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authority by the church of Rome the wrath to come, those seared conscience for some hundred years, the au- never knew the terrors of the Lord? Of thor justly shows the acknowledged

he that never bewailed for himself, tbat be

was a miserable sinner, and in his wretch spiritual jurisdiction of bishops

edness felt himself to be the object of His and presbyters ; which recognised tender pity, who bindeth up the brokenauthority, enabled the pope, his hearted;--- will be do justice to the theme cardinals, and bishops, to pervert

of grace, will he be likely so to doscribe their power to their own secular

the methods of mercy as to release the

doubting, and to charm with its report the aggrandizement. The very hold

sturdy heart of the rebellious ? or what which fanatical teachers and impos. shall he say of heavenly peace and love, tors have had on men's minds, has unless heavenly peace and love have been arisen from the impression that di.

shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost yine influence was promised to the he comfört them that are in uny trouble,

that is given uuto s* ? Or, bow. shall ministers of Christ.

except with the same comfort wherewith he Our author makes a proper dis- is comforted of Godt? Or be a helper of tinction between official authority the people's joy, when he has in his owy and personal ability: and his rea. heart wo seal of the spirit of promise, no soning on this subject is worthy

earrest of the heavenly inheritance is

For all these purposes, indeed, no fruti.s the attention of every member of

are wanting, but such as holy Scripture our church. To us his argument teacheth. Yet, the life and the power, the appears unanswerable..

experience and the communion, must come A caveat against all mistakes on from the inward working of the Holy the subject of Divine influence, a

Gbost, both upon the teacher and the

taught; and especially upon the teacher, test to try every imposture and er

for the sake of the taught. This is that roneous doctrine, will be found, « marvellous,” « healthful spirit of grace," our author observes, “ in duly ad which we supplicate, in our daily service, verting to the authority of the to fall as “ a continual dew." upon our WRITTEN Word.”

“ bishops and curates, and the congregaWe admit, indeed, a perpetual revelation

tions committed to their charge," and withof light-a perpetual emanation from the

out which we hope not to be able “truly to

please God.” Sun of righteousness, of vital and invigorating warmth; but not a perpetual revela

Our author is no friend to selftion of truth, objectively considered. It constituted teachers: such would is writtex, and, what can be showed from do well to attend to the following Scripture-comparing spiritual ihings with judicious remark: spiritual, forms the only data of Christian Whatever persuasion a man may feel of knowledge, the only test for Christian ex- an inward call to the ministry of God's perience, the only supreme rule for Chris

word, he must submit his pretensions to the tian conduct. All the children of Zion

trial and examination of those superior pasare still taught of God: but, to guard us

tors, who have public authority given then from a counterfeit through the subtilty of

in the congregation for that purpose; and the devil or man," we are bidden to observe that from their hands he must receive his that the wisdom which is from above is first

commission, and the delegation of his spipure*, -pure in relation to a standard, and

ritual authority, as an oversver of the that standard is the word of God. To the Hock of Christ S. law and to the testimony, therefore : if

In answer to some illiberal oba, they speak not according to this word, it is

servations made by two late bigota because there is no light in them t. We were much struck with the

ed historians, we find the followsentiments contained in the fol. ing eloquent defence of our mars lowing passage : .

tyred reformers: Adauitting, that, through the efforts of Nor can we acquiesce in that statement learning successfully applied to the Bible as of our opponents, which would represent its object, and of science rightiy so called,

Burd. the Fathers of the English Church as living the Gospel scheme of salvation is become in the first dawn or twilight of a reformis properly understood, as to its theory : yeť

. * Rom. v. 5. .. 2 Cor. i. 4. I will he be persuasive with men to flee from

Eph. i. 14.. * James, iii. 17: - Isaiah, viis, 30. s Compare the 33d Article

tion which received its noontide illumination also, and that grace of the Holy Spirit for in a subsequent age. We believe that such which he humbly suesi ? has not been the usual manner of the great : The opinion we entertain of this révivals of spiritual religion. Ecclesiastical discourse may easily be gathered history records several of these epochas since from our remarks: and we greatly the day of Pentecost. And it bas scemed, Father, on these occasions, as though the

the mistake if the passages which we prophetic torch, which had long burned ob- have quoted do not excite a descure and dim, had been suddenly stricken sire in our readers, especially our by an invisible hand, to discharge it of its clerical brethren, to possess this feculencies. It has also been remarked, admirable defence of the ministry that the first rays that darted from the shaken flame, shot forth with a brighter of

of the church of Engand. light into the surrounding darkness, than

But however highly we approve even that which settled in the renewed of the statements of this learned beam; and far superior to that which issued brother, it is the pointed applicafrom it, when fresh corruptions had had tion which he moves to the con: time to accumulate.--We deem it a singular adrantage that our church received her sciences of his readers that inbiglit in the early stages of the Reformation. duces us to give him our unquali.

