THE POET'S DAUGHTER. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: JOHN MACRONE, 3, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE. MDCCCXXXVII. THE POET'S DAUGHTER. IN THREE VOLUME S. VOL. I. LONDON: JOHN MACRONE, 3, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE. MDCCCXXXVII. will marvel at my audacity;-then, if I address the public of what may my Public consist? Perhaps of some half dozen readers, who may manage to wade on to the last page! But I will hope that they may be as many as serve to make up a jury; and knowing the leaning towards mercy which my countrymen have ever evinced, I throw myself on their leniency, and trust they will pronounce an indulgent verdict. I can only say, that I felt every word I wrote, and, therefore, I may hope to awaken some kindred feelings in kindred bosoms; for although it is the fashion to talk much of the heartlessness and coldness of the world, I do believe I know that there is far more thoughtlessness than absence of heart in this same world, and that deep feeling, genuine kind ness, and noble generosity are much more common than misanthropists will allow. And now my fair and gentle countrywomen my brave, gallant and gallant countrymen, I throw myself on your mercy; and who ever trusted you and was deceived? With honest pride swelling my heart at being able to claim the proud title of your compatriot, I take my leave of you. THE AUTHORESS. |