souls la-
bouring under sad temptations, ib. 162. In the time of spiritual desertion, ii.
177. Arising from God's putting the sentence of death upon his chiefest
blessings, ib. 299, 311. Three words of encouragement to the English volun-
teers, iv. 43. To hearken unto Christ as a Prophet, ib. 160.
ENCOURAGEMENTS, to be thankful in every condition, iv. 107.
ENEMIES, to Christ, a cursed state, i. 82. God himself hath many, iv. 4. The
children of God being in covenant with God, their enemies are his, ib. 5. The
Lord is pleased for a time to sleep unto his enemies, ib. 6. When God ariseth
then his enemies are scattered, ib. 8. Who are God's, ib. 13. The enemies
of God cannot endure the sight of God, ib. 16. Our prayers do raise up
God to the scattering of our enemies, ib. 20. Of the church, and the saints'
strength against them, ib. 326.

ENGLAND, the ruling power thereof considered, v. 277. Its misfortunes, ib. 323.
The causes of its misfortunes, ib. 324. Her religion and ordinances clearer
during her misfortunes, ib. 324.

ENGLAND's mercy, how to open a way to, and appease God's anger, iv. 68.
ENJOYMENT of God, a gospel blessing, i. 69. The meanest employment and the

highest enjoyment may stand together, ib. 495.

ENVY, there is none in heaven, iii. 323.

EPHESUS, Christ commends the church of, for many things, iv. 240.
ERRONEOUS times dark times, i. 406.

Esau, a profane man, i. 82. His vain search for a place of repentance, ib. 82.
ESTABLISHED, a man unfit to look upon trouble until his heart be established in
God by believing, iii. 161. Great evil of not being so in the truth, iv. 273.
What we shall do that we may be established in the truth, ib. 273. What a
nation shall do that they may be so established, ib. 274. Also, what a church
shall do so to be, ib. 276. Also what particular persons shall do so to be, ib.
278. What a man shall do that he may so be in the ways of God. ib. 283.

ESTABLISHMENT in the truth, the blessing thereof, what it is, iv. 261.
ETERNAL generation of Christ discovered to old testament believers, i. 245.
EVANGELICAL, when a man may be said to be so in opposition to Moses, iii. 86.
EVIDENCES, for heaven, in God's keeping, ii. 138.

EVIL times described, iv. 38,
EXCELLENCIES of Christ, i. 89.

EXHORTATION, to hear Christ, i. 63. To come to Christ, ib. 82, 85, 196. How
to act under temptation, ib. 104. To turn away from temptation, ib. 104. Το
trust in Christ as a succouring Saviour, ib. 121. To keep a sense of Christ's
love on the approach of temptation, ib. 123. To look unto Christ in tempta-
tion, ib. 124. To give the soul into Christ's hands in temptation, ib. 124. Το
rest upon Christ in temptation, ib. 125. Not to despise any means when under
temptation, ib. 125. Not to live upon the letter of the promise in such times,
ib. 125. To go to Christ under all temptations, ib. 127. To the wicked to
seek after Christ's fulness, ib. 218.
To live by faith, ib. 242. To duties
arising from Christ's fulness, ib. 291. To fellowship with Christ in his suffer-
ings, ib. 291. To get the indwelling of Christ in the soul, ib. 380. For the
saints to love one another, ii. 443. To pray for the army under the Prince of
Orange, iv. 28. To volunteer in the service of one's country, ib. 41. To be
all of good courage, ib. 45. To give thanks to God in every thing, ib. 94.
EXPERIENCE, christian, great matters in, i. 253. Its light borrowed from Scrip-
ture, ib. 431. Short of the Scriptures, ib. 431. A great help to faith, ib.
Cannot heal our unbelief, ib. 431. Its use, ib. 431.
It brings forth
hope, ib. 431. A help to, but not the ground of faith, ib. 431. Through all,
trust in the promise, ib. 432. It must be reduced to the written word, ib. 432.
The test of some, ii. 290. Experience of former mercies, without faith, will
not carry through difficulties to Christ, ib. 327.