* Those who have been brought fied approbation, to a knowledge of God and of themselves, after they have entered the ministry, will, we are per- A Sermon preached in Trinity suaded, feel the force and beauty Church, Coventry, on June 29, of the following passage:

1813, at the Archdeacon's VisitWhat is a conscientious clergyman to do, .ation, by the Rev. John More who now, for the first time, is awakened by riott, M. A. late' Student of the grace of God, to a sight of the import

Christ Church, Oxford ; Rector ance, and of the spiritual requisites of his

of Church Lawford, in the Counoffice?-who is now distressed at the reflection of the levity, the insincerity, the

ty of Warwick ; and Domestic profaneness (he will allow me to say so), Chaplain to His Grace the Duke with which he obtruded himself into the of Buccleuch. Published at the ministry? His vows, it appears, cannot be

Request of the Rev. Charles discharged: a dispensation of the Gospel is cónnitted to him: the woor the

Buckeridge, D.D. Representa, teward must be his *. He is a devoted tive of the Archdeacon at the Vic thing - no redemption in his case is allow sitation, and of the Clergy ass ed!--Nothing remains, then, but deep hu sembled on that Occasion, Hatchmiliation, and prostration at the feet of

ard, London. pp. 34. Price Christ, bis crucitied Master-by him al

1s. 6d. most crucified afresh! To him he must lowly supplicate for pardon and grace; and

We conceive it will be impos: for that will and ability which he alone can give; so that, the Lord being merciful to

sible for any person to read this him, he may yet be enabled to fulfil his truly excellent Sermon without detrust, -" may save his own soul, and the riving benefit from it. We are souls of thein that hear him." And, we free to confess, that it brought us argue, if the sacrament of baptism, even humble supplicants to the Throne after its profanation, and after the grossest piolation of its sacred engagements that you

of Grace, to implore from the

01 dare imagine, --if, after all this, that same great Shepherd and Bishop of our sacramental sign may still, through the un- souls that divine aid by which we speakable mercy of God, become pregnant might be made increasingly earwith good to the believing penitent-may nest in our work..


pi be still to him a sign of regeneration, and á seal of the covenant of grace; we need not

* Mr. Marriott, with whom we doubt respecting the ordained Minister, to are unacquainted, is, we believe, whom God has granted the gift of repent- a young man; but he is a scribe Ance, whatever niay have been his guilt and who need not be ashamed, for hę pregumption, that mercy will abound to him rightly divides the word of truth. * 1 Cor. ix. 16, 1?.. .

Whoever has a head to think, or a heart to feel, will be delighted time to teach men forcihly, that “ every one with this eloquent, yet plain dis- that nameth the name of Christ" must" decourse,

part from iniquity*;" to make them free

by the truth, yet lead them to fear Gud, In explaining the nature of the

even for his mercy. It is no easy matter to ministerial office, the author draws “ preach the things of the spirit of God" tp a concise but luminous character those to whom they are as foolishness t;" to of the Chief Shepherd, Christ Je

" show the light of the knowledge of the sus; and points out the support

glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ

so manifestly, as to humble the pride of and consolation that the Christian,

renson at the foot of the cross; to plead the but more especially the Minister, cause of godliness with a voice loud enongla derives from this view, particularly to be heard amidst the clamours of passiua from the unchangeableness of and prejudice, and in terus so alluring, as Christ.

to outhribe the whispers of appetite and in : How forcible is the following

clination; to collect the soattered rays of

evidence into a focus so irresistible, as to appeal to the conscience of every force ihe light even on those who hate it, Minister!

“ because their deeds are eyil ;" to kindle · If we claim our high commission from a tlame of holy affection in our hearers, and Him, “ with whom there is no variableness « make” their “ hearts burn within nor shadow of turning *," what is the them il. ground of their argument, who find or To excite to a due preparation fancy some pretence for an allowed abate- for the pnlnit. the author save it ment of zeal in its execution? What fa

might be expedient to 'reflect, Tourable change is there in the nature of

That many of those whom we are abont to our service since the days of Archippus,

address are " in the gall of bitterness, and that makes it less necessary to “ take heed to the ministry, which we have received in

in the bond of' iniquity 1 ;" and that it is the Lord," that we “ fulfil itt," to " give

very possible, that, to some one amount ourselves wholly #” to these things; to

them, this may be the last opportunity of

being either awakened by the terrors of the “ spend and be spent” in them alone? Has the church of Christ less powerful enemies

law, or allured by the « joyful soud" of

the Gospel; that we may be addressing ? to contend tvith, that her watchmen should sleep upon their posts? Has Satan ceased

soul, banging, as it were, hy a siugle

thread over the pit of destruction. Witla to “ walk about, seeking whom he may de

this thought deeply impressed upon our vour?" Is sin less alluring, or man less easily allured ? Has the world adopted the

minds, we could never he content to preach

a single lifeless, spiritless, unprofitable ser spirit of Christ, or bas Christ revoked the

mon; we must speak with the apxious ear declaration, that they that have not that

nestness, the stretch and stress of mind, spirit are none of his ?

