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in caufing Jefus to be put to death for blafphemy-That He and his apoftles have led us into a complicated and pernicious error-That there is no agreement between the Old and the New Teftament-And, that neither the ancient Jewish, nor the Chriftian Religion, is attended with fufficient criteria to diftinguish it from impofture. -In proving that thefe are the neceffary confequences of the Socinian and Arian fyftems, and in anfwering the principal objections of his opponents; he difcóvers fuch fertility of invention, originality of thought, and ftrength of reafoning powers, as comparatively few enjoy. The generality of writers on this very interefting fubject, do little more than collect and retail the thoughts of others, which they exprefs in a different ftyle and method. Not fo Dr. ABBADIE. For the reader of this mallerly performance, if not poffeffed of uncommon penetration, is entertained with ideas entirely new, as well as with arguments irrefragably ftrong, in every Section, and in almost every Chapter: fo that, if he love the adorable JESUS and "rejoice in his Highnefs," he finds himself inftructed, amazed, delighted.

Though the book be exceedingly scarce, and, at this time, very little known in England; the abilities of the Writer and the merit of the Treatife have received the moft honourable teftimonies from various pens. Abbé HOUTEVILLE, for inftance, when fpeaking of our Author's work, on the truth of the Chriftian Religion; of which elaborate performance this is generally reckoned the third volume, fays; The moft fhining of those treatifes in defence of the Chriftian Religion, which were published by the Proteftants, is that written by Mr. ABBADIE. The favourable reception it met with;

⚫ the fword,—but by that one truth, in the Alcoran, the unity of God;' that is, as well in Perfon, as in Effence. And then he reprefents the Tartars as acting more rationally, in embracing what he calls, the more plausible sect of Mahomet, than they ⚫ would have done, in receiving the Christian faith of the Trinity, Incarnation, &c,' In LESLIE, as above, p. 28.

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the praises it received, almoft without example, imme diately after its publication; and the univerfal approbation it ftill meets with, render it unneceffary for me to join my commendations, which would add fo little to the merit of so great an author. In the first part he 'combats the Atheists, the Deifts in the fecond, and the Socinians in the third *.'-VOLTAIRE alfo, who cannot be fufpected of a predilection for ABBADIE, on account of his writing in defence of revealed truth; informs us, that he was celebrated for his Treatise on the Chriftian Religion †.'-And the Rev. Mr. VENN thus recommends the work; It is a book in the highest form for reputation, in all the Proteftant countries abroad; a book, in which the horrid abfurdities of all, who, under pretence of being more rational in religion, reject the counsel of God, are expofed in a moft 'masterly manner ‡.'-Such is the character of the Author, among thofe who know his abilities; and fuch the esteem which this performance of his has obtained.

The ftyle of the English translation, which, on account of its many inaccuracies, reprefented the work to great difadvantage, the Editor has attempted to correct; and, where it did not affect the argument, he has abridged the book, that the fize and price of it might be reduced. He has also taken the liberty, in fome places, of throwing in an additional thought; with a view, either to elucidate the Author's meaning, or to enforce his argument. · How far his endeavours to render the book more generally known, and the tranflation of it more agreeable, may obtain the approbation of the religious public, he cannot pretend to say. He is not, however, without a pleafing perfuafion, that many will read the work with delight and profit-that many, who "love our LORD

* Article ABBADIE, New and Gen. Biograph. Dia. Note. + Age of LEWIS XIV. Vol. II. p. 274.

Exam. of Dr. Prieftley's Addrefs on the Lord's Supper, p. 22,

23. Note.

"JESUS CHRIST in fincerity," will rejoice to fee his Divine Dignity fo well defended, against the infinuating artifices of pernicious error, and the bold attacks of open blafphemy. And it is his ardent prayer that God our SAVIOUR, to whom the Author dedicates the work *, would condefcend to use it as a mean of his own glory, and of the church's good. To Him, therefore, "WHO IS OVER ALL, GOD BLESSED FOR EVER," it is once more commended.

* See the paragraph which concludes the work,

Goodman's Fields,

January 1, 1777,

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CHAP. VII. The fame Truth evinced, from Phil. ii.
CHAP. VIII. The fame truth confirmed and illuftrated,

from John i. 1-14. The Socinian interpretation of
this paffage confidered and expofed.

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