BY THE REV. WILLIAM JOWETT, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. LONDON: L. AND G. SEELEY, 169, FLEET STREET. MDCCCXXXVII. 152. PREFACE. THE following pages have grown out of a series of Letters, which the Author wrote, during a vacation in the country last Autumn, to one for whose welfare he feels the deepest interest. Having had the opportunity of re-perusing those Letters, he has been induced to think, that, with some alterations and additions, they might prove useful to many other Young Persons. The topics have been handled in such a way, it is hoped, as may make them universally profitable to young readers, whatever their situation in life may be. He has added a few Collects, which, for their simplicity and spirituality, are well suited, as he can testify from very early experience, to kindle holy affections and desires in the youthful bosom. May every Reader, into whose hands these pages may come, be led by the Holy Spirit to lift up his heart to our reconciled God in Christ Jesus, with that tender vow- "My Father, thou art the Guide of my youth!" JANUARY, 1837. (5 LETTER I. EARNESTNESS AND DECISION. MY DEAR I have for a long while been intending to write to you somewhat fully on the most important of all subjects, Religion: but you know how much my time is engrossed by a multiplicity of duties. You have, indeed, never been without pious advice and example: but your present interesting period of life, and the more particular concern which I think you have felt, latterly, for the salvation of your soul, make it more especially desirable that I should send you, as I now propose to do, by letter, some considerations, at length, on the subject of Conversion. My leisure during my visit to the country enables me to attempt this: and I earnestly pray, that the Spirit of God may lead me to say what shall be suitable to your case, as well as agreeable to His Holy Revealed Will. 1. I would first caution you against any return to a spirit of Indifference to Religion. |