and the courageous energy, that mark the * In speaking of the difficulty and,

in speaking of the amcuity inų struggle for a last stake. Another possibiimportance of feeding those in- lity that we may thiak of is, that soine hatrusted to our care, the author bitual neglecter of ordinances may be pres thus beautifully expresses himself: sent, and that his ear may for once be opus

It is no easy matter to open those mys: to the warning trumpet, to the wholeson's teries of wbich we are the stewards, with truths, which he generally shcns. What a sufficient simplicity to instruct the ignorant; golden opportuuity for the pastor! What a and yet with such wisdom as may “ con

responsibility he incurs, if it be wasted in yince gainsayers $;" with force enough to

some unprofitable discussion; if lie should alarm the hardened sinner, and cast down

feed famished souls with the mere husk the strong, 'hold of the self-deceiver, and and outer shells of divinity; instead of sayet with a tenderness that 'will « bind uptisfying them with its “marrow and fatthat which is broken, and strengthen that ness," that their “ mouths may praise God which is sick it;" a tenderness like his who with joyful lips ** !" vould not “ break a bruised reed," nor Firmly persuaded as we are; « quench the smoking fax." It is no that nothing but a recurrence to easy matter so " rightly to divide the word the principles of our reformers of truth**," as to exalt“ the grace of God," as " bringing salvationtt," and at the same

can support the church in these * James, i..

Coloss. iv. 17. - * 2 Tim. ii. 19. op i Cor. ii. 14. I Tim. iv. 15. Tit. i. 9.

2 Cor. iv. 6. § John, i.'19. | Ezek. xxxiv. 16. * Matt. xii. 20. # Luke, xxiv. 32. f Acts, riži. 23. ** 9 Tipa. ij, 15. f£ Tit. ii. 11, 12, ** Psalm lxii. 5.

times, and that not a dry acknow Lord *.” And further, we must be sure ledgment of doctrines, but a that it is wielded in his strength. practical reception of them in our With an energy that must have own hearts, and so embodied in had a powerful effect upon the our experience, that we may be

minds of his clerical auditors, the able to testify of the grace of author meets the usual pleas of God; it gave us the sincerest the careless and idle shepherds ; pleasure to find our author making and tells them plainly, the following judicious remarks :

In vain shall we plead, that they have fall» The best preparation for teaching others,

en a prey to the wolves of heresy, and to is, thoroughly to learn the lesson ourselves.

the “roaring lion" whó “ walketh about Surely he will lay open the defornity and

seeking whom he may devourt;" unless deceitfulness of sin with the most conrin

we can prove, that we “ went out after" eing power, who has had the deepest view's

them, and strove to "smite” them, and to

“ deliver” the stolen lambs “out of their of his own sinfulness: be will display the extent and spirituality of God's law most

mouths 1." In vain shall we plead the

spares, the hinderances, and the natura! effectually, who has seen most clearly its condemning force; he will exalt the cross

proneness to evil, which stand in the way of Christ most devotedly, who has felt

of our being able to “present every man most strongly the value of that rich sacri

perfect in Christ Jesus;" unless we can fice, of which it was the altar : he will set

prove, that we have “ warned every man," the power of divine grace in the most con

and “ taught every man in all wisdom S.”

In vain shall we plead, that we had to do solatory and encouraging point of view, who has diunk most freely of its refreshing

with a stiff-necked and a gainsaying people, streams: he will place the “ glory that

a people that would not hear, or that would shall be revealed" in the most alluring

hear our words, but would not do them; light, who has a lively hope of being “ a

unless we can prove that, being “ ambassapartaker *" thereof; he will most feelingly

dors for Christ |I," we have prayed and bedelineate the beauty of boliuess, who is

sought them, with a zeal like his, to be himself most deeply enamoured of it: he

“ reconciled to God.” Without this plea will speak the truth in love most effectually,

on our behalf, the blood of those that have who bears his message written on bis

been “ taken away in their iniquity [" shall heart t," and has imbibed the true spirit of

assuredly bé “ required at our hands." love at its only source.

