Birth, life, and acts of King ArthurPrinted from Caxton's edition, 1485, for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, by T. Davison, 1817 - Arthurian romances - 495 pages |
Common terms and phrases
Accolon adoo aduenture afore ageyne ageynst anone Balyn bataille beale Isoud Beaumayns broder capitulo Capitulum Carados castel Cornewaile cote male tayle damoysel dayes dede dethe doune Dynadan erthe eyther fayre fyghte fyrst Gaherys grete gyders gyue hath haue hede herte knyght knyzt kynge Arthur kynge Marke lady ladyes lete leue lord loue lyke maye Merlyn mette moche moost Morgan le fay myghte neuer noble knyghte nyghe ouer Palomydes passynge pauelione Pellinore promyse pryson quene redy rode ryght sawe sayd syr saye shelde shold sir Ector sir Lamorak sir Tristram sire slayne slee slewe smote hym sone sore spere swerd syr Gareth syr Gawayn syr kay syr Launcelot syr Marhaus syre Thenne sir ther therfore theyr thou thow thre toke tyme vnto vnto kynge vnto syr wete whan whanne whyle wold haue wylle wyth ye haue
Popular passages
Page iv - And in dyvers places of Englond many remembraunces ben yet of hym and shall remayne perpetuelly, and also of his knyghtes : fyrst, in the abbey of Westmestre, at Saynt Edwardes shryne, remayneth the prynte of his seal in reed waxe, closed in beryll, in whych is...
Page vi - But al is wryton for our doctryne, and for to beware that we falle not to vyce ne synne, but t'exersyse and folowe vertu, by whyche we may come and atteyne to good fame and renomme in thys lyf, and after thys shorte and transytorye lyf to come unto everlastyng blysse in heven; the whyche He graunte us that reygneth in heven, the Blessyd Trynyte.
Page iv - I answerd, that dyuers men holde oppynyon, that there was no suche Arthur, and that alle suche bookes as been maad of hym, ben but fayned and fables, by cause that somme cronycles make of hym no mencyon ne remembre hym noo thynge ne of his knyghtes.
Page 42 - Lo, said Merlin, yonder is that sword that I spake of. With that they saw a damsel going upon the lake. What damsel is that? said Arthur. That is the Lady of the lake...
Page xlviii - The Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius. His Prophesies and Predictions Interpreted, and their Truth made good by our English Annalla. Being a Chronographicall History of all the Kings and Memorable Passages of this Kingdome from Brute to the Reigne of our Royall Soveraigne King Charles. A Subject never published in this kind before, and deserves to be knowne and observed by all men.
Page v - I coude not wel denye but that there was suche a noble kyng named Arthur...
Page v - Ientyl and vertuous dedes that somme knyghtes vsed in tho dayes, by whyche they came to honour, and how they that were vycious were punysshed and ofte put to shame and rebuke, humbly...
Page vii - I dyrecte unto alle noble prynces, lordes, and ladyes, gentylmen or gentylwymmen, that desyre to rede or here redde of 20 the noble and joyous hystorye of the grete conquerour and excellent kyng, kyng Arthur...
Page iv - The sayd noble jentylmen instantly requyred me t'emprynte th'ystorye of the sayd noble kyng and conquerour kyng Arthur and of his knyghtes, wyth th'ystorye of the Saynt Greal and of the deth and endyng of the sayd Arthur, affermyng that I...
Page v - I, accordyng to my copye, have doon sette it in 30 enprynte to the entente that noble men may see and lerne the noble actes of chyvalrye, the jentyl and vertuous dedes that somme knyghtes used in tho dayes, by whyche they came to honour, and how they that were vycious were punysshed and ofte put to shame and rebuke...