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plan stated, 111; high merit of the
prefatory essays, 112; his arrange-
ment of the functions, ib.; azote
necessary to deriving nutriment from
aliment, ib.; importance of Mr. Ma-
jendie's recent experiments, ib.; or-
gans connected with the digestive
process in animals of the most perfect
order, ib. ; their more immediate func-
tions totally unknown, 113; the Au-
thor an enemy to equivocal or spon-
taneous generation, 114; on
respiratory function in the different
classes of animals, ib. ; the perfection
of the voice regulated by the per-
fection of the larynx, ib.; remarks
on ventriloquism, 115; on inspiration,
ib.; the change in the colour and pro-
perties of the blood, &c. 115, 16;
diminished credit of the hypothesis
of Dr. Crawford and M. Lavoisier re-
specting the colour of the blood, and
the source of animal heat, 116; the
primary cause of the colour of the
blood and of animal heat still un-
known, 116, 17; on the diseases of
the sanguineous functions, 210; the
discovery of the circulation of the
blood wholly due to Harvey, ib.; the
transmission of the blood through the
pulmonary organs, pointed out by
Servetus, ib. ; the proportionate
parts that the heart, the arteries, and
the veins take in the office of circu-
lation still a subject of controversy,
211; remarks on this subject, ib.;
John Hunter's stimulus of necessity,
212; of the blood, its colour, &c.
ib.; Brande on the red particles of the
blood, ib.; the average quantity of
blood in the human body, ib.; on
the difference between human blood
and that of quadrupeds, and between
the blood of different species of ani-
mals, 213; on the transfusion of
blood, &c. ib.; the blood the most im-
portant fluid in the animal system, ib. ;
is the source of health and of disease,
ib.; fever a disorder of the san-
guineous function, 214; variety of
opinions among the ancients and the
moderns respecting fever, ib.; the
Author's views on the doctrine of febrile
excitation, 216, 17; on inflammation,
217; on the nervous faculty, 218;
its threefold division, ib.; on the
configurations and parts of the brain,
ib.; the size and nerves of the brain
of man, and of other animals, 219;
inquiry into the particular mode of

nervous agency, 220; the Author's
remarks on the subject of mind, 221;
on hereditary transmission and taint,
222, 3; remarks on the excernent
function, 223, et seq.

Medicine, theoretical and practical,
Uwins's compendium of, &c, 320, et


Memoirs of Samuel Pepys, secretary to
the admiralty in the reigns of Charles
II. and James II., 75, et seq.
Metternich, prince, portrait of, 245, 6.
M'Gavin's protestant reformation vin-
dicated from the aspersions, &c. of
Cobbett, 367, et seq.; nature and ten-
dency of the aid afforded to any cause
by Cobbett, 367; specimen of the au-
thor's severe retaliation upon Cobbett,
368, 9.

Milner's, the late Rev. Joseph, practical
sermons, 51, et seq.; remarks of the
editor, the Rev. Mr. Fawcett, concerning
the present volume, 51; on the happiness
of those who trust in the Lord, 53, 4;
the kingdom of Christ not of this world,
55, 6; reflections on a death-bed, 58,
et seq.; support in death, 59, 60.
Missionaries after the apostolic school,

Irving's orations for, 343, et seq.
Missions, protestant, in the Bengal pre-
sidency, queries and replies respect-
ing the present state of, 482, et seq.
Mississippi, Schoolcraft's travels in the
central portions of the valley of, 473,
et seq.

Mollien's, M., travels in the republic of
Columbia, in the years 1822 and 1823,
27; see Columbia.

Monk, General, his proceedings in reference
to the restoration, 79, et seq.
Moore, Sir John, ode on the burial of,
written by the late Rev. Charles Wolfe,
118, 19.

Mortality, table of the law of, at two
different periods, 101, note,

Moscow, its repeated conflagrations,

Mouravier's voyage en Turcomanie, 418,
et seq.

Napier's memoir on the roads of Cefa-
lonia, 294, et seq.; state of the island,
294; the want of roads an insurmountable
bar to the general improvement of the
island, and of the people, 294, 5; wretched
state of the country seals, ib,; fine view
from the black mountain, 295; valley of
Heraclea, 295, 6; danger from exposure
to the heat of the sun without using ex-
ercise, 297.