We have now, we trust, given With what justice does our au- our readers a just specinien of thor observe,

this admirable Visitation Sermon ; We want not “the enticing words of we make no apology for the length man's wisdom I," the temporary tlashes of of the quotations, being persuaded an artificial oratory, the effects of which that every reader will feel with us usually die with the applause it excites; but that the have enriched our na

that they have enriched our pages, a power of persuasion strong, deep, and abiding, as the impression we wish to pro

and, we hope, excited the best duee; an eloquence that is rendered steady feelings in our brethren in the mia by the weight of the matter wlich it con- nistry. veys, and thus attaches that idea of solid'. When we consider the awful rex rcality to religion, which is so favourable to sponsibility which rests upon Mis its influence on the heart. We want the touching eloquence with which “a good

nisters, and how much, under God, man, vut of the good treasure of the beart, depends upon their faithfüł disbringeth forth good things &;" “ as of sin charge of the duties of their high verity, as of God, in the sight of God, office, we ought to be thankful speaking in Christ ll." We want an elo- for whatever has a tendency to quence characteristically Christian, and bearing the sacred impress both of the let

produce right feelings in them, and

PF fer and the spirit of the Bible. Though

to stir them up to increased exerwe may be forced, at times, to sharpen our tion in this best of causes. To our Weapon at the forge of the Philistines, we younger brethren in particular we must be sure that it is drawn from this are would recommend Mr. Leigh's ** moury, that it is “ the sword of the Mr

Mr. Fry's, and Mr. Marriott's disa * 1 Peter, v. l..

* Judges, vii, 18., it i Peter, s. 8. + Archbishop Leighton.

i Sam. xvii. 35. ' $ Coloss. i. 28. I Cor. ii. 4. Matt. xii. 35. # 2 Cor. v. 20. Ezek. Xxxiji, 6. # 2 Cor. iis ima

** See our Number for March, p. 99.

courses, as eminently calculated clergy, who have requested the to enkindle a holy flame, and di-, publication of these sermons. We rect to the proper discharge of hail it as an highly favourable cire their sacred duties.

cumstance, not only that such disWhile the doctrines of the Gos- courses have been delivered in adpel are happily blended in these joining counties, but that the large discourses, and evidently show and respectable bodies of the clergy that the authors build upon a sure who attended so far approved the foundation, there are no offensive sentiments, as to wish to give peculiarities introduced, nor any them currency by the sanction of that can tend to prejudice the their recommendation. mind; and here we think they While our church possesses such have acted judiciously. Taking sons, she has little to fear from men upon their own ground, press- any quarter; and it is a subject of ing them upon principles which unfeigned pleasure to us, as Christhey acknowledge, they have tian Guardians, to proclaim, that brought them to this point, that the number of faithful and dili, numbers must act differently, or gent shepherds is every day on the out of their own mouths they are increase that God may concondemned, We are convinced tinue to pour out upon our bishops, that it has been by this prudent priests, and deacons, the health. conduct that they conciliated the ful spirit of his grace!

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CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORY, &c. of bishop in Poland, and grandson of Camo

THE CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRE- nius *. In 1737, Count Zinzendurf, the • THREN.

distinguished ornament, no less than (See Page 101.)

friend, of the Brethren's church, received

the same act of consecration ; from whicha THEIR form of church gorernment is time the episcopal ordination has been duly episcopal, which they derived, in 1467, transmitted to the present day, and is ac. ftom Stephen, the last Bishop of the Wal- knowledged in this country by act of Par denses *, who (as has been already obsery- liament, bearing date 428 George ed) traced the succession of their bishops The bishops of the Brethren are not, horfin from the apostolic times. Shortly aftor, ever, distinguished by any outward appear." Stephen perished in a persecution raised) ance of dignity or of revenue; their office against that people, being burnt alive. is their privilege, their labours are their Thus the wonderful providence of God had reward. spared this last Bishop of the Waldenses The Brethren's confession of faith is, it so long, that, before his decease, he could principle, the same as the Confession of transmit regular episcopal ordination to the Augsburg. “The whole Moravian church" Brethren.

(said the deputies of the Brethren, in their In 1671 this ordination became extinct Declaration to the Commissioners of Inne in the Bohemian Moravian branch, by the quiry, appointed by the Elector of Saxony, death of Amos Comenius, the last bishop; then King of Poland, in 1748) “ once but still existed in the Polish branch of the more positively declare, and in all the Unity of the Brethren, through which line countries where they are established, their it was again re-conveyed to its former cfiagnel, in 1735, by Jablonsky, the senior * See Crantz's History, p. 197. . ,

t Sce Acta Fratrum Vnitatis in Anglia, • See Craytz's History, p. 28. 1749.

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