FAITH, strong, productive of great holiness, i. 19.
Strengthened by Christ's
priestly office, ib. 19, 20. Of the woman with the issue of blood, ib. 38.
The object of the epistle to the Hebrews to strengthen it, ib. 89. A shield in
time of temptation, ib. 105. An anchor in the sea of temptation, ib. 105.
What it is to fail in faith, ib. 147. The inconvenience of failing therein, ib.
149. To fail in it, a loss of comfort, ib. 149. To fail in it, a loss of present
prize, ib. 149. To fail therein a loss of the sweetness of promised mercy, ib.
150. Why Satan designs upon it in time of temptation, ib. 152. How Satan
weakens it in time of temptation, ib. 152. The three acts of faith, ib. 153.
Satan's attack upon the faith of reliance, ib. 153. Satan's attack upon the
faith of assurance, ib. 156. Disagreement between faith and doubting a plea
of Satan, ib. 158. Satan's attack upon the faith of acknowledgment, ib, 159.
Two differences of feeling in faith, ib. 176. Feelings that accompany faith, ib.
176. Reliance upon grace an evidence of its increase, ib. 177. The grace
most put on in Scripture, ib. 232. Faith and love the two wheels of spiritual
obedience, ib. 235. Justifying faith makes a man live a spiritual life, ib. 352.
It makes a man deny himself, ib. 352. Hopes of having all faith, ib. 353.
Self-denial a mark of true faith, ib. 354. What that is which God has pro-
mised to honour in the time of plague and pestilence, ib. 471. The ground of
the faith of assurance, ii. 250. The ground of the faith of reliance, ib. 250.
That of reliance before assurance, ib. 251. How its exercise will allay discou-
ragements, ib. 257. The christian's duty to exercise it when discouragements
arise, ib. 260. Its power to allay and bear up under discouragements, ib. 261.
It sees that in God which answers to all wants, ib. 263. It puts the soul under
God's commandment, and leaves God to answer all that may come thereby, ib.
265. Its proper work is the resignation of our wills to God, ib. 266. Is to
fall with a suitable promise and apply it, ib. 266. Is to trade with the call of
God, ib. 266. Is to see the hand of God in every dispensation, ib. 266. Is
to look on both sides of God's dispensations and of our condition, ib. 266. Is
to see one contrary in another, ib. 266. Is to engage God to succour, ib. 267.

The difference betwixt feigned and unfeigned faith, ib. 267, How it is to be
exercised to bear the heart up against all discouragements, ib. 268. Its several
helps stated, ib. 274. Abraham's faith commended, ib. 283. The matter of
it, ib. 283. The subject of it, ib. 283. The manner of it, ib. 283. The
cause of it, ib. 283. The effect of it, ib. 283. The great field faith hath to
work in, ib. 304. Such to be exercised unto God as is suitable unto him, ib.
307. Its great necessity urged, ib. 310. No difficulties can stand before it,
ib. 318, 332. True justifying faith will carry through all difficulties to Jesus
Christ, ib. 321. It carries through abundance of difficulties, ib. 324. What
is in saving faith that can carry the soul through difficulties to Christ, ib. 327.
It shows the soul the invisible things of God, ib. 328. It tells the soul that
all things are its own, ib. 328. It shows greater excellencies in Christ than
all difficulties can come to, ib. 329. It enables the soul to leave the event of
all with God, ib. 329. It is that whereby the soul takes up the yoke of Christ,
ib. 330. It teacheth to pick up the love of God from under his anger, ib. 331.
It fills the soul with God's infinity, ib. 331. Strengthened by the strength of
that God which it grasps upon, ib 332. How a man shall raise his faith as he
may break through all to Christ, ib. 332. The soul's venture upon Christ, ib.
333. Called in Scripture, knowledge, ib. 334. The great things it can do
under all circumstances, ib. 338. An active grace, ib. 340. Faith incarnate
is our sanctification, ib. 341. The first worker in the soul, ib. 341. Can turn
its hand to every work, ib. 341. Works best when it works alone, ib. 341.
And, sometimes, when it works in the dark, ib. 341. The longer it works the
better, ib. 342. What are the great things it will do, ib. 342. The matters
which it accomplishes, ib. 342.
The three great agents which faith out-works
in the world, ib. 344. How it appears it can do greater things than gospel
parts and common grace, ib. 346. How it comes to pass that saving faith can
do such great things, ib. 348. The want of faith is the cause of so little work-
ing for God. ib. 350. When there is any great work to do, it should be called
in, ib. 351. How it should be so improved as we may do great things thereby,
ib. 352. True saving faith can and will suffer very hard things, ib. 359. It
will keep from fainting under suffering, ib. 362. How it carries through all
sufferings, ib. 365. How it should be improved as that we may bear up under
sufferings, ib. 369. Faith and repentance no conditions of the covenant, iii.
267. Faith commended by the Lord Jesus, iv. 123. In what lies the strength
of faith, ib. 124.

FAITHFULNESS, Christ beyond Moses therein, i. 34.

FATHER and Brother, Christ as both to his people, i. 3, 172.


