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thy Mercies; O look graciously upon me, and bless me; forgive whatever I have done amifs, and give me Grace to remember and put in Practice my baptifmal Vow, by renouncing the Devil and all his Works. Incline my Heart to that which is Good, and create in me an utter Diflike and Abhorrence of all Evil. Put thy Fear and Love in my Soul that I may ferve thee, and worfhip thee, and keep thy Commandments.

Make me dutiful to [my Father and Mo ́ther; obedient to my Teachers; humble and reverent to all my bettèrs; meek and courteous to all People; and enable me to do to others, as I would have them do

to me.

Prefèrve me from bearing Malice or Hatred in my Heart, from Lying and Stealing, Slandering, and Evil-fpeaking, and all evil Thoughts, Words and Actions. Guide me by thy Holy Spirit that I may live to thy Glory, and when I die, may attain everlasting Life.

Lord, blefs all my Relations and Friends, and fave and defend them and me from all Dangers, this Day [or Night] and for evermore, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

Our Father, &c. .


A Morn

A Morning Prayer for a young Perfon.

O ETERNAL God and heavenly Father, thou art the kind Author of my Being; be thou the gracious Guide of my Life: my Age is fimple and unexperienced, O be thou pleased to infpire me with true Wisdom from above, that it may guide and direct me in all my Ways. I am come into a World full of Snares and Temptations, O do thou fill me with the Knowledge and Love of thy Truth, that it may keep me from the Ways that lead to Destruction.

I render thee unfeigned Thanks for all the Bleffings I daily receive from thee, and for thy particular Prefervation and Refreshment of me the Night past.

O Lord, have thou Mercy upon me, and forgive me all my Sins; and give me Grace to flee all youthful Lufts, and to remember thee my Creator in the Days of my Youth.

O poffefs my Heart with the Fear of thee, and a Dependence upon thee. Let me always walk as in thy Prefence, confidering must one Day die (I know not how foon) and render an Account of all the Actions of my Life. Poffefs alfo my Heart, O


my God, with that natural Tenderness for my Parents, and thofe that have the Care of me, and with that Chriftian Senfe of my Duty towards them, that my Language may be refpectful, my Actions dutiful, and my whole Behaviour fuch that I may not increafe the Burthen and Care of their Life, but prove a Comfort and Bleffing to them.

Blefs me, O Lord, in my Learning, and deliver me from Sloth and Idlenefs, and Ill Company, and from all Dangers both of Body and Soul; and help me daily to increafe in Knowledge, and Wisdom, and all Virtue.

I commend to thy Divine Providence, [my Father and Mother, my Brethren and Sifters] all my Friends and Relations, and all this Family, and all Mankind: Vouchfafe us, O gracious God, all thofe Graces and Bleffings which thou knoweft to be moft needful for us.

Unto thee, O my God, do I dedicate my Soul and Body, befeeching thee to take them into thy Care and Protection, that they may be always employed in thy Service, and to thy Glory: that having served thee faithfully in this Life, I may at last obtain Life everlafting, through the Merits and Mediation of my bleffed Saviour and Redeemer Jefus Chrift our Lord; in whose H 3 holy

holy Name and Words I fum up my own and the Wants of all Mankind.

Our Father, &c.

An Evening Prayer for a young Perfon.

O ALMIGHTY God, and merciful Father, who willingly heareft the Prayers of all thofe that call upon thee faithfully; I humbly befeech thee to pardon whatsoever thou haft feen amifs in me this Day, in my Thoughts, Words, or Actions. [Here mention Particulars.] Affift me, O God, in making it my conftant Endeavour to refift and conquer every evil Inclination within me, and every Temptation from without.

Help me daily to increase in the Knowledge and Love of thee, my God, and of my Saviour, Jefus Chrift.

Shew me the Way in which I should walk, whilst I am young; and grant I may never depart from it.

Blefs to me I pray thee, whatsoever good Inftructions have at any Time been given me; help me carefully to remember them, and feriously to practice them, that I may ever be growing in Knowledge, in Wisdom and Goodnefs,


Blefs and defend our most gracious Sovereign Lord King GEORGE, our gracious Queen Charlotte, his Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, the Princefs of Wales, and all the Royal Family; and all Orders of Men among us, from the highest to the loweft; Lord, give them all Grace in their feveral Stations, to be inftrumental to thy Glory, and the publick Good.

Accept, O Lord, my humbleft Praise and Thanksgiving for all the Goodnefs thou haft this Day, or at any Time, fhewed mc; for all the Helps of preventing or reftraining Grace thou haft vouchfafed me; for whatever I have done, which is in any Measure acceptable to thee; for whatever Progress I have made in my Learning; for thy Preservation of me from all the Miseries and Dangers which frail Mortality is every Moment expofed to; particularly for[Here mention any particular Mercy.]

I humbly commit my Soul and Body to thy Care this Night, begging thy gracious Protection and Bleffing.

And all these Mercies and Bleffings which I ask for myfelf, I heartily defire for all my Relations and Friends, and for all Mankind. Let it please thee to guide us all in this prefent Life, and to conduct us fafe to thy heavenly Kingdom, through Jefus

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