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wey to our readers much information respect Africa, till the dark clouds which lour over ing the views of the Society with regard to the prospect are scattered. Western Africa.

We answer, Northe efforts of Chris

tian mercy must not wait on the counsels of Abstract of hustructions from the Com man ! We are engaged in the noblest pro. · mittee of the Church Afissionary Society ject which can enter into the heart! We - to the Rev. John Christopher Sperrhackr admire the men who, under the Divine

en and the Rev. Johı. Henry Schulse, blessing, have conqnered and are giving with other Persons attached to the Soci- d peace to the nations-however feverish ety's Missions in West Africa . delivere and insecure that peace may be rendered by

ed by the Secretary, at a Meeting of the the vices of man--but we are engaged in a ,! Committee, held at the House of the So- far nobler war! we wrestle against the rum ciety, Nov. 10,. 1814:

lens of the darkness of this world, in the

very seat of tleir cruel tyranny! we are Major-general Charles Neville, Vice-Pre

fighting for the liberation of their wretched sident, in the chair. .

slaves from the most dehasing thraldomDearly Beloved in the Lord

for a peace which passeth understanding It is now little more than two wears since for a title to an inheritance incorruptible, the Society dismissed to their labours in w efiled, and that fadeth not away! Africa the Rev. Leopold Butscher, with. And in this struggle, we are confident vight other persons attached to its missions of victory. Such efforts as those in which in that quarter. lo steady pursuit of that we are engaged the efforts of Christians to first and great design of the Society—the meliorate the conditioa of their fellow-men Temunerating of Western Africa by the gift on this side the grave, and to open to them of Christianity, with all its attendant bless the prospect of life everlasting, have the ings, for the enormous wrongs so long in Dirine blessing secured to them by unfailsiched on her by British inhumanity and ing promises. avarice-with this ohject ever in its eye, Were it, indeed, now the question before the Society sont forth Mr. Butscher and his the Society, whether it would choose this companions to strengthen the hands of his particular moment to make its first attempts brethren in Africa. But the hopes which in Africa, this might deserve to become a were cherished on that occasion bave been subject of grave deliberation. But this is in a great measure, disappointed. The So- not the question.We entered on this deciety had prepared three laymen to exercise sign in times of peril. They were fearful useful trades for tlie benefit of the natives: days for that wretched coast, when the trade of these men two, with their wives, have in our fellow-men was a; trade authorized departed this life; not so much through the by. British laws. We have survived those unavoidable insalubrity of the climate, as days; nor can we doubt that we shall surfrom a state of liealth and constitution vive and triumph over every other evil which would have proved equally fatal, per which may threaten us. haps, elsewhere, without special care and It is true that this nation is suspected and watchfulness,

calumniated; in perbaps the ribblest national Severe trials befel, indeed, this body of act which she ever performed: and these susmissionaries before they reached their desti- picions and calumaies are propagated by men nation. The shipwreck of the vessel in who have either had sufficient opportunity which they sailed exposed their lives to of ascertaining in that act her real magna danger, and greatly retarded the execution nimity, or should have been taught by their of the Society's plans.

own sufferings the lesson of gratitude to The conflict, too, which has been main their deliverer, and of mercy to the oppress tained in Africa, between the officers of ed.. But the nation must act herein as a His Majesty, in the strenuous exercise of Christian nation, and, by well-doing, put their duty, and the secret encouragers of to silence the ignorance of foolish men!.. the slave-trade, has exposed the mission . It is true, poreover, that our efforts are aries and settlements of this Society to returned back on us with violence and in gross calumnies and to midnight revenge. gratitude: but the African chiefs will, ere Fire has been kindled over the heads of the long, become enlightened to their true inlittle children in one of the settlements, terests. They will expel from their shores but was providentially, discovered in time to those inhuman advisers whose counsels affect the escape of all who dwelt there. keep Africa in bonds, while we invite her to

