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CHRIST, made like unto his brethren, i. 3. As such a suitable High Priest, ib.
4. His priestly office a source of support against temptation, ib. 4. A
means of reconciliation, ib. 4. No terror in it, ib. 6. Those of his excel-
lencies most opposed are most beneficial, ib. 6. The only relief for sin, ib.
7, 14. His priestly office a magazine of grace and comfort, ib. 21. Unknown
to professors, ib. 21. He was in the bosom of his Father from eternity, ib.
29. Received honourably into heaven, ib. 31. He sat down at God's right-
hand, ib. 31. He did so as High Priest, ib. 31. Anointed to intercede, ib.
40. His willingness to intercede for those who believe, ib. 40. Anointed as
an Advocate, ib. 41. His public acknowledgement of sinners, an incentive
to open discipleship, ib. 44. Fore-ordained to his work, ib. 51. His favour
with God improved for the saints' good, ib. 52. Himself and his saints
equally loved of God, ib. 54. Greater than Moses and Elias, ib. 65. Не
washed his disciples' feet, ib. 67. His relation to his people, ib. 73. His
apparent contrarieties, ib. 100. He succours tempted souls, ib. 109. His
names, ib. 109. He is the contrary of sin, ib. 109. Casting out devils, ib.
112. His willingness to succour the tempted, ib. 112. Troubled to deliver
tempted souls, ib. 113. He wept, ib. 113. His willingness to succour the
tempted, argued from his willingness when on earth to cure diseased bodies,
ib. 114. Taking our infirmities and bearing our sicknesses, ib. 115. His
willingness to succour the tempted, a ground of consolation to the saints, ib.
120. The same an argument for the saints to succour each other, ib. 122.
The same an argument to resist sin and temptation, ib. 122. His love and
care of his people evinced under temptation, ib. 165-70. Testimonies of
him, ib. 185. Fulness of grace in him, ib. 186. Of his fulness all his peo-
ple have received, ib. 186. His heart in heaven the same towards men as
when upon earth, ib. 187. The same after death as before, ib. 189. He was
anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows, ib. 191. His anointing
running down upon his mystical members, ib. 191. Proofs of the fulness
of his excellencies, ib. 193. He came himself and graciously visited our
forefathers in a hidden way, ib. 247. His all-sufficiency, ib. 260. He hath
taken upon himself all names, ib. 262. Commissioned by God the Father as
to his fulness, ib. 263. Furnished with ability unto his office by God the
Father, ib. 264. He and his Father are one, ib. 264. Christ the only one
fit for his work, ib. 264. The blessedness of being in him, ib. 286. The in-
being of Christ in believers, ib. 365. It is of a twofold manner, ib. 366.
His going to the Father, matter of a disciple's rejoicing, iii. 4.
proceeding from the same, ib. 4. The glory that followed, ib. 6.
of believers to rejoice in his exaltation, though it be to their debasement, ib.
9. How we shall rejoice in it in such a case, ib. 11. His own disciples may
be wanting in love to him, ib. 11. Love to his person more excellent than
love to the benefits received from him, ib. 13. Love to benefits received from
him, is good, ib. 13. Wherein love to his person, rather than to the benefits
received from him, excels, ib. 14. What we shall do, that our hearts may be
drawn out to his person, ib. 17. The knowledge of him insisted upon, ib.
295. He will come again, iv. 409. He will come at midnight, ib. 410. He
will come again spiritually and visibly, ib. 409. Upon whom the doctrine of
his coming at midnight looks wishly, ib. 414. The saints' duty flowing hence,
ib. 416. His coming at midnight, a sign that his personal coming is not far
off, ib. 421. Sufficient in him to relieve in the worst of times, v. 22. What
there is in him that can relieve in the worst of tin.cs, ib. 26. How it affects
us, that there is a sufficiency in Christ for the worst of times, ib. 32. His

The duty

sufficiency an encouragement for souls to get into him, ib. 34. Improvements
of the doctrine of his sufficiency, ib. 34. What we shall do to improve him
for our relief in the worst of times, ib. 36. His promises for the relief of
his people in the latter times, ib. 39.

