And Literary Museum: OR, WEEKLY MISCELLANY OF FINE ARTS, ANTIQUITIES, AND LITERARY CHIT CHAT, No. XXIX.] By Ephraim Hardcastle. A stamped Edition for Country Circulation, postage free, Price Tenpence. EXHIBITION-BRITISH GALLERY. (Concluded.) THIS being the last day of the present exhibition at this institution, we presume the rooms will be crowded with amateurs and professors to take a farewell glance at the collection. We shall feel some disappointment if in our next paper, we have not the gratification of adding considerably to the list of fortunate candidates for public favour; for on a recent visit, we could not but regret to see so many pictures yet undisposed of, which we feel assured have sufficient merit to recommend them to the patrons of art. The opening of the new society's rooms at Charing cross however, cannot be considered as propitious to this object; for the novelty of that exhibition will naturally divert the public attention from this, and its commencing its career on the last week of the British Institution, is an unfavourable circumstance. We wish it could have been so ordered that the closing of the one had preceded the commencement of the other. In referring to the yellow tickets upon the frames, we observed as usual that the public taste seems to favour those who paint small pieces; for the great preponderance of the pictures which have been disposed of are subjects of small dimensions. Amongst these we may notice THE SALLY FROM THE CASTLE OF PEROUSE. PAINTED BY F. P. STEPHANOFF. THIS is an elegant little composition, designed in the romantic spirit of the story. - Quentin Durward. BOWENA CROWNING THE DISINHERITED KNIGHT. PAINTED BY F. P. STEPHANOFF. [SIXPENCE. castle gate, is presenting a letter to her on the point of his lance. A thousand salutations and tender adieus are being wafted from the knights to the ladies, and from them to the knights, who armed and on their proud chargers, are departing for the field. Archery, the companion to the above, painted by the same artist, is another of these elegant little graphic illustrations of the period when the title of knighthood was thought to adorn the saint. Froissart speaks of "Chevalier St. John." These four pictures, like little elegant poems, appear to have pleased the more from being small. They have attracted all, and seem to delighted as generally. Among the strange contradictions of the present time, we cannot but smile at the prevailing interest with which the exploits of these chivalrous days are read, or with which these pictorial representations are beheld; when, as the great Burke so justly observed, the age of chivalry is past, when the British youth take the field, and do deeds of arms with no more respect for beauty than their horses, nor reverence for chastity than their grooms. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE INTHRONATION OF HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE FOURTH. PAINTED BY FREDERICK NASH. We know not where we could instance so elaborate a work, combining so much real talent so injudiciously bestowed, as in this fac-simile of a scene, which in its own nature was replete with interest. As an historical record of a great national event, it will doubtless hereafter be appreciated; but as a representation of so recent a ceremony, it seems to have excited no present interest. As an architectural view of the sacred spot it is correct; as a document of local description it is faithful, and as a work of art it has sufficient claim upon our judgment to admit it to be very clever. Yet with all these qualities, it has made no impression upon the public. In each of these there is a gorgeous display of the attributes of chivalry, armoured knights, helmets and plumes, ladies and lances, banners and prancing steeds. They are full of splendid bustle, and may be numbered among the most attractive cabinet subjects in the gal-say, that he has produced some of the finest architeclery. TAKING LEAVE. PAINTED BY R. T. BONE. We have long been admirers of the superior talent of Mr. Nash, and owe it to his well-earned reputation to tural drawings that have been made, even in this proud epoch of taste for such studies. We cannot then with this knowledge of his abilities, but regret the fruitless THIS is a composition descriptive of the same roman-application of his original pencil to the delineation of tic times, when martial enterprise was inspired by the gentle sex, and the ferocious character of war was softened by the courtesies of chivalry. The incidents in this picture are truly gallant. A mounted knight descrying ing his beautiful mistress, who shines conspicuous amidst a constellation of damsels on a platform at a VOL. II. such a scene, wherein there is of necessity such a sameness of circumstantial details requisite, without the least scope for deviation, or opportunity for grouping or displaying one of the great features of art. We hoped that this was a commission picture, but having seen it even to the last without the looked for yellow LONDON, APRIL 24, 1824. had 30 ticket, we doubly lament this misapplication of his in- works of a young artist, whose labours already shew genious talent. the good school in which he has studied, and evince a promise of excellence in those particular qualities to which the rising school, with but few exceptions, are we mean precision in execution and Mr. Woodward is a pupil of Mr. Cooper, and the indefatigable zeal with which he has followed the pre these specimens of his talent. OLD HOUSES AT EXETER. PAINTED BY G. JONES, R. A. THIS admirable little topographical scrap, and the too regardless, Tower of the Chateau d'Amboise, near Tours, another careful finishing. of the same size, are all that Mr. Jones has contributed to