When to these circumstances are added be free! The protection of the chiefs, the difficulties wbich the expected revival of secured by their children being intrusted to the French slave trade wilt oppose to our our missionaries, though not seldom on the exertions, you may be tempted to inquire, point of yielding to the violence or wicked why you are sent forth at a period so criti- arts of others, has not been withdraww; çal, and whether it would not be prudent and has been confirmed, in circumstances to. Suspend the efforts of the Society in of imminent danger, by the manly intere ference of one, whose name deserves to be sincere sympathy in your past trials, and in mentioned with peculiar honour, Mr. Wil those feelings which cannot but be awaken. ham Fernandez, chief on the Rio Dembia, ed by your present undertaking. Be asin whose territories the Gambier Settlement sured of our unfailing regard; and of our has been established.

earijest prayers that your faith and hope The Christian education of nearly two may receive their full reward! Your hushundred African children the effect of the band invites you to return: he professes marriages which are now beginning to take contrition for the past; and he'declares, his place among the young persons educated by anxiety to labour, during his remaining days, the Society, in weaning the natives from under that Society whose service he had polygamy, in rajsing the female character to forsaken: he invites you to render him higher estimation, and in the increase of your aid. We could not venture to advise domestic comfort-the preparation of ele what step you should take on this important mentary books, and of the Scriptures in the occasion. All we could do was to assure native tongues, which is proceeding with you of our utmost readiness to further your success --the erection of churches, and the wishes, if you should determine to sacrifice proclaiming to the natives the glad tidings your present comforts, in order to make of salvation—these things furnish abundant yourself an offering on the altar of faith. encouragement to believe that we are act Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, you are sent to ing, and shall continue to act, under the the colony of Sierra Leone, to make an enDirine blessing.

trance on those exertions which we have it . We have spoken the more largely on in contemplation to pursue, on a large scale, these topics, because the circumstances un for the education of the children and the der which you are going forth are peculiar. instruction of the heathen uuder the British

You will find in the addresses delivered government, within the colony. The claims to our former missionaries, by the late of these children and natives begin to urge Rer. Jouw Venn. the Rer. Thomas Scott, themselves loudly upon us. We have conthe Rev. Henry Budd, and the Rev. Dr. Seuted to Mr. Butscher's acceptance of the Buchanan, so full a developement of your colonial Chaplainship, with a view to their duties, your difficulties, and your encou benefit. We send you in pursuance of the ragements, that it has not been thought same design; and we place you for the preTequisite to assemble the Society together sent under bis superintendence. .. at this time for the purpose of instructing Jellorum Harrison, we wish you to preyou at large on those topics. You are de- ceed to the Rio Pongas; and, after visiting sired to read over those addresses repeated there those relatives, if still living, from fly and with care;- and to consider them as whom you have for these many years been directed to yourselves, so far as they shall separated, to settle at Bashia, as schoolhe found suitable to the circumstances in master and catechist, under Mr. Renner which you may be placed. And the Com. and Mr. Wilhelm; that Mr. Wilhelm may mittee do especially enjoin you to treasure be left wholly at liberty to preach to the up in your hearts those admonitions and natives, either there or wheresoever else an exhortations which have been this morning opening may be made for his labours. . so feelingly addressed to you from the pulpit, Finally, beloved, all of you be subject one at their request, by the Rev. Daniel Wilson. to, another, and be clothed with hantility,

You, Mr.Sperrhacken and Mr.Schulze, are Be willing to keep your appointed place, sent forth by us to strengthen the hands of and do the work of your day till the erenyour brethren in Africa, in their endeavours ing shall arrive, when you retire to your to enlighten the natives with the Gospel of eternal repose, and enter on the rest that our Lord Jesus Christ.

