Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him, let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a inultitude of sins. They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever'.
AARON and his Sons, their consecration to the priesthood, ii. 386. Abraham, the divine principle and effects of faith in him, i. 405. Abraham, Joshua, Caleb, David, Asa, Jehoshaphat, and Hezekiah, examples of genuine trust in God, ii. 90.
Access to God, the highest honour and greatest privilege of his servants, ii. 502.
Affections (criminal), when indulged, lead to great wickedness, i. 142. Illustrated from the sinful behaviour of the people of Israel, i. 144. Afflictions, to be expected in this state of discipline and trial, ii. 95. All these directed by the Eternal Sovereign, whose dominion is over all, ii. 96. Various distresses upon men, as the natural effects and punishment of sin, ii. 97. The heaviest afflictions to be endured by the servants of God with humble submission, ii. 98. Especially when they consider their demerits, and his gracious purposes towards them, ii. 99. His merciful declarations and promises for their support and consolation, ii. 100. To this purpose are the instructions of our Lord, ii. 101. The sufferings of the Apostles, and their resigned and joyful behaviour under them, ii. 105. Under all our afflictions we are called to be steadfast in duty, ii. 107; and with patience to wait on God for support and de- liverance, ii. 108; and are encouraged to resignation by the view of the blessed fruits of affliction, ii. 109; and by assurance that the Christian's sufferings will soon have an end, ii. 110; and by the glorious prospect of the eternal recompense in heaven, ii. 111. The Apostle John's vision of the happiness to be enjoyed by those who have suffered for Christ here, ii. 113. These views have so animated the saints, as to make them to triumph in the greatest tribulations, ii. 114. The whole subject illustrated in the con- fession, prayers, and praises of the saints, ii. 115.
Almsgiving, many commands in Scripture to the performance of that duty, ii. 320-323..
Angels, two appear to the women at our Lord's sepulchre, i. 322. An Angel appears to the watch, ib.
Anger and Wrath, indications of a weak and foolish mind, ii. 223. Wherever these prevail, they always produce hurtful effects, and often issue in ruin, ib. Judgments denounced against the wrathful, ii. 224. Anger and wrath opposite to the spirit of the gospel, ii. 225. Events in Scripture show the dreadful consequences of anger and wrath, ii. 231.
Antichrist, what is foretold about his kingdom, ii. 445.
Apostles (Christ's) enjoined to communicate light to all nations, ii. 147; executed their commission faithfully, ii. 148. The prayers of the Apostles for those that had attained to saving know- ledge, and their joyful hope concerning them, ii. 157. Apostles, called by our Lord in time of his ministry on earth, and after his resurrection, ii. 421. Instructions relating to their duty and sufferings, ii. 422. Their first ministrations at Jerusalem, ii. 424. Different denominations of ministers in the apostolic age, ii. 428.
Apostles, to beware of false apostles and teachers, ii. 443.
Balaam, gifts given him for directing him to bless Israel, i. 344. Baptism of John, ii. 25. Baptism an institution of our Lord Jesus, ib. The doctrine and instructions of the Apostles relating to this institution, ii. 26. The practice of dispensing this holy ordinance in the apostolic age, ii. 27.
Barabbas, preferred to Jesus, and Pilate's sinful compliance, i. 313. Believers, the divine benefits Christ procured for them, i. 240. The obligation on them to walk worthy of these benefits, i. 242. Bezaleel and Aholiab, gifts given them for particular purposes, i. 343. Blessings, the divine blessings preached by the Apostles, as the gift of God through Jesus Christ, i. 274; urged as incitements to obe- dience, patience, thanksgiving, and steadfastness, i. 277.
Catholic Church, the whole body of saints in all places on earth, ii. 419. What to be understood by particular churches in par- ticular places, ii. 421.
Censoriousness, or judging others rashly, a disposition opposite to the spirit of the Gospel, ii. 328. Its nature and consequences stated by the Apostles, ib. A charitable manner of speaking and acting recommended, ii. 330. The complaints and prayers of the people of God relating to this subject, ii. 331.
Chastity, in opposition to lewdness, ii. 184; expressly required under the Law and the Gospel, ib. The dreadful consequences of lewd- ness in a present and future life, ii. 185. Considerations why Christians ought particularly to abstain from it, ii. 186. Christ, the ministry of our Lord upon earth, i. 285. His baptism, and temptations in the wilderness, i. 286. His entrance on his ministry, his divine mission, and his being the promised Messiah asserted, i. 288. Showed that the secrets of hearts were known to him, ib. That he had power over nature, i. 289-over all manner of diseases, i. 290-over evil spirits, i. 291—and over death, ib. That futurity lay open to him, i. 292. His mighty works appealed to as so many evidences of his divine mission, i. 294. Appeals to the prophecies that went before concerning him, i. 295. His delight to do the will of his Father, his love to mankind, and the purity and excellency of his life, i. 296. His diligence in his mission, and the manner of his teaching, i. 297. His compassionate
concern for those who rejected him, i. 298. His poverty, and the reproach and hatred that came upon him, i. 299. His courage and resolution in exercising his authority, i. 301. Is betrayed by Judas Iscariot, i. 302. Institutes the sacrament of his supper, i. 303. His last sufferings, i. 304. Is betrayed and apprehended, i. 307. His pretended trial and condemnation by Caiaphas the high priest, i. 309. His conversation with Pilate, i. 311. He is scut to Herod, i. 312. His sufferings in the Common-hall, i. 314. Led to Calvary, i. 315. His crucifixion, and the remarkable events connected with it, i. 316. His burial, i. 319. A watch set upon his sepulchre, i. 320. Reflections on this amazing event, ib.