Newman's, Dr., manual for church
members, 550, et seq.; unbaptized
christians not to be admitted to church
fellowship, 551; remarks on this posi-
tion, ib.; the question whether female
members have a vote at the church
meetings considered, 551, 2.
Nishapore, its various vicissitudes and
present state, 433.
Nonconformity, congregational, Fletch-
er's discourse on the principles and
tendencies of, 363, et seq.

Norfolk Sound, on the N. W. coast of
North America; school for the ua-
tives founded by the Russians, 184.

Odessa, its population, trade, &c., 548.
Orkneys, South, explored by Captain
Weddell, 270.

Orme's expostulary letter to the Rev.
Edward Irving, 343, et seq.

Oxus, the river, M. Mouravier's account of
the dry channel of it, 438, 9.

Paradise Lost, Martin's illustrations of,
519, et seq.

Pascal's thoughts on religion, &c. trans-
lated by the Rev. E. Craig, 528, et
Patriotism, lines on, by the late Rev. Charles
Wolfe, 124, et seq.

Peak-scenery, Rhodes's, 88, et seq.;
Dove Dale, a favourite resort of Rous-
seau, 89; remarks on the conduct and
character of Rousseau, ib. et sèq.
Pepys, Samuel, memoirs of, 75, et seq.;
notice of the work by the brother of Lord
Braybrooke, the editor, sketch of the life,
&c. of Mr. Pepys, 77; extracts from his
journal, 78; anecdote respecting Lord G.
Cromwell's dissolving the house, 78, 9;
proceeding of General Monk, 79, et seq.;
death of Sir Henry Vane, 81,2; remarks
on the conduct of the new king and queen,
82; farewell sermons of the presbyterians,
Dr. Bates and Parson Herring, 82, 3;
unhappy state of affairs, 83, 4; popular
opinion of the clergy of that period, 84,
5; Charles the First confesses himself
convinced in his judgement against the
bishops, 85; Sir William Penn, 86.
Poetry, national, its character peculiarly
irreligious since the restoration, 122.

- popular religious, remarks on the
composition of, by the late Rev. C. Wolfe,
120, et seq.

sacred, 354, et seq.; improving
state of the standard of taste, in what
is called the religious world, 354;
change in the character of the poetry

in periodical publications, 355; Ken-
nedy's remarks on the great import-
ance of sacred poetry as a medium
of popular instruction, 356; critique
on some late selections of sacred poe-
try, 358, et seq.; Moore's poem on the
destruction of Jerusalem, 362.

Poetry, select, chiefly on subjects con-
nected with religion, 354, et seq.;
arrangements of the poems, 358 ; exe-
cution of the work, ib.; see Sacred

Poets, Latin, selections from the works
of, 370.

Popery, Groser's six lectures on, 322, et

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Rameses; an Egyptian tale, 337, et seq.;
Egypt probably indebted to the obscu-
rity of her history for much of her
fame, 338; magnitude and complica-
tion the chief features of her architec-
ture, 338; remarks on her sculpture
and painting, &c. ib. ; a view in Egypt
during an inundation of the Nile, 339;
detail of the leading circumstances
of the tale, 340, et seq.; description of
the palace of Medinet Habû, 342, 3.
Reformation, protestant, vindicated from
the misrepresentations, &c. of Cob-
bett, 367, et seq.

Remains of the late Rev. Charles Wolfe,
117, et seq.

Remembrancer, the Christian, or the
Amulet, 552, et seq.

Rhodes's Peak-scenery, 88, et seq.
Rivers of England, by Turner and Gir-
tin, 519, et seq.