remaineth for the children of God. Watch It has appeared to us, that a lay schools against those things which occasioned others master and catechist, connected with each to stumble, and some to fall: know where settlement, will answer the double end of your strength lies! May God grant you by relieving the missionary of the burden of his Holy Spirit such an honest and ardent secular cares; and at the same time, by de- żcal for the glory of your Lord, that all the votiog himself to the instruction of the little and mean feelings, which self puts children, will leave the missionary at liberty forth, may be ashamed and banished from to dedicate himself to the ministry of the your souls! Watch, then, unto prayer! Be Word. While he might thus render the strong in the Lord, apd in the power of his establishment of two wissionaries in each might! Grieve not the Sacred Spirit by settlement, as a general principle, unne selfish and unholy tempers! May his blesscessary, harmony and peace would be more ed influence ever abide on you, and may likely to be secured, by his observance of God open before you opportunities of usethat subordination which he would natu fulness, which shall reward you a thousand rally feel due to the missionary, under fold for all your labour!

. whom he may be situated.

By order of the Committee, We address you, Mrs. Hartwig, with .. (Signed) Josiah PBArt, Secretars,



&c. &c, 8€

[blocks in formation]

... .. A ...

ABSOLUTION, reflections on the ....157
Adicted, a word to the ............ 6
Andrews, Bishop, extracts from ..... 51
Anecdotes :---of Bishop Bull, 12-

Piety better than learning, 234--
Prayer rejected, completely answered,

344-of Bishop Latimer .........417
Aphorisms .......

Asia, on the seven churches of 150, 229,
1. .... .... ... 264, 340

Female vanity and dissipation, extract

from Scott's Bible on ............389
Filial piety, dreadful example of the

breach of ............ ..226, 229
Foster, the Rev. Henry, memoirs of ..293
France, on the return of the King of 281
French prisoners, on giving Bibles to 181




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Bibles, on giving them to the French

prisoners .......... ..........181
Boerhaave, Dr. memoirs of ........437
Browne, Rev. Moses, his mode of pre-

paration for the Sabbath, 125–His

sacramental meditation ..........168
Burn, Major-general, letter from .... 54

George, Margaret, account of ......357
Gibert, Miss Cecilia, memoirs of ....365
Gilbee, the late Dr. Earle, memoirs of 78
God, on communion with ..........269
Gospels, short reflections on the ..... 446
Governess and her pupils ........... 28

Ceremonial law, remarks on the, 68, 192,

| Jacobi, Rev. Mr. memoirs of ....... 257
Charity at Christmas ..............443 Jacomb, Rev. Dr. memoirs of ....... 221
Christ, on his divinity and personality. 7 'Jews, lectares to the, 30--Meeting of
S , on the names and titles given to a Society for promoting Christianity ,
him .... 41, 78, 147, 182, 222, 258 among them ....... ......176

- the believer's strength ioi.... 49 Indulgences, plenary, letter on......414
- -, on union with .............188 John, St. Mede on the Revelation of 308

m, on his saying sinners ........439
Christian, the, more than a conqueror,

126--Excited to diligence ........155 Kings, on the ten ................ 51
Church, on late attendance at ....... 11
Common Prayer Pook, a companion to

the .........85, 157, 197, 271, 346 | Lancasterian schools, letter on ......306.
Confession, general, reflections on the Lane, Dr. Theophilus, memoirs of ... 401

18, 57, 35, 130, 304 Latimer, 'Bishop, anecdote of .......417
Conversation, letter on ...........303 Leighton, Archbishop, memoirs of ...181
Corrie, Rev. Mr. letter from ....... 289

-S , extract from,
respecting benevolence to the poor 270

Letters : -- from Major Gen. Burn, 54
Daniel, viii. 9--12, remarks on ..... 10 to the Editor (ironical], 83-from
Peath, reflections upon ............4451 a young lady to her father, 98-from
Divine influence, the doctrine of, true 403 Master N. (eleven vears old) concern-
Press, a letter on ................. 93 | ing Master G. 132-from the Rev..