CHRIST crucified, the object of faith, iii. 20. The one theme of the apostle
Paul, ib. 20. That which the apostles taught and the churches learned, ib.
21. What it is to know Christ crucified, ib. 21. How it may appear that it
is our work to know this, ib. 22. What there is in it desirable to be known,
ib. 26. Here is a full answer to all the believer's wants, ib. 27. Whether a
man may live under the gospel, and not know Christ crucified, ib. 28. The
benefits of a right knowledge of it, ib. 30. A knowledge of this, the best of
knowledge, ib. 34. What shall be done to know him in a right manner, ib.
34. The means of attaining a right knowledge of this, ib. 36. The duty of
such as know him aright, ib. 39.

CHURCH, the government of by bishops, v. 248. Every church hath a power to
see to its own preservation, ib. 312.

CHURCH of God, under the name of a temple, divided into the outer and inner
court, iii. 343. Its government, iv. 339.

CHURCHES, love to them evidenced by prayer for them, iv. 23. The churches of
Christ greatly interested in the prayers of individual believers, ib. 24.

CIRCUMSTANCES of the Lord's people observed by the Lord, i. 58.

CITIES of refuge, typical of Christ, i. 110. Cities of our God, what the term
implies, iv. 33.

CLAIM, of the people upon the high priest, i. 61.
COLDNESS of living and dead men, a difference betwixt the, i. 311.
COMFORT for believers, i. 4, 15, 35, 58. Under temptation, ib. 141, 173, 181.
Under the trial of faith, ib. 178. Arising from Christ's unchangeableness,
ib. 189. Arising from Christ's fulness, ib. 211, 218, 221, 239. Arising
from the indwelling of Christ by his Spirit in believers, ib. 375. Except it
wholly arise from Christ it will not stand, ii. 31. If laid upon outward bles-
sings, will never hold, ib. 31. Is not without thankfulness, ib. 31. Comfort
from impressions rather than the word, is not good, ib. 32. It may be known
where there is no assurance, ib. 129. It is the proper fruit and effect of the
Holy Ghost, ib. 394. A main part of the kingdom of God, ib. 395. A duty
and reward, ib. 395. The grace whereby other graces are read, ib. 395. That
whereby you joy in all good things, ib. 395. It is that grace whereby you are
enabled to bear up under all afflictions, ib. 395. It is the grace that stablishes
in the good ways of God. ib. 396. It is that grace that will give a beauty and
lustre to your profession, ib. 396. Sometimes not experienced by the saints
for a long time, ib. 396. Beyond the power of any creature to give it, ib.
397. It is bestowed by God in a way of free grace, ib. 397. Wherein the
free grace of God is manifested in the matter of our comfort, ib. 399. Di-
rections in going to God for it, ib. 408. Comfort arising from the doctrine of
Christ as Mediator, iii. 78. The soul's comfort in God, ib. 162.

COMFORTED, a great mercy to be truly, ii. 394. When a man may be said to be
so in a way of free grace, ib. 402. What shall be done in order to be so in a
way of free grace, ib. 405.

COMFORTS and Consolations, why God deals with us in a way of free grace in
the matter of our, ii. 401.

COMING Of Christ, the promise in the Old Testament, i. 71. What it is, iv. 406.
The manner thereof, ib. 407. Is at our midnight, ib. 408.

COMING to Christ, a neglect of, a profane state, i. 82. Its duty urged from the
fulness of Christ, ib. 194. Warranted by Christ's invitation, ib. 195. Simple
souls welcomed therein, ib. 195.

COMMANDMENTS, the need of, notwithstanding the indwelling of Christ, i. 386.
COMMONWEALTH, abuses practised in the time of, stated by Dr. Hammond, v.
349. The partizans of the parliament justified in the time of the common-
wealth, ib. 350.

COMMUNION with Christ, enhanced by Christ's indwelling by his Spirit, i. 371.
COMPANY, marks of good and bad, v. 90. What good company is, ib. 91.
When a man may be said to keep good company, ib. 92. Why a good man
will keep it, ib. 93. The benefit of good, ib. 95. The mischief of bad, ib.
98. Whether a good man in some case may keep evil company, ib. 101. The
keeping of good or bad a mark of character, ib. 104. Are all alike guilty who
keep bad, ib. 105. Some words to those who keep both good and bad, ib. 107.
What we shall do that we may avoid evil and choose good company, ib. 110.
How to improve good company, ib. 114.

COMPASSION, Christ full of, i. 33.

CONDEMNATION, none for the saints, i. 26.
CONDESCENSION of Christ admirable, i. 188, 350, 373.