this year's exhibition; although his productions are so generally esteemed, that we believe none after hav-cepts and example of his master, have enabled him ing passed the public ordeal in the British Institution within the practice of less than four years to produce have returned to his own walls. We are happy, how ever, to know that his pencil has been employed on more important works, and that two splendid pictures, records of the glories of Waterloo and Vittoria are now on the magnificent walls of the Throne Room in St. James's Palace, recently appropriated to that royal apartment, preparatory to the opening of the drawing room on the 29th of the present month. VIEW OF PARIS FROM MONT MARTRE. PAINTED BY THE shape of a picture, and the size of a picture, if some " The rat-catcher is obviously a portrait carefully studied from its living prototype-so are the dogs. Seated at the door of an outhouse, where he has been plying his useful calling," he is about to throw a bone, which he has most carefully picked, to the companions of his labours. The eagerness with which his two hungry terriers watch the worthless object of the scramble, is described to the very life. The clearness and finishing of this simple and unaffected piece of imitation from so common-place a subject, is worthy of one of the old Dutch masters. THE WAR HORSE AND THE ASS. BY THE SAME. In this well known theme, we have the same truth of portraiture. The horse is well drawn, and finished with a pencilling scarcely inferior to that of Wouvermann's, the ass is equally true to nature. The colouring of these pictures is cold, but experience will correct this deficiency, as practice will embolden him who commences thus scrupulously to represent what he sees, to augment his scale of tone, as did Ostade and many other distinguished colourists, whose early works gave no demonstration of that glowing general hue which they subsequently attained, by learning to look deeper into the properties of this fascinating attribute of painting. HORSES IN A THUNDER STORM. BY THE SAME. THIS spirited composition describes three horses in a ineadow, alarmed at the loud thunder. The terror of It is a picture of great exthe animals is variously expressed, but in each with equal observance to truth. pression, and highly creditable to the improving hand of this very promising disciple of an unsophisticated We do not affect the prescience of a Lilly, nor are we to be associated with the "wiseacre almanac-makers of the year before," when we aver that we anticipated that the shape and the size of this picture would be likely to prevent its sale; and we fear that we were right in our forebodings. This distant view of Paris from the commanding site in its environs, rendered so interesting to Englishmen by the approach of a British army on the day of victory, we should have thought patriotic otic colwould have recommended it to lector, notwithstanding those presumed objections, particularly as superadded to the correctness of the scene, it is a fine piece of topographical painting. The fore-school of art. ground is designed with pictorial feeling, and is masterly in execution. The effect is broad, and the divisions of the scene recede in ærial perspective, without the aid of those artificial vapours and meretricious gleams which are so commonly studied to seduce the unlearned eye to applaud what may surprise, but what should never please. THE RAT CATCHER AND HIS DOGS. PAINTED BY THOMAS WOODWARD. THERE are three pictures in this gallery which we hold it a duty to notice favourably, as they are the ENTRANCE OF THE GREAT CAVERN OF THE PEAK OF DERBY- THE contributions of this favourite landscape painter, to the present collection, are, two sketches from nature, and two boldly finished pictures, three of which are small, the other barely three feet in height, and the subject in question, which is romantic and picturesque, and painted with a masterly execution. There is a sequestered effect, judiciously increased by the introduction of a crane on the little stream which waters the cave. Such incidents when thus well appropriated, cannot fail to improve the sentiment of a picture. BOLTON PRIORY BY MOONLIGHT. BY THE SAME. It has long been a favourite dogma with certain dilletanti, that moonlight pieces are not properly within the province of pictorial imitation; and then they quote some poetic moonlight scrap from some moonstruck classic bard. Yet Vanderneer painted moonlights, and Rembrandt, and Reubens, and precious and luminous, and poetic too were their scenes, lighted by the mild beam of the moon. Hoffland among the living artists seems to court the influence of her inspiration most sedulously, and she has not hidden her face from his devotions. The scene of an ancient city by moonlight from his pencil, was a picture of imagination which possessed too obvious a sentiment not to be generally felt and understood. It was grand in composition, and solemn in effect. His "Bolton Abbey," as viewed under her tranquil influence, is a natural, pleasing subject. The introduction of the light of a smithy, casting its red tint upon the tracery of the gothic windows is one of those picturesque traits, that is sure to make an agreeable appeal to the imagination, unless too obviously introduced for the purpose of forcing a contrast, such as we behold in transparencies, and which has been repeated until the custom were almost become more honoured in the breach than by the observance. A VENETIAN PAGE WITH A PARROT. PAINTED BY ism to follow their example, cannot contemplate their munificent spirit but with respect. If there be yet too large a proportion of these pictures that really possess merit unsold, the circumstance, however it may be depl deplored, is not