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the reality, of his Body after his Refurrection doth as ftrongly prove the reality of Bread and Wine after Confecration. But our Saviour's Argoment was most infallibly good and true, and therefore the Doctrine of Tranfubftantiation is undoubtedly falfe.

Upon the whole matter I fhall only fay this, that fome other Points between us and the Church of Rome are managed by fome kind of wit and fubtilty, but this of Tranfubftantiation is carried out by meer dint of impudence and facing down of Mankind.

And of this the more difcerning Perfons of that Church are of late grown fo fenfible, that they -would now be glad to be rid of this odious and ridiculous Doctrine. But the Council of Trent hath rivetted it fo faft into their Religion, and made it so neceffary and effential a Point of their belief, that they cannot now part with it if they would; it is like a Mill-ftone hung about the Neck of Popery, which will fink it at the laft.

And though fome of their greatest Wits, as Cardinal Perron, and of late Monfieur Arnauld, have undertaken the defence of it in great Volumes; yet it is an abfurdity of that monftrous and maffy weight, that no Human Authority or Wit are able to fupport it: It will make the very Pillars of St. Peter's crack, and requires more Volumes to make it good than would fill the Vatican.

And now I would apply my felf to the poor deluded People of that Church, if they were ei- 1 ther permitted by their Priests, or durft venture without their leave, to look into their Religion and to examine the Doctrines of it. Confider, th and fhew your felves Men. Do not fuffer your b



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felves any longer to be led blindfold, and by an implicit Faith in your Priefts, into the belief of nonfenfe and contradiction. Think it enough and too much to let them rook you out of your money for pretended Pardons and counterfeit Reliques, but let not the Authority of any Prieft or Church, perfuade you out of your Senfes. Credality is certainly a fault as well as Infidelity: and he who faid, Blessed are they that have not feen and yet have believed; hath no where faid, Bleffed are they that have feen and yet have not believed; much lefs, Blessed are they that believe directly contrary to what they fee...

To conclude this Difcourfe. By what hath been faid upon this Argument it will appear, with how little Truth, and Reason, and regard to the intereft of our common Chriftianity, it is fo often faid by our Adverfaries, that there are as good Arguments for the belief of Tranfubftantiation as of the Doctrine of the Trinity: When they themselves do acknowledge with us that the Do&trine of the Trinity is grounded upon the Scriptures, and that according to the Interpretation of them by the confent of the ancient Fathers: But their Doctrine of Tranfubftantiation I have plainly fhewn to have no fuch Ground, and that this is acknowledged by very many learned Men of their own Church. And this Doctrine of theirs being firft plainly proved by us to be deftitute of all Divine Warrant and Authority, our Objections against it from the manifold contradictions of it to Reafon and Senfe, are fo many Demonftrations of the falfhood of it. Against all which they have nothing to put in the oppofite Scale but the Infallibility of their Church, for which there is even


lefs colour of proof from Scripture than for Tranfubftantiation it felf. But fo fond are they of their own Innovations and Errors, that rather than the Dictates of their Church, how groundlefs and abfurd foever, fhould be call'd in queftion; rather than not have their will of us in impofing upon us what they please, they will overthrow any Article of the Chriftian Faith, and shake the very foundations of our common Religion: A clear Evidence that the Church of Rome is not the true Mother, fince the can be fo well contented that Chriftianity fhould be destroyed rather than the Point in queftion fhould be decided against her


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