Russia, travels in, 532, et seq.; insigni-
ficance of Russia, as a European
state during its early history, 532;
repeated conflagrations of the city of
Moscow, 533; rapid increase of the
extent and population of the Russian

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empire, ib.; the various tribes of peo-
ple that compose the population of
the British and the Russian empires,
533, 4; remarkable features attach-
ing to the circumstances that have
contributed to the present aggran-
dizement of Russia, 534; character
of its people, religion, commerce, go-
vernment, &c., ib.; change in the po-
litical situation of France and of Rus-
sia, in regard to England, 535; posi-
tion of Russia in a military point of
view, ib.; the question whether Rus-
sia can ever become formidable by
conquest considered, 536; remarks of
Mr. Douglas, on the influence, &c. of
Britain, in the balance of the affairs of
Europe, 537; despotic kings her natural
enemies, ib.; present state of Russia,
in reference to the prospects of Greece,
538, 9; Dr. Lyall's charge of misre-
presentation against Dr. E. Clarke
examined, 539, et seq.; Dr. Lyall's
⚫ character of the Russians' disgust-
ingly offensive, 541; evil occasioned
by the publication of Dr. Lyall's work,
542; singular and enterprising journey
of Lieut. Holman, being stone blind,
across Siberia, 542, et seq. ; is arrested
by order of the Russian government and
compelled to return to Europe, ib.; Mr.
Holman's explanation of his own feelings
and motives in visiting foreign countries,
545, 6; his remarks on the commerce of
Russia, 546, et seq.; imperial ukase,
compelling the Jews, not physicians
or merchants, to become agricultu-
rists, 548; Odessa, its population,
trade, &c., ib.; Dr. Lyall's visits to the
Sultan Kalli-gherry, 549; present state
of the Krimea, ib.; the Scotch missio-
nary colony at Karass, 550; passage
of the Caucasus to Tiflis, ib.
Russell's tour in Germany and the Aus-
trian empire, 227, et seq.
Ryland, Dr. Hall's sermon on the death
of, 511, et seq.

Saide, present state of, 312.
Schiller, Friedrich, the life of, 248, et
seq.; scene of the early years of Schil-
ler, 248; anecdote of Schiller and Dr.
Elwert, when boys, 249; he unwillingly
enrols himself in the Würtemburgh col-
lege, 250; publishes his Rubbers,
251; gives offence to the Grisons,
and is reprimanded by the grand
duke, 251, 2; character of the "Rob.
bers," 252; soliloquy of the Robber,
252,3; of the Moor, 253; the author's

remarks on his juvenile production, ib. ;
he secretly withdraws from Stuttgard,
and becomes the poet of the Manheim
theatre, 254; removes to Leipzig and
then to Dresden, where he completes
Don Carlos, 254; visits Weimar, and
meets Herder and Wieland, 254, 5; his
intercourse with Göethe, 255; pub-
lishes his history of the thirty years'
war, ib.; visits his parents in Swabia,
256; general habits of his life, 256, 7;
his last illness and death, 259; his lite-
rary character, ib.; inferior to Shak-
speare in fancy, &c., ib.
Schoolcraft's travels in the central por-

tions of the Mississippi valley, 473, el
seq.; object of the present journey to
purchase lands from the Indians, for
the United States, 474; quality of the
newly explored lands, ib. ; striking illus-
trations of the blessings of civiliza-
tion, 475; route chosen by the party,
by way of the rivers, ib.; Indian
school, near Fort Wayne, under the
tuition of Mr. M'Coy, a baptist mis-
sionary, 476; Indian breakfast, ib.;
the party arrive at Harmony, the late
purchase of Mr. Owen, of Lanark,
476, 7; description of the town, 477;
the laying out of the fields, ib.; granaries,
barns, &c. ib.; the various daily labours
made individual, 477, 8; remarks on
the nature and tendency of Mr.
Owen's system, 478, 9; striking in-
stance of affectionate feeling in a For
Indian, 479; conference between the
party and the Indians respecting the
purchase of the lands, 480: recrimi-
natory remarks of the author on the Bri-
tish mode of taking possession of territory
in Canada, and in Hindoostan, ib.;
· locality of the purchase, its climate,
fertility, natural produce, &c., 481, 2.
Sermons, practical, by the late Rev.
Joseph Milner, 51, et seq.

Simeon's Letter to the Right Hon. Lord
Teignmouth in vindication of the
British and Foreign Bible Society,
&c. 185, et seq.

