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which makes us very desirous that not depart from me." Weré it not! our friends should be detained for this gracious assurance, I might longer, and still longer, in such a still tremble for the event; for I, if world as this. Rather, let us re-": left but a little to myself, am still joice when the Lord's time comes, prone to wander. Twenty or thirty and his will is made known by the years ago, I flattered myself, that event: let us rejoice that the days if I should live to this age, I-should of their mourning are ended. Now be very different from what I find - they are where the wicked cannot myself yet to be. I could not then trouble, where the weary · are at have believed, had it been told me, rest. They now see Him, whom that I should make such unsuitable having not seen they loved ; they returns to his goodness; but I now see him as he is, and he will never believe if I were to live to the age more be withdrawn a moment from - of Methusalem, I should not outtheir view. Such to believers in live my causes for daily shame and Jesus is the transition out of this humiliation. I would willingly live life :

as becometh saints, but I must at

least be content to die as becometh . All their sorrows left below,

a sinner, stripped of every hope · And earth exchang d for heaven,

and plea, but that which saved the : I hope you will remember me thief upon the cross, the faithful as usual, on Tuesday next. I saying, that Jesus came into the shall then, if spared, 'enter my world to save sinners, among whom 65th year. * To this day my health I have reason to rank myself as the and strength remain firm.

chief. Mercy and goodness have fol. I cannot easily tell you how Mrs." lowed and surrounded me hitherto. Newton is. She has been confined My life has been singular. Legion from church since November; and was my name by nature-like that up stairs for near three months poor demoniac I was miserable in past. Yet in some respects she has myself, and mischievous to all been better up stairs than while' around me. But Jesus, whom I she went about the house. I havet had renounced, saved me in de. hopes of seeing her below and fiance of myself, restored me to my abroad again, but the Lord's time? right mind, and sent me to tell my is not yet come. I desire to wait fellow-sinners of his power and with patience and submission, and grace. Since I have acknowledged to leave both myself and her in his him for my Shepherd my path has hands, Sickness and confinement, been remarkably smooth. ' He if sanctified, are preferable to be drew me out of obscurity, and has berty and health upon other terms. given me a name 'and a place in Afflictions are as needfub to mco his house, Hitherto he has helped derate even that sickness called me, so that neither the deceitful. sin, as medicinës are for the body. ness of my own heart, nor the when indisposed.. And most of the power and policy of our spiritual efficacious medicines we take are enemies, have prevailed against me. unpleasant to the taste, and trou-i When he first took me up I was blesome in their operation. And destitute and friendless, but he has sometimes there is need of a surprovided well for me. I trust he geon." ;• Amputations, incisions, will be with me to the end. That caustics, and corrosives, make the he should forsake ine in the first flesh shrink; but when known to instance, after encouraging me to be necessary, we willingly (though" hope in his mercy, is impossible ; unwillingly) submit to them. Our but he has also said, “I will put my great. Physician is infallibly wise fear in their hearts, that they shall and unspeakably tender. He does

not make experiments upon his you both, and your children. patients, por put them to pain, Amen. without a need, &c. Under his ma- I am, my dear Madam, yours nagement we are safe ; and if we and Mr. 's affectionate and can but fully trust in him, we may obliged servant, be happy, even when his dispensa

John Newton. tions are sharp. The Lord bless Coleman Street Buildings,

July 30, 1788.


A DIALOGUE BETWEEN TWO de- the Holy Ghost alone the sancti PARTED WICKED SPIRITS. . fier of sinners. I have studied

my Bible, and am not entirely igMr. B. So, Mr. T. are you " also norant on these points. I well recoine into this place of torment ?” member that one of his Apostles

Mr. T. I am now convinced, makes the following declaration : though too late, that I have walked " Neither is there salvation in any in the “ broad way, which leadeth other, that is, Jesus Christ; for to destruction.”

there is none other name under Mr. B. I did not think that you heaven given among men, where.. would have, followed me in two by we must be saved." And again, days.

another Apostle says, “ By him Mr. T. The grave is never (it is not said, by Purgatory or opened for one.

any thing else) all that believe are Mr. B. You were in good health justified from all things.” How, when I left the other world. Had then, can Purgatory, or the flames you any previous sickness ? of this “ hell I suffer,” cancel my,

Mr. T. I am come here almost guilt? And as to my deliverance without a moment's warning : from hence, my abode in this place

Mr. B. Sudden death is sudden will be eternal. My belief of this damnation to some.

point is strengthened by those proMr. T. Ay, I find it so. But: phecies engraven, in large charachow do you like your present ha. ters, on that wall. Read them. bitation?