CONDITION, the promise of God made to believers in every condition, ii. 47. Of
the saints, no cause for discouragement, ib. 228. The saint's is sometimes
worse after conversion than before in regard of outwards, ib. 229. The saint's
is carved out by the hand of his Father, ii. 229.
Is not to be lived upon, ib.
230. Is always intermixed with mercy, ib. 231. However mean is no cause
for discouragement, ib. 232. However unsettled is no cause for discourage-
ment, ib. 234. That of the soul, however sad, no cause of discouragement,
ib. 236. That of the saint, though apparently different from that of others,
no cause for discouragement, ib. 251. Ways of preparation against a sad
condition, iv. 84. Rules for behaving under a sad condition, ib. 86. How to
have comfort and support therein, ib. 88.

CONFESSION, the root of a good, iii. 348.

CONFORMITY, to Christ's image, a great matter, i. 249. To Jesus Christ, the
fitness of believers, ii. 289.

CONSOLATION, the fruit of Christ, i. 22. Under the

See Comfort.

CONTENTMENT, an evidence of increase of faith, i. 177.

CONTROVERSY, of the Lord with his people, ii. 444.

failing of faith, ib. 177.

A great matter, i. 255.

CONVERSION, the same power required therein as in the resurrection of Christ. i.

231. A sovereign work, ib. 231. Christ has a greater hand in it than our-
selves, ib. 389.

CONVERSATION, three things that make up a gracious, i. 326.
CONVICTION, without faith, will not carry through difficulties, ii. 325.
CORINTH, the church of, abounded with spiritual gifts, iv. 163.

CORINTHIANS, the carnality of them, v. 117.

CORRUPTION, charged by the wicked on Satan as his temptations, i. 188.
COUNSELS under temptation, i. 153, 157, 159, 160.

COURAGE, a description of good, iv. 34. Very requisite in evil times, ib. 37.
For whom it is requisite, ib. 39.

COVENANT of grace, founded on Christ's satisfaction, i. 18. So is a plea with
God, ib. 19. That which God made with Noah, ib. 209. The purport of the
covenant of grace, ib. 210. Difference betwixt that of grace and works, ib.
267, 330. The covenant of grace insures perseverance, not so that of works,
ib. 268. Every gracious man is in covenant with God, ii. 103. The covenant

[blocks in formation]

of grace the magna charter of the saints' privileges, ib. 103. A new cove-
nant stricken with the children of men, iii. 43. What the new covenant is,
ib. 44. Why it is called new, ib. 46. What its properties are, ib. 50. Who
the persons are with whom God strikes it, ib. 53. The good and evil of being
in covenant with the Lord, ib. 54. What must be done to get into covenant
with God, ib. 56. How such as are so shall walk becomingly, ib. 56. Seve-
ral ways wherein we do sin against the covenant, ib. 75.

COVETOUSNESS, satisfied in Christ's blessing, i. 84.

CROSS, the bearing it a mark of a true discipie, i. 175. The cross of Christ
attended with glory, i. 292.

CRESUS's son illustrative of believers, iv. 23.
CURSES, rendered blessings, i. 79.

CURSERS, converted into blessers, i. 79.

DANGER, angels succour in the time of the greatest, i. 491. David's example
how to behave ourselves in such times, v. 45.

DARKNESS, a fit time for Satan's temptations, i. 129. That of God's people is
only as of a cloud, ii. 52. How it is evidenced to be but as that of a cloud,
ib. 53.

DARK, a good man may be in the, i. 403. A good man may live in a dark part,
ib. 403. Though a good man may walk in it, yet he hath scripture light to
walk by, ib. 408. A good man not left in it by God, ib. 410. Impressions
comfort a good man when in it, ib. 424.

DAVID and Abigail, i. 29. Christ discovered to David, ib. 245. His history,
ib. 307.

DAY of judgment, comfort of hope in the, i. 59. Saints not judged then, ib. 59.
DAY-DAWN and day-star, what is signified thereby, i. 402.

DAYS, the 1260 of the witnesses defined, iii. 355.

DEAD, Christ raised three from the, i. 319. Which illustrates three kinds of
sinners Christ saves, ib. 319.

DEADNESS, opposed to liveliness, i. 311.

DEATH of Christ, voluntary, i. 12. As for sinners, a ground of hope to sin-
ners, ib. 17. Spiritual death, cannot happen to those in whom Christ dwells
by his Spirit, ib. 372. Fruits and effects of the death of Christ, iii. 219–
240. How it appears that Christ shall see the obtainment of the fruits and
effects of his death, ib. 240. The death of Christ of particular not universal
benefit, ib. 246. Fears as to be interested in it, ib. 246. Not equally for all
men, but expressly beneficial to believers, ib. 259.
DEBASEMENTS of Christ attended with glory, i. 292.
DEEP, the Lord's way in the, ii. 314.