attributable in the least degree to the want of attention in the general arrangement for displaying the collection; for with very few exceptions, we think none but the fastidious can complain of neglect, nor can any in justice murmur at favouritism or undue preference in the places appointed to each picture. We cannot lay down our pen without adding upon the authority of a very attentive observance of some years, that the zeal of Mr. Young is and has been constantly unremitting in his endeavours to befriend the artists and the arts, and that to the kind exertions of his official influence, many a rising artist is indebted for his most valuable patron. WHETHER it be a subject for gratulation, or whether it should be deplored that the profession of the fine arts is thus annually adding so many members to its lists, we pretend not to determine. To diffuse knowledge generally, appears to be the prevailing rage with our moralists, our politicians, and our speculatists; with churchman and sectary, christian and deist; with deepthinkers and free-thinkers; in short, with all who appear to think at all. Never was an opinion upon any moral question of equal importance so universally agreed upon as this, that to diffuse knowledge is a public good. We had nearly neglected to notice this picture by a promising young artist, which had we passed again, would have caused us some regret. We are happy however to observe, that its merits have not been overlooked by a nobleman, who being constantly surrounded by the finest works of the old schools, makes the compliment the greater to a student in our own school. The Earl of Grosvenor, in testimony of his approbation of the depth and richness of this picture of Mr. Hurlstone's, has munificently purchased the "Ve-man knowledge should in some degree at least keep netian Page," to place in his splendid gallery of the old masters. We trust that this flattering distinction will excite the energies of Mr. Hurlstone, and that the next spring exhibition at the British Gallery will display in some work of his ingenious hand an improve. ment, that will shew that genius will certainly fructify under the genial sun of patronage. We must now take our leave of this exhibition, after having devoted many pages of our paper to the promotion of its interests. We should have felt a proud gratification in recording more names on the list of patrons to this truly national institution. Of those noblemen and gentlemen however who have countenanced these meritorious efforts of our rising school, we may say, that even those who have not the patriot If it be so, and we are not disposed to question the truth of an axiom so generally accepted, then it would appear that the culture of the highest branches of hu pace with this general system of mental improvement; or that class which can afford to pay for a superior education, and which will need high mental refinement to maintain a superiority according to its sphere, will not find enough of men of science to diffuse to it a knowledge of those studies which alone might form a cultivated taste. How far these speculations may be tenable or not, of this we are certain, that every year produces a great accession of numbers to the roll of professors in every department of the fine arts; what proportion of these shall add to the genuine stock of talent, must be proved hereafter. For the present, not only on the walls of this new institution but elsewhere we see enough to justify the old observation, "that many an aspiring wight mistakes the love of a partiusual, for one of the frigates was dismasted, and the other suffered considerably. cular art for a genius for that art, an error upon which numberless egotists have been shipwrecked, ruined, and lost." On Monday last, the new Exhibition in Suffolk-street was opened to the public. We hear that the apartments were crowded, and that up to this period the visitors have daily been very numerous; but what is still more gratifying to the members of the Society, and beneficial to the profession at large, we learn that the sale of the pictures exhibiting has already been considerable. The catalogue records seven hundred and fifty new works!! We fear that the candidates for public favour increase in too rapid a ratio for the growth of patronage. It was our intention to have inserted in this Number copious notices of the leading features of the Exhibition, but we must postpone them until our next. REVIEWS. Travels in Brazil in the Years 1817-1820, undertaken by command of His Majesty the King of Bavaria. By DR. J. B. VON SPIX, and DR. C. F. P. VON MARTIUS, Knights, &c. &c. 2 vols, 8vo. London: Longman and Co. 1824. THERE is at least one point in which the present governments of Europe stand cleared from the imputations which have been so prodigally heaped upon them by those who would overthrow all government. We mean in the encouragement and protection which they have so liberally and constantly afforded to the interests of science. There is scarcely a petty principality on the continent which has not sent out its little detachment of perseverance and learning to make some desirable excursion into the haunts of ignorance, or to make some discovery in regions hitherto unexplored, or to satisfy some doubt, or explain some obscurity, in which general knowledge or some particular science is concerned. To such a spirit of patronage are we in debted for the valuable labours before us. These travels emanated directly from the King of Ba varia. When an archduchess of Austria was espoused to the Crown Prince of Portugal, the Austrian court having resolved to send some scientific men to Brazil in the suite of the august bride, the Bavarian monarch made arrangements for the authors of these volumes