Society for the propagation of the gos-
pel in foreign parts, &c. by the
Bishop of Gloucester, &c. 577, et seq.
Songs of a Stranger, by Louisa Stuart
Costello, 168, et seq.


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b. et seq.; effect of the small-pox among
the American Indians, 330,1; the birth
and childhood of the Indian's first-born,
332; death of the father, 333; attach-
ment of human nature to life, ib.;
death of Monnema and Mooma, 334;
reflections of Yeruli on the death of his
mother and sister, 335; his own baptism
and death, 336; close of the author's
dedication of the poem to his daughter,
336, 7.

South Pole, Capt. Weddell's Voyage
towards it, &c. 369, et seq.

Spain, Bowring's ancient poetry and ro-
mances of, 259, et seq.

Steam-boats established on the Orinoko,

Steele's husbandman's calling, &c. 470;
the author the father of Sir Richard
Steele, ib.

Stowell on the Ten Commandments,

270, et seq; the author's reasons for
the present course, 270, 1; on legal
preaching, ib.; remarks on the vague
notion that the decalogue is not bind-
ing on Christians, 272; cases in which
the Lord's name may be taken in vain in
worship, 272, 3; in writings, &c., 274.
Strauss's Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusa-
lem, 153, et seq.

Studies of figures, by the late Thomas

Gainsborough, 519, et seq..

Syria, Jowett's Christian researches in,
&c. 298, et seq.

Szalt, description of the town of, 140;

its population, &c. ib. ; service at
the Greek church, priest's dress, &c.
141, 2.

Tale of Paraguay, by Dr. Southey, 328,

et seq.

Taylor's, Mrs., Itinerary of a traveller

in the wilderness, 60, et seq.; design
and contents of the work, ib. ; the
introduction, ib. ; meditation on the death
of the first-born in Egypt, 62, 3;
personal application of the subject, 63,4;
concluding remarks of the writer, 64.
Ten Commandments, the, illustrated
and enforced on Christian Principles,
by W. H. Stowell, 270, et seq.
Traveller in the wilderness, Mrs. Tay-
tor's Itinerary of, 60, et seq.
Traveller, tales of a, by Geoffrey Cray-
on, 65, et seq.

Turner's and Girtin's rivers of England,

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Vane, Sir Henry, his death, 812.
Venn's remarks on the propriety of
applying the funds of the Bible So-
ciety to the circulation of such foreign
versions as contain the Apocrypha,
&c. 185, et seq.
Ventriloquism, remarks on, 115.
Versification, Latin, simplified, by Dr.
Carey, 470.

Vienna, its moral and political degrada
tion, 241, et seq.

Views in Provence and on the Rhone,
519, et seq.

Village, the rising, a poem, by Oliver
Goldsmith, 268, et seq.

Vindication of the proceedings of the
Edinburgh Bible Society relative to
the Apocrypha, &c. 377, et seq.
Volney, inaccuracy of his topographical
descriptions, 152.

Wales, Dr. Jones's history of, 90, et
seq.; curious information by the author,
concerning Joseph of Arimathea, 91;
Judas Iscariot the only Jew among the
twelve disciples, ib.; his account of the
introduction of Christianity into Britain,
ib.: the religious denominations and
principles of the Welsh, as detailed by
this writer, 92, 3; his description of
the Welsh character, 93, 4.

Wardlaw's sermons on Man responsible
for his beliefs, 566; occasion of the
sermon, ib.;

Walladmor, 13. et seq.; remarks on
the school of Scottish novels, 13, 14;
causes of its popularity, 14; Mr.
Galt's fictions of Scottish life, 15;
origin of the present work, 16; ex-
tracts, 16, et seq.
Warwickshire, graphic illustrations of,
519, et seq.