DEFENCE of the witnesses in the days of their prophecy, iii. 359.
DELIVERANCE, what the saints are to return to God for every, iv. 401.

DEPART from God, a very dangerous thing to, iii. 427. When a man may be
said to do so, ib. 427. What we shall do, that we may not do so through
unbelief, ib. 434.

DEPARTED, the saints greatly desire his return when the Lord has, iii. 167.
DEPARTING from God, a disease that christians are subject to, iii. 426. An un-

believing heart the cause of it, ib. 429.

DEPARTURES of God, very afflictive to the saints, iii, 165.
know at such a time, that God will return again, ib. 171.
also know it, ib. 176.

How a soul shall
How a nation may

DEPENDENCE upon Christ, how to live in, i. 270.
DESERT, God doth sometimes, his people for a time, iii. 163. And that for the
good of others, ib. 165.

DESERTION times, dark times, i. 407. The saints' winter time, ii. 170. The
lot of all the saints. ib. 174. Not always the fruit of sin, ib. 175. The les-
sons God teaches by it, iii. 163. Faith and love then best seen, ib. 164.
The saints very sensible of the Lord's departures and desertions, ib. 165.
DESERTIONS, sometimes the discouragements of the saints are taken from their
spiritual, ii. 168. No cause for discouragement, ib. 169.

DESIRE of all nations, Christ is the, i. 194.

DEVIL, cast out of one who was possessed, iv. 112.

DEVOTEDNESS of Christ to his church, a reason for their's to him, i. 45.
DIFFICULTY commends duty, ii. 122.

DIFFICULTIES, impressions a help to a good man when in, i. 425. How to
grapple with them, ii. 332. The greater ones our graces are recovered out of,
the more comfortable they will be, ib. 334. What great ones Jesus Christ
hath broken through to come to his people, ib. 336. They should never be
spoken with apart from the promise, ib. 337.
Conclusion to come to under
them, ib. 337.

DILIGENCE in our particular calling a great matter, i. 254.
DIRECTIONS, under the want of assurance, ii. 144.

in evil times, iv. 46.

How to be of good courage

DISCIPLE, difference betwixt a true and false, iv. 212. The sin of a true one,
ib. 212.

DISCOURAGED, why God suffers his people to be, ii. 27. What must be done
that believers may not be, ib. 58. Why the saints have no reason for it, not-
withstanding sin, ib. 65. Why the saints have no reason to be discouraged
under their sin, though it be one never pardoned before, ib. 69. The same,
though their sin be against conscience, light and knowledge, ib. 70. The
same, though gross and heinous, ib. 70. The same, though revolting or
declining, ib. 71. The same, though they have sinned foully, and yet feel they
cannot repent enough, ib. 73. Difference betwixt being discouraged and hum-
bled, ib. 77. What we should do that we may not be discouraged under afflic-
tions, whether public or private, ib. 204.

DISCOURAGEMENT of a gracious spirit, ii. 3. Remedies against it, ib. 3. The
saints have no reason for it, whatever their condition be, ib. 43, 56. What is
in or for the saints, that may be a sufficient bulwark against it, ib. 45. None
met with by the saints, but a greater encouragement is bound up with it, ib.
50. Reproof for some of God's people under it, argued from the transitory
nature of their trials, ib. 55. Believer's apology for it, ib. 55. Exhortation
to beware of it, ib. 57. Reasons against it, ib. 57. Whence drawn, ib. 63.
Sometimes arises from the saints' greater sins, ib. 63. Under great sins
argued against, from its being itself a further sin, ib. 64. What a man should
do to bear up his heart against it, and yet be humbled, ib. 79. In the saints
it sometimes arises from the weakness of their graces, ib. 83. Arising from
the unserviceableness of weakness in grace, ib. 93. Arising from weakness of
grace, ib. 94. Sometimes the case with God's people through the want of
their evidence for heaven, ib. 124. What must be done to bear up against it
under temptation, ib. 163. And under spiritual desertion, ib. 182.

DISCOURAGEMENTS, make afflictions to stay the longer, ii. 188. Those of the
saints do arise from their employments, ib. 206. What must be done to bear
up against all discouragements in the work of God, ib. 224. Those of God's

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