to accompany the Austrian expedition with similar views of contributing to the advancement of knowledge. They were instructed to direct their chief attention towards enriching the two departments of zoology and botany, and at the same time to keep in view the other branches of sciUnder these heads, the learned doctors tell us that they managed to comprehend almost every possible branch of human science. They were very liberally furnished by the government with all that could minister to their wants, and on the 10th of April, 1817, they sailed from Trieste. Of course they had a storm, as all young travellers have. But theirs was more violent than || ence. We must pass over the account of the voyage, which occupies nearly half the first volume, and come at once to the pith of the expedition. The description of Rio Janeiro, where they disembarked, is very detailed, and not without interest. Avoiding the minuter parts, we will give a few general extracts : "If any person, considering that this is a new continent, discovered only three centuries ago, should fancy that nature is here still entirely rude, mighty, and unconquered, he would believe, at least here in the capital of Brazil, that he was in some other part of the globe; so much has the influence of the civilization of ancient and enlightened Europe effaced the character of an American wilderness in this point of the colony, and given it the stamp of higher cultivation. The language, manners, architecture, and the influx of the productions of the industry of all parts of the globe, give a European exterior to Rio de Janeiro. But the traveller is soon reminded that he is in a strange quarter of the world, by the varied crowd of negroes and mulattoes, who, as the labouring class, everywhere meet him, when he sets his foot on shore. To us this sight was less agreeable than it was striking. The degraded, brutish nature of these half-naked, unfortunate men, offends the feelings of the European, who has but just quitted the seat of polite manners and agreeable forms." "It will be readily imagined that with the extensive trade carried on here, the traveller every where meets the bustle of active industry. The harbour, the exchange, the market-places, and the streets nearest the sea, where the principal magazines of European merchandise are situated, constantly filled with a throng of merchants, sailors, and negroes. The various languages of the mingled crowd, of all colours and costumes, crossing each other in every direction, among whom the negroes carry their burden on poles; the creaking of a clumsy two-wheeled cart, drawn by oxen, in which goods are conveyed through the city; the frequent salutes of the guns of the forts, and of vessels arriving from all parts of the world; lastly, the crackling of the rockets with which the inhabitants celebrate religious festivals, almost daily, from an early hour in the morning, all combine to compose a confused unheard-of discord, which is perfectly stunning to the stranger." The arrival of the King and residence of the court at Rio Janeiro, have had the most beneficial effects. An immense increase has taken place in the population, to which the numerous emigrations from Europe, and particularly from Portugal, have mainly contributed. Civilization and luxury, and consequently activity and industry, have made the most rapid strides on account of the vast accession of new inhabitants. The monarch himself appears to have greatly aided the advances of his people by the encouragement he has afforded to intelligent and industrious foreigners. Most of our European manufactures are established there with success. The interests of education and literature have been equally well attended to, and the arts are in a much more respectable condition than might be fairly expected. It is well known that the harbour of Rio is exceedingly beautiful, and the environs of the city bear a similar character. The description of the adjacent country by our travellers is rich and poetical. Of one of the enchanting spots near Rio, thus they speak : delightful prospect over the bay, the verdant islands floating in it, the harbour with its crowd of masts and various flags, and the city stretched out at the foot of the most pleasant hills, the houses and steeples dazzling in the sun, was spread before our eyes. We dwelt long on the magical view of a great European city, rising here amidst the profusion of tropical vegetation. We then pursued the road along the windings of the aqueduct. The channel is chiefly built of blocks of granite, but the vaulted covering, within which the naturalist finds many of the most singular phalangia, is of brick. Between the woody hills there are diversified romantic prospects into the valleys below. Sometimes you traverse open spots where a stronger light is reflected from the flowery ground, or from the shining leaves of the neighbouring high trees; sometimes you enter a cool shady bower. Here a thick wreath of paulliniæ, securidacæ, mikanias, passion-flowers, adorned with an incredible number of flowers, climb through the crowns of the celtis, the flowery rhexias and melastomas, bauhinias, delicate mimosas, shining myrtles; there, bushy nightshades, sebastanias, eupatorias, crotons, ægiphilas, and innumerable other plants, form an impenetrable thicket, amidst which grow immense stems of the silk cotton tree (bombax), of silver-leaved cecropia, thorny Brazil wood tree, of the lecythis, with its singular fruit resembling a "Nothing can be compared to the beauty of this retreat, when the most sultry hours of the day are past, and gentle breezes impregnated with balsamic perfumes from the neighbouring wooded mountains, cool the air. This enjoyment continues to increase as the night spreads