Weddell's voyage towards the South
Pole, &c. 369, et seq.; Capt. Cooke's
most southern latitude, 369; Russian
expedition stopped in latitude 69° S.
ib.; discovery of the South Shetland
islands, 368, 9; departure of Capt.
W.'s expedition for the south, 370;
falls in with a Portuguese slave-ship,
ib.; puts into Port St. Elena, ib.; ex-
plores the South Orkneys, ib.; his most
southern latitude, ib. ; anchors at South
Georgia, 271; remarks a most sin-
gular internal agitation of the ground,

ib.; trade to South Georgia and the
island of Desolation' for furs and
oil, ib.; he accomplishes some hydro-
graphical corrections, ib.; seeks in
vain for the Aurora islands, 371, 2;
the seals, &c. of these seas nearly
exterminated by the avaricious hun-
ters, 372; atrocious conduct of some
wrecked English sailors, towards an
American Captain who relieved them,
373; second voyage of Capt. W.,

Wieland, notice of, 230, 1.

Weimar, description of it, 229, et seq.
West's journal during a residence at the
Red River colony, British North
America, &c. 181, et seq.; description
of the colony, its population, &c. 182;
their travelling dogs, ib.; the author
opposed by the Canadian priests, in
his attempts to circulate the Scrip-
tures, 182, 3; refusal of the priests
to marry Catholics to Protestants,
183; admission of a priest, that the
Scriptures say nothing af bodily penance,
ib.; a Christian church and Sunday
school first founded in these wilds,
184; Russians have founded a school
at Norfolk Sound for the natives, ib.
Williams, Dr. Edward, Gilbert's me-
moir of the life and writings of, 281,
et seq.

Williams's select views in Greece, 519,

et seq.
Wiffen's translation of Tasso's Jerusalem

delivered, &c. 456, et seq.; remarks
on the two different styles of poetry;
viz. the romantic and the classical,
ib.; the romantic poetry paramount
in Italy in the sixteenth century, 457;
different opinions of the origin of ro-
mantic poetry, ib.; opinion of Schle-
gel, 457, 8; character of Pindar's
poetry, ib.; Schlegel on the Greek
tragedy, 459; objections to his theory,
ib. ; influence of Scandinavian fictions
on the poetry of the romantic writers,
460; Schlegel on the three unities of
the French critics, ib.; and on the
mythological heroes of the French
poets, 460, 1; the attempt to make
modern poetry classical injudicious,
461; remarks on the objections a-
gainst Tasso's love scenes, ib.; and

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his marvels, 462; his defence of the
machinery of his Jerusalem, ib.; the
objection against his poem on account
- of its false views of the achievements
celebrated, considered, ib.; character
of Carew's translation of the first five
books of the Jerusalem, 463; Fair-
fax's Godfrey of Bouillon, Hook's
first canto, and Hoole's version, ib.;
Cary's masterly translation of Dante,
and Rose's Ariosto, ib.; merits of
the present version, 464; objectionable
renderings, ib. ; topography of Jerusalem,
465; portrait of Armida, 466; epi-
sode of Sophronia and Olindo, ib. et seq.
Wolfe, the late Rev. Charles, remains of,
117, et seq.; the author first known
publicly as the writer of the ode on the
burial of Sir John Moore, 117; copy of
the ode, 118, 19; song, 119; letter of
the author in reference to the composi-
tion of popular religious poetry, 120,
et seq.; character of our national
poetry since the restoration pecu-
liarly irreligious, 122,; profane ten-
dency arising from accommodating
sacred words to popular national airs,
ib.; some instances given, 123; lines
on patriotism, 124, et seq.; the au-
thor's character as a preacher, 127;
exordium to the first sermon, ib.; his
impressive appeal to his hearers, 128,
9; difference of feeling occasioned by
the disease of the body and that of the
soul, 129, 30; the various excuses made
by men, for temptation, reducible to two
classes, 131; first, that our particular
temptations differ from those of other
men, ib.; secondly, that all men do the
same, ib,; observations and reflections
on the above positions, ib. et seq.;
biographical notice of the author,
134, et seq.; he is removed, when under
two severe afflictions, to a remote cu-
racy in the north of Ireland, 135;
his religious and pastoral character,
and arduous duties, 135, 6; causes of
the decline of his health, 136; his ha-
bits, and increase of his illness, and
death, 137.

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Worship, public, different ways in which
the name of the Lord may be taken in
vain, during the performance of it, 273,

et seq

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