(Here the other. Spirit reads them. Mr. B. Dreadful place! Horri-, Mr. T. “ THE WICKED SHALL ble dungeon! I am wretched! I GO AWAY INTO EVERLASTING PUam wretched ! I am wretched ! , NISHMENT. THE SMOKE OF THEIR

Mr. T. How now, man! Is not? TORMENT ASCENDETH UP FOR this purgatory? And are you not EVER AND EVER. CAST INTO HELL, to be delivered from it after 6 you WHERE THE WORM DIETH NOT, have suffered awhile ?"

AND THE FIRE IS NOT QUENCHED. Mr. B. Purgatorý "No, no. EVERY ONE SHALL BE SALTED This fire cannot purify. He that WITH FIRE. descendeth hither “filthy, shall be Well, I always believed the filthy still." Pardon and sanctifi- perpetuity of the torments of the cation are to be had in the other damned. And with regard to world, not in this. I am now more. Purgatory, I merely put the ques. than ever convinced, that the Son tion, with a view to ascertain your of God alone is the atonement, and sentiments respecting it. I never

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could bring myself to think that convinced, that he is a good man;
there is any such place. Some that he told us the truth; that he
persons, called Papists, maintain not only means well, but does well;
a different opinion; but I always and that, had we conformed to his
thought then wrong; and I was instructions, we should not have
resolved never to embrace their been .“ tormented in this flame."..
religion, because I did not like I trusted in my goodness of heart,

... my moral acts, my religious duties. Mr. B. The canvassing of their But that dependence has proved errors will not comfort us. . vain. “ The Lord hath rejected

Mr. T. True, But where shall my confidences, and I have not! we look for consolation? Where prospered in them." shall we obtain a drop of “ water". Mr. B. He took great pains' to cool our tongues?" I never with us. In his sermons le proved dreamt that I should « make, my that we were sinners. He exhorted bed in hell.". I supposed that only us to believe in Jesus Christ, that? murderers, atheists, and exces- we might be saved. He told us sively gross sinners, would have, that we “ must be born again of their portion in the lake of fire! God's Spirit ;" and that we must' and brimstone."

ini be “ made meet to be partakers of Mr. B. My sentiments, you the inheritance of the saints in know, were in unison with yours., light.”. He also made pastoral -But, O! our companions! They visits to his parishioners. He went? also will come here, and add to the), to our houses, and there “ showed anguish of our torments!

unto us the way of salvation." Mr. T. Yes, yes; they will, they He would expound a chapter in will. I now, from my inmost soul, the Bible to us while we were sit-1 wish what, in the other world, I ting by our firesides. He used but faintly wished, that they may much entreaty, and various means, " escape the damnation of hell.”, to make us believers. We found O that I might be permitted to him, moreover, very kind and at.' revisit the earth! I would preach tentive to the sick. And when the tộ them a sermon grounded on my dying sinner manifested no signs 3 own experience. I would sound of penitence, yet he would still resuch an alarm in their ears as peat his visits; and that too at a would compel them to fall on their time when the loathsomeness of knees, and cry to God for merey the disease must have rendered it

Mr.B. Fools that we were! We extremely unpleasant to him. Is.. have suffered ourselves to be des not this “ a labour of love ?^!; luded by the devil.. And we now, Mr. T. Yes. And had he known find ourselves “ damned for be that I should die suddenly, I am' lieving a lie.i

n sure he would have visited me Mr. T. We are now made wise;.. prior to my dissolution, and would but the discovery, of our error has have prayed with me too, He's come too late to be of any service often came to see my son who died to us. Happy, thrice happy, would some years ago. His prayers made it have been for us, had we follow. A great impression upon my wife ;* ed the advice of our Clergyman, but I laughed her out of her scru."! Jou know we gave him credit for ples of conscience. God grant: meaning well; but we thought that my sudden death may renew : him too strict. We belieyed him those scruples, and induce her to! 10, bé tinctured with Methodism ;.: take care of her soul ! . we thought him an enthusiast; yea, Mr. B. Amen, . . ** a fanaticsa Swam, however, now it i ii.. SUDWALDAS.



À LETTER FROM A YOUNG LADY thy of the least temporal mercy. - TO HER FATHER.

