OCTOBER hath xxxi, Days. MORNING PRAYER. EVENING PRAYER, 1 Leffon.12 Leffon. 1 Leffon.12 Leffon. 1A Remigius,Bp. Tob.-7 Mark-4 Tob. -81 Cor. 16 2 b Faith,V.& M. 7 II 8 12 IO C -II -13 -12 II d 13 -14 -14 12 e -15 -15 13 3 Lu.1.1039 16 b 2 Tranfl. of K. Wifd. 1 8 17 -18 2 9 Ecclus. I 24 Ecclus. 2 d Crifpin, Mar. Note that Ecclus 25. is to be read only to ver.13. and + Ecclus 30. only to ver 18. and Ecclus 46. only to ver. zo. DECEM Immoveable Feafts; together with the Days of Fafting or Abftinence, through the whole Year. RULES to know when the Moveable Feafts and Holy-days begin. After-day, on which the reft depend, is always the First Sunday after the Full Moon, which happens upon, or next after the Twenty-first Day of March; and if the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Eafter-day is the Sunday after. Advent-Sunday is always the nearest Sunday to the Feast of St. Andrew, whether before or after. } Septuagefima Nine Sexagefima Quinquagefima Quadragefima Six Rogation-Sunday Five Weeks Afcenfion-day Whit-funday Seven Weeks after Eafter. Trinity-Sunday Eight Weeks ATABLE of all the Feafts that are to be observed in the Church of England throughout the Year. All Sundays in the Year. TheDays of theFearts of The Circumcifion of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. The Converfion of S. Paul. The Purification of the Blessed Virgin. S. Matthias the Apostle. The Annunciation of the Bleffed Virgin. S. Mark the Evangelift. S. Pbilip and S. James the Apoftles. The Afcenfion of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. The Nativity of S. John Baptift. S. Peter the Apostle. S. James the Apostle. S. Bartholomew the Apostle. S. Simon and S. Jude the Apostles. S. Andrew the Apostle. S. Thomas the Apostle. The Nativity of our Lord. Monday and Tuesday in Eafter-week. Monday and Tuesday in Whitfun-week. ATABLE of the Vigils, Feafts, and Days of Abftinence, to be obferved in the Year. The Evens or Vigils before The Nativity of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. S. James. S. Bartholomew. S. Simon and S. Jude. S.Thomas. All Saints. Note, That if any of thefe Feaft-days fall upon a Monday, then the Vigil or Faft day fhall be kept upon the Saturday, and not upor the Sunday next before it. Days of Fafting or Abftinence. I. The Forty Days of Lent. II. The Ember-days at the Four 1. The First Sunday in Lent. 2. The Feast of Pentecoft, 3. September 14. 4. December 13. III. The Three Rogation-days, being the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Holy-Thursday, or the Afcenfion of our Lord. IV. All the Fridays in the Year, except Christmas-day. Certain Solemn Days for which particular Services are appointed. I. The Fifth Day of November, | III. The Twenty-ninth Day being the Day kept in me mory of the Papists Confpi racy. of May, being the Day kept in memory of the Birth and Return of King Charles II. II. The Thirtieth Day of Ja-IV. The Twenty-fifth Day of nuary, being the Day kept in memory of the Martyrdom of King Charles I. October, being the Day on which His Majesty began his happy Reign. |