FEARS removed, i. 4, 63. Of approaching a throne of grace, ib. 63. As to
possessing spiritual life, ib. 319, 391. Whether Christ indwells by his Spirit
or no, ib. 375. Whether called to the Lord's work or no, ii. 215.
fears to believe when all means fail, ib. 312. Of presuming, ib. 315. Ex-
pressed for the safety of the church in England, iv. 74. Of miscarriage under
a sad condition, ib. 91. Whether Christ and the promise belong to the soul
or no, ib. 126. Of having sinned against the Holy Ghost, ib. 202.

FEAR of God, twofold, servile and filial, ii. 423. A man possessing it cannot do
as others do, ib. 424. What is in it that causes the soul not to do as others
do, ib. 425. Is it possible for a man having it to do as others do, ib. 426.
FEAR the Lord, if a man do truly, what is the issue thereof, ii. 427. Marks
of so doing, ib. 429. Directions for strengthening it. ib. 431.
FEARNE'S (Dr.) argument, what it is, v. 201. To whom his treatise is injuri-
ous, ib. 252.

FELLOWSHIP with Christ, the blessedness of, i. 278, 289.

FIRE which consumed the sacrifices under the law, typical, i. 60.

FIRST-BORN, Christ as, i. 260.

FOLLOWING Christ, reasons for, i. 46. The mark of a disciple, ib. 175.
FORGIVENESS, matter of the saints' rejoicing, i. 37.

FORSAKE, how God and Christ doth his church, ii. 171. How far so, ib. 172.

God doth not, unless we forsake him, ib. 180. When he doth so finally, and
how known, ib. 179.

FREE grace, its benefits, i. 241.

FRIEND, Christ one that never dies, i. 36.

One that never changes, ib. 37. A

blessed state to have Christ as one, ib. 82. Christ as a friend, ib. 172. God
such to his people, ib. 190.

FRIENDSHIP, the greatest between Christ and a believer, i. 384.
FRUIT must be gathered, so spiritually, i. 22.

FRUITFUL, how to be, i. 271.

FRUITS of Christ, the best fruits, i. 22. Enumerated, ib. 22.

FULNESS, of the saints, the fulness of sufficiency, ib. 191. Of Christ's fulness

a fulness of efficiency, ib. 191. That of the saints a paticular fulness, ib. 191.
That of Christ an universal fulness, ib. 191. That of saints ebb and flow, ib.
191. That of Christ is a dwelling fulness, ib. 192. Is a reason for trusting
in him, ib. 196. How it may be drawn forth, ib. 197. Sufficient for all his
people, ib. 199. The glory arising from it due to himself, ib. 199. Who it
is receives of it, ib. 201. Partaken of by all his saints, ib. 202. Commu-
nicated to all believers, ib. 202. The willingness of Christ to communicate of
his to his people, ib. 205. Christ's pleasure in communicating his to his
saints, ib. 206. Nothing can hinder Christ from communicating his to belie-
vers ib. 208. The fulness of grace in a believer often hid from himself, ib.
211. The fulness of Christ not communicated as an universal cause, ib. 211.
But, communicated in proportion, ib. 212. Or, according to necessity, ib.
212. The fulness of Christ and of the world compared, ib. 213. Christ's
fulness a sufficiency under all temptations, ib. 219. And against all discou-
ragements, ib. 219. And, against all afflictions, ib. 219. Christ's fulness had
by the saints in a way of receiving. ib. 222. Objections to the doctrine of
Christ's fulness had in a way of receiving, ib. 234. The objections answered,
ib. 234. Why the Lord hath so ordered it, ib. 236. A mark of God's infi-
nite care over believers, ib. 238. A great mark of union with Christ, so con-
trarywise, ib. 240. A proof of salvation being by grace, ib. 241. Christ's
fulness does not derogate from the Father, ib. 162. But, conducive to the
Father's honour, ib. 262. The good arising therefrom, ib. 270. A reason for
hallowing his name, ib. 272. Fulness of Christ conducive to grace and holi-
ness, b. 284.

GENTILES, Christ forbids his disciples to go unto them, yet goes himself, iv. 114.
GIFTS, the work of the high priest to offer them, i. 46. As such, Christ's work,
ib. 48. Received by Christ for the rebellious also, ib. 221. The gifts of the
Holy Ghost had in a way of receiving, ib. 223. All good gifts come from
above, ib. 260. The two great gifts of God, ib. 290. Their meanness no
cause for discouragement in duties, ii. 104. Christ possessed better than them
all, ib. 105. Their want recompensed by the Lord some other way, ib. 106.
Gifts and parts without faith will not carry through difficulties to Christ, ib.
Their excellency, iv. 163. May all desire them, ib. 163. Their way distinct
from that of grace, ib. 164. What excellency there is in them, ib. 164.

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