FEBRUARY hath xxviii. Days, MORNING PRAYER. EVENING PRAYER. 1 Leffon. 2 Leffon. J1 Letfon. 2 Letion. Faft. Exod. 10 Mark - 1 Exod. 111 Cor. 13 e Purif.V.Mary f Blafius,B.&M Valentine, B. 10 II 13' 14 15 16 17 18 f S.Matthias A. 26 29 7890 Ephef. 8 13 Matth. 7 -14 Rom. 12 MARCH hath xxxi. Days. MORNING I Letfon. | 2 Leffon. EVENING Leffon.,2 Leifon d David,A.B. Deut. 15 Luke 12 Deut. 16 Eph.- 6 -18 Phil.- I The Numbers here prefixed to the feveral Days, between the Twenty-firft Day of March, and the Eighteenth Day of April, both inclufive, denote the Days upon which thofe Full Moons do fall, which happen upon or next after the Twenty-firft Day of March, in thofe Years, of which they are respect |