over the land and the sea, which shines at a distance, and the city, where the noise of business has subsided, is gradually lighted. He who has not personally experienced the enchantment of tranquil moonlight nights in these happy latitudes, can never be inspired, even by the most faithful description, with those feelings which scenes of such wondrous beauty excite in the mind of the beholder. A deli-cate transparent mist hangs over the country, the moon shines brightly amidst heavy and singularly grouped clouds, the outlines of the objects which are illuminated by it are clear and well defined, while a magic twilight seems to remove from the eye those which are in shade. Scarce a breath of air is stirring, and the neighbouring mimosas, that have folded up their leaves to sleep, stand motionless beside the dark crowns of the manga, the jaca, and the etherial jambos; or sometimes a sudden wind arises, and the juiceless leaves of the acaju rustle, the richly flowered grumijama and pitanga let drop a fragrant shower of snow-pitcher, slender stems of the cabbage-palm, and many white blossoms; the crowns of the majestic palms wave slowly over the silent roof which they overshade, like a symbol of peace and tranquillity. Shrill cries of the cicada, the grasshopper, and tree frog, make an incessant hum, and produce, by their monotony, a pleasing melancholy. A stream gently murmuring descends from the mountains, and the macuc, with its almost human voice, seems to call for help from a distance. Every quarter of an hour different balsamic odours fill the air, and other flowers alternately unfold their leaves to the night, and almost overpower the senses with their perfume; now it is the bowers of paullinias, or the neighbouring orange grove, then the thick tufts of the eupatoria, or the bunches of the flowers of the palms suddenly bursting, which disclose their blossoms, and thus maintain a constant succession of fragrance. While the silent vegetable world, illuminated by swarms of fireflies, (Elater phosphoreus noctilucus,) as by a thousand moving stars, charins the night by its delicious effluvia, brilliant lightnings play incessantly in the horizon, and elevate the mind in joyful admiration to the stars, which, nent and ocean, fill the soul with a presentiment of still sublimer wonders. In the enjoyment of the peaceful and magic influence of such nights, the newly arrived European remembers with tender longings his native home, till the luxuriant scenery of the tropics has become to him a second country." glowing in solemn silence in the firmanent above the And again : "Scarcely were we beyond the streets and the noise of the town, when we stopped, as if enchanted, in the midst of a strange and luxuriant vegetation. Our eyes were attracted, sometimes by gaily coloured birds or splendid butterflies, sometimes by the singular forms of the insects and the nests of wasps and termites hanging from the trees, sometimes by the beautiful plants scattered in the narrow valley, and on the gently sloping hills. Surrounded by lofty airy cassias, broad-leaved, white-stemmed cecropias, thick-crowned myrtles, large-flowered bignonias, climbing tufts of the mellifluous paullinias, far-spreading tendrils of the passion-flower, and of the richly flowering hatched coronilla, above which rise the waving summits of Macaubu palms, we fancied ourselves transported into the gardens of the Hesperides. Passing over several streams which were turned to good account, and hills covered with young coppice wood, we at length reached the terrace of the eminence along which the spring water for the city is conducted. A other, in part still unnamed, sovereigns of the woods. The majestic sight, the repose and silence of these woods, interrupted only by the buzz of the gay humming birds fluttering from flower to flower, and by the singular notes of unknown birds and insects, peculiarly affect the mind of the man of sensibility, who feels himself as it were regenerated in the prospect of the glorious country." From Rio de Janeiro they proceeded to San Paulo. The route was difficult enough in the performance, but the authors have made it very pleasant in the description. They appear to have been on almost every subject very observant and sagacious, and have happily diversified the details of travelling with accounts of the various botanical riches with which nature has so bountifully endowed these regions. S. Paulo is the oldest city in Brazil, and in an historical view, more interesting than any other. Here the Portuguese established the first settlement of ecclesiastics in the interior of Brazil. The Paulistas have always been famous for their courage, energy, and independence. Their character stands higher than that of any other class of Brazilians. In intellectual proficiency they outstrip the other cities, and our Germans speak enthusiastically of the great advance which the Kantean philosophy has made amongst them. But this was not the only way in which their high Dutch propensities were displayed. They set about magnetising the poor negroes: "The simple inhabitants of this country, had not yet heard anything of animal magnetism, and listened with some incredulity to our accounts of this mode of cure, which in their opinion, was of a magical nature. If we had proposed the cure by magnetism, for hysterical women, their husbands would certainly not have been indifferent to the execution of this project; but another opportunity presented itself for making such an experiment. A young negro slave, who had lost the use of his right arm, by suddenly taking cold, was brought to us by his master, to examine the nature of his disease. After we had sufficiently enquired into all the circumstances, we decided that the |