* Page 1

Mr. Rowland, of Newfoundland, 171 Religious Tract Society :....... 210
--- from a young woman at service to | Hibernian Society ........ ....210
her sister, 240---from the Rev. G. C. London Missionary Society .........211
Suith, in Spain, 247 --- from the Rer. Prayer-Book and Homily Society .....213
Mr. Corrie, at Agra, 289-from a | Catholic Free Schools for teaching to
toung vicar, 407

I read the Scriptures ..............216

London Female Penitentiary......... 216

| Naval and Military Bible Society .....217
Man, the natural state of, figuratively British and Foreign Bible Society, 218, 241,
reprexeiited .................... 120

324, 360, 361, 429
Meetings, social, among young people, The National Society.......... 246, 394

for religious purposes, recommended 60 Letter from the Rev. G. Smith, in
Memoirs of Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Spain........

......, 247
Essex ......... ......... 1 Sunday School Society .............248
- George Wishart, the Scottish Church Missionary Society at Hull, 251,
reformer ....... ........ 37

- the late Dr. Earle Gilbee .. 93 Letter from the Rev. Mi. Corrie, at
O Miss Catharine T--- .... 109 Agra .........

.... ... .............289
- Thomas Bentworth, Earl of British System of Education .........291
Strafford ......... ............145 Clerkenwelt Philanthropic Society ..... ib.

- Archbishop Leighton ....,181 Bible Society in Saxony ...... ......363
-- --Mss. E--B--, of ()-, 202, 236 Chigwell Bible Association .........394
--- the Rev. Dr. Jacoib .....221 Golden Square and Carnaby, Market -

the Rev. Mr. Jacobi, ......257 Bible Association ....... ...... 396
the Rev. Henry Foster ... 293 Seven Dials Bible Association .......397
the Rev. Robert Storry ...329 Letter from the King of Persia to the
Margaret George ......... 357 British and Foreign Bible Society 429

- Miss Cecilia Gibert ...,,..365 Church Missionary Society at Birming-
--- Dr. Theophilus Lane ..... 401 ham..........................447

Dr. Boerhaave ..........437 Instructions to some Missionaries of the
Mlinistry, letters on the ........318,388 Church Missionary Society about to

depart for Africa .......


Moylan, Dr. his pastoral address.....415
Missions of the United Brethren, 27, 107,

...173,. 212, 249, 363, 393, 436
Lectures to the Jews, at Ely Chapel .. 30 N-, Master, lettor from ..........132
southwark Church, Missionary Associa Newton, the Rev. John, letters from,
tion .............
.......30, 178

94, 128, 200, 276, 313, 352
Leicester and Leicestershire Church

Missionary Association ........... 31
Church Missionary Society, 36, 180, 213 Oathi' taken by Popis priests, &c. ....190
Distress in Germany ...........62, 175 | Obituary of Mrs. E-B-, of O—, 202,236
Bristol Church of England Tract Society 67 - 'of Margaret George ........357
Church Missionary Society ......69, 105 | Original letters from the late Rev. H.
Suffolk and Ipswich Church Missionary


........ 13
Association ......... ........ 69

----- Rev. Samuel
Baptists' Missionary Society......70, 103 Walker .......

.......... 56
Account of the death of Nunda-kishora 72

-- - Rev. John
The Moravians, or Church of the Newton, 94, 128, 200, 276, 313, 352
United' Brethren ...........101, 1391

- Rev. Mr. Ro-
Madras System of Education ........103 maine ...............235, 382, 419
Bible Association for the benefit of

Petersburgh Bible Society ......... 105 Piety better than Learning ..........934
London Society for the encouragement Plagues of Egypt, Dissertations on the
of faithful female servants ...%.... 143

2, 113
South Pancras and Bloomsbury Auxiii-

àry Bible Society ...............143 The Death of the Christian indeed ...132
Letter from the Rev. Mr. Rowland, of How few Poets treat of Religion .....183

Newfoundland .................171 On Hope ................ic......167
London Society for promoting Christia The Dying Saint ............... 292

nity among the Jews, 176, 208, 250, 395 The Christian's Adieu ............. ib.
Camberwell Bible Society ..........177 Lines on the philanthropic Howard ... ib;
Tb: Christian and Mahometan Creeds 179 . On a dying Infant commodo conson. ib.