His resurrection and ascension, i. 321. The appearance of an angel to the watch, i. 322. Of two angels to the women at the sepulchre, ib.; and to Mary Magdalene, i. 323. Our Lord makes his first appearance to her, i. 324. Is next seen by the women returning from the sepulchre, ib. fle shows himself to two disciples in their way to Emmaus, i. 325. He is seen by Peter, i. 326. Appears to his assembled disciples, i. 327. Visits his disciples again when Thomas was with them, i. 328. Shows him- self to them at the sea of Tiberias, ib. Meets with them at Galilee, where he gives them their apostolical commission, i. 330. Was seen by the Apostle James, and by five hundred brethren at once, i. 331. He afterwards in an extraordinary manner manifested himself and his glory to Paul, ib. He ascends into heaven, i. 332. His resurrection and ascension witnessed to the Jews by the Apostle Peter, i. 334. Testified by the Apostles to all orders of men, i. 335. These events stated as the objects of our faith, the ground of our joy and hope, i. 336; and our encouragement to prayer, and our comfort in the view of death, ib. The prayer of the Apostle Paul for the saints relative to these events, i. 338.
Christ shall come to judgment with power and great glory, i. 107. The promise of the Spirit given by him, i. 348.
Church of God, under the Old Testament dispensation, ii. 374. Its origin after the fall, ib. The covenant of God with Noah, ii. 375. The calling of Abram, and the covenant of God with him, ii. 376;. the covenant renewed with Isaac, ii. 377; and with Jacob, ii. 378. The children of Israel called to be a peculiar people to the Lord, ii. 379. The covenant at Sinai, ib. The obligations of the chil- dren of Israel to keep this covenant, ii. 380. The goodness and condescension of God in this dispensation, celebrated by his saints, ii. 382. Special promises given to the people of Israel of God's peculiar favour and protection, ii. 383. The prayers and praises of the Old Testament saints on this head, ii. 384. Church of God, those that then ministered in it under the dispensation of the Law, ii. 386. The different offices of the Priests and Levites, ii. 388. The Prophets under that dispensation, ii. 390. Church of God under the Gospel, ii. 397. It was revealed to the fathers, that the Gentiles should be called into the Church at the coming of the Messiah, ib. A general idea of the Church of
Christ, ii. 400. It is founded on this great truth, that Jesus is the Son of God, ii. 401.
Church considered, as espoused to Christ, ii. 414. The intimate relation of all the members of the Church of God to one another, ib. The dignity of the members of the Church in this militant state, ii. 416. Their relation to the blessed in heaven, ii. 417. The happiness of the Church triumphant, ib.
Church of Christ, proper persons to be set apart for the ministry and government of it, ii. 429.
Compassion, kindness, and beneficence, essentially requisite, ii. 318. Confessions and supplications of the Saints for the remainders of their depravity, i. 155. Their penitent confessions and supplica- tions, i. 156, 165.
Congratulations of the Apostles to them who are sanctified, i. 256. Contrition, illustrated by the example of a woman, a sinner, and the humble publican, i. 419.
Cornelius, eminent for constant prayer, ii. 15. The first revelation of the Gospel to the Gentiles made to him, ib.; distinguished by his devotion to God, and beneficence to men, ii. 327. The greatest of all blessings conferred on him, the knowledge of the way of sal- vation by Christ, ib.
Covenant of God with Noah, ii. 375; with Abram, ii. 376; with Isaac, ii. 377; with Jacob, ii. 378; at Sinai, ii. 379. The obligations on the children of Israel to keep this covenant, ii. 380. The goodness of God and his promises under that dispensation, ii. 382. The prayers and praises of the Old Testament saints on this head, ii. 384.
Covetousness, an evil and hurtful disposition, ii. 234- often issues in disappointment and sorrow, ii. 240. Judgments denounced against the covetous, ii. 241. The society of covetous men to be shunned, ii. 242. Dissuasives from covetousness, with exhortations and motives to seek for spiritual and substantial good, ii. 243. Covetousness, is sinful; yet a moderate concern about temporal affairs is necessary, and enjoined, ii. 247. The sentiments and prayers of the saints relative to this subject, ii. 248. Examples of the evil consequences of covetousness, ii. 249.
Creator, the obligation on reasonable creatures to worship their Creator, i. 31. The adoration and praises of God as Creator, i. 33.
Cruelty and violence, their dreadful effects, ii. 305.
Daniel, his doxology, i. 19. His vision of the Son of man, i. 243. Gives two instances of the efficacy of prayer, ii. 14.
David, his character and purposes show the integrity of his heart and life, ii. 301.
Deacons, the seven elected, and their qualifications, ii. 425. Death, its original sentence on Adam's fall, i. 176. An universal law
not to be evaded, ib. Will soon take place, but the time uncertain,
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