How then am I worthy of comme.

morating with his people that To the Editor of the Christian

blood which is their common ranGuardian. . .. som? You, my dear, my much NEY. SIR,

respected father, are the only perThe following is a copy of a son to whom I could communicate letter, on an important subject, my sentiments on this head. You from a young lady at boarding, are the most likely to assist me. school, to her fathar (a highly re-: It is now some time since it spected friend of mine), which, pleased God to visit our habitation hoping it niay be useful to your with Gospel light, and to grant you? juvenile readers, I send you for the the renewing of his Holy Spirit, purpose of insertion, should its I have reason to bless the holy adoption be compatible with the hand of the Lord, that ever he did arrangement of your very excelsi só, as it has been the 'means, lent Work, for the continued suc-. through grace, of showing me that cess of which you have the ardent my nature is rebellious against wishes of..., n boy's price is God, and that I am truly a de-' le . Your constant reader, pendent on his mercy.), I hope I

,'Bij and A. H. see the “ exceeding sinfulness of MY DEAR FATHER, . sin.” My heart is so corrupt, that · My governess has hitherto in. I am continually departing froni spected all the letters, I have write the living God; and, indeed, I see ten from schools but I feel my every day fresh instances of my mind perplexed on a subject which proneness to evil, and my love of she has lately, mentioned to me, the things of this world: yet I and think it my privilege; as' wish I could feel an earnest desire well as my duty, to consult you to be the Lord's, “ to deny myself, about it. What I allude to, is the to take up my cross, and follow receiving the Sacrament of the him." 24 Lord's Supper. I consider it, my I see how important a thing redear father, a very awful thing for ligion is, how miserable sinners are me to approach the Lord's table;r' in this world, and will be in the and when I look at those words of world to come ; bat above all, in the Apostle Paul, 1." Wherefore, what a way sin is viewed by God; whosoever shall eat this bread, and in what a light must the pure and drink this cup of the Lord unwor.'' infinitely great Jehovah see the rethily, shall be guilty of the body bellion of a worm: on the other and blood of the Lord," I think hand, I see the blessings which atthat I am unfit to do it : and the - tend those who live to, 'and serve thoughts, that God would abhor God; I see them blessed with the my sacrifice, and consider it as hope of glory, through the blood impious, distress me very much. I of Christ Jesus, cleansed by the have read attentively. what Dr. · same 'blood from all unrighteousDodąridge says upon the subject, ness; and when they come to pass and find I am far short of what he the cold flood of death, it is that thinks requisite for a communicant which enables them to cry out, to possesse I know I am not wor- 60 death, where is thy sting? O®

grave, where is thy victory?” When andregard the solemn ordinance I know these things, I cannot he as the seal of that covenant which sitate a moment to say, “ I will be was ratified by his blood. I shall on the Lord's side. I beg you wait for your answer before I des. will write to me very soon, and termine; in the mean time, my give me your advice respecting dear father, let me beg an interest what I have mentioned. I would in your prayers, that I may not not attempt it, unless I could give receive the memorial of Christ'$ my mind up entirely to my Maker, death unworthily.


St. Paul's Charge to the Ephesian conviction « that the interests of

Elders, considered in a Sermon, real religion are most effectually preached June 25th, 1812, at the promoted by the sound doctrine Visitation of the Rev. Robert and holy lives, by the brotherly Nares, A. M. Archdeacon of love and persevering labours, of its the Archdeaconry of Stafford, in ministers." the Parish Church of Cheadle, From Acts, xx. 28, Mr. Leigh Staffordshire ; and published at considers, “ 1 st, The names which the Request of the Archdeacon here designate the ministerial of and Clergy. By the Rev. Cle- fice: 2d, The objects of ministement Leigh, A. M. Minister of rial labour: 3!, The duties which Newcastle-under-Lyne, Long- are consequently binding upon the man and Co. London. pp. 32. ministerial character." On each Price 1s.

of these heads the author enlarges

with much plainness and godly sinFrom the confined nature of our cerity. The following passage is Review Department, we have been well worthy the attention of all obliged to leave unnoticed very who minister in the Gospel : many exeellent publications,which, If we are shepherds and inspectors of as Christian Guardians, we should the sheep of Christ, it behoves us to“ take have been happy to have recom

heed unto ourselves, and to all the flock, i to feed the church of God."

S Vhile I attempt the enforcement of these Sermon has long been by us. We duties upon my brethren in the ministry, I. wish to redeem our pledge with hope that I shall not be considered as asour highly-respected brother, whose suming any superiority over them. The valuable labours are an illustration advice which my present situation embold-,

ens me to give, is such as I would most. of the subject which he has brought

thankfully receive; nor am I insensible under the consideration of the Staf- that I stand in need of it as much as others. fordshire clergy, by calling the at. I believe that to be no subordinate precept tention of our readers to this truly of Christianity which enjoins,“ Let noChristian discourse.

thing be done through strife or vain glory;

e but in lowliness of mind let each esteem The author introduces himself

I other better than themselves *." to us in a short Preface, in which St. Paul enforces the practice of minishe tells us “ his one object has terial duties from the consideration of his been to rouse himself and his fel- own personal labours among the Ephelow-labourers in the Gospel to a sians; but the same duties may be fairly becoming earnestness in their pro

inferred from those points that have been fession ; and he expresses his

* Phil. i. 3,

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