On reading Richmond's Annals of the Practical View of Christian Education 397

Poor .........................317 | Dr. Buchanan's Address to the Mission
Britannia ..
.........328 aries ..........


British Pulpit Eloquence ........... ib.
Poor, on the religious education of the 441 | Inquiry into the State of liethodism in
Poor Man's Friend, 18, 57, 96, 130, 162, Ireland ...........

202, 278, 315, 353, 383, 419, 445
Popery, on indifference about it .....502 Romaine, Rev. Wm. letters from, 235, 382,
Popish priests, &c. the oath taken by 190

Prayer rejected completely answered ..344 Rowland, Rev. Mr. letter from ......171
Prophecies, the poor man's guide to Russia, the Emperor of, his proclama-
the 'understanding of them, 278, 315, tion to his subjects on the termina-

353, 383, 419 tion of the war ............... 246

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Recollections of Mercy and Anticipa Sabbath, preparation for it ......... 125
• tions of Hope ........

....408 Sacramental meditation ............168
Regeneration, test of ..............269 Sacraments, an essay on the....295, 33%
Revelation the only sure Guide ......372 Scripture, profitable readings of the ..300

Seven churches of Asia 150, 229, 264, 340

Smith, Rev. G. C. letter from ....... 247
Norris's Practical Exposition of the Son of God, essay on the ...,...373, 410

Tendency and Proceedings of the Spain, the King of, his decree for re-

British and Foreign Bible Society... 22 establishing the Inquisition .......323
Leigh's Visitation Sermon at Cheadle . 99 Storry, the Rev. Robert, memoirs of .. 329
Fry's Visitation Sermon at Leicester .. 134 Strafford, Wentworth, Earl of, memoirs .
Marriott's Visitation Sermon at Coven-

of ............

............... 145
try .......................... 136 Sudden deaths in the moment of sin. . 169
Peers's Observations on the Collects .. 169 Sunday scholar, account of a .......424
Jones's Immanuel ................ 284
Ryder's Minister's Farewell and the

. T
Minister's Greeting .............. ib. T , Miss Catherine, memoirs of . . 109
Hall's Address to the Rev. Eustace Temptation, antidote to ........... 120
Cary ......

............ 285 Thorpe, Mr. bis sudden death at a cock-
Buckworth's Dialogues on religious

fight .. ..........

Subjects .....
Thistlethwaite's England's Mercies and

Duties .....

.......... ib. | Venn, Rer. H. a letter from ....... 18
Richmond's Annals of the Poor ......321 Vicar, letter from a young ......... 40%
Scripture Responses .............. ib. Unitarianism, the origin of ......... 23:3
Mathias's Inquiry into the Doctrines of Unity, Christian, dialogue on ....... 46

the Reformation, &c. ............ ib.
Chalmers on the Influence of Bible So-

cieties, &c. ..................322 Walker, Rev. Samuel, letter from ... 56
Thorpe's Address to Protestants on the Warnings, awful .............168, 226

Subjoct of Catholic Emancipation... ib. Welsh eloquénce, a specimen of .....120
Clunie's Memoir of Miss Dávidson .... ib. Wicked spirits, à dialogue between two
Scott's Thanksgiving Sermon ........358 departed ...................... 96
Collins's Voyages to Portugal, &c. ... ib. Wishart, George, memoirs of ....... 37
Cobbia's Plain Reasons for Infant Bap-

tism .. .....................350
Betsy Green .................... ib. Young Cottager ..................162
Overton's Thanksgiving Sermon ..... ib. Youth, address to ........ 206, 239, 281.
Frey's Narrative ..................391 Youth's Remembrancer, 20, 60, 98, 132,
Letter to a Baptist ................ ib.! 167, 206, 239, 281,318, 357, 388,424,
Love's Sermons on Grace ..........392 446
Mrs. Taylor's Maternal Solicitude .... ib.


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