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Of the Differences between the Bennet College MS. and Wolf's Edition; and of the Corrections and Obfervations in Bod. 2.


HEN all things relating to the Articles were finish'd, Wolf, the Queen's Latin Prin ter, publifh'd them in their Original Language, and his Edition is exhibited in the foregoing Collation. But then,

LTis notorious, that Wolf's Edition differs from the Bennet College Latin MS. in diverse Particulars; befides Pointings, and different Ways of spelling the fame Words, which I do not at prefent take Notice of

As for thofe Corrections of the faid MS. whether made with the red Lead Pencil, or with black Ink, which are follow'd and exprefs'd by Wolf in his printed Copy; tho they are Variations from the MS. as 'twas prepared for Subfcription by the Tranfcriber, yet they are not fuch Variations, as I now speak of. But I fay, that there are several other Particulars, wherein the MS. differs from the Edition of Wolf. For,

1. The Copy, as it was prepared for Subfcription by the Tranfcriber, differs from Wolf's Edition in the following Inftances, which remain to this Day uncorrected in it, and which I muft of Neceffity, for a Reason that will foon appear, diftinguish by Numbers.

I. Art.

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16. Art. 35. N°. 10. judicavimus.



TheTitles of the
Homilies are
in English.

TheTitles of the Homilies are in Latin.

18. Art. 36. No. 21. rite, atq; or- rite, ordine.


19. Art. 37. N°. 4. fummam ha- jure fummam

20. Art. 37. N°. 6.





2. There are alfo the following Inftances of various Kinds.

Art. 9. Numb. 24. Whereas the MS. as twas prepared by the Tranfcriber for Subscription, as alfo the Edition of Wolf, read alii ftudium interpretantur,


Word carnis is written in the Margin with a red Lead Pencil, and a Mark of Infertion is made with the fame Pencil between ftudium and interpretantur.

Art. 21. Numb. 9. Both the MS. and Wolf read & verbis Dei reguntur, but in the MS. a Line is drawn under verbis, and verbo is written in the Margin:

Art. 25. Numb. 30. Both the MS. and Wolf read non habentes, quomodo nec pœnitentia, ut quæ, &c. But in the MS. there is a Line drawn with a red Lead Pencil under quomodo nec pænitentia.

II. I have already obferv'd, that there is in the Bodleyan Library a Copy of Wolf's Edition, which was corrected by a MS. and is denoted in the Collation by Bod. 2. Now tho' the Collation exhibits the Variations and Marginal Observations in this Copy, yet I think it proper to prefent them once more to the Reader's View, in a Table by themfelves. They are these which follow.

1. Art. I. Numb. 4. The Comma after Deus is ftruck out.

2. Art. I. Numb. 15. The Words after invifibilium are fo mark'd, as if they were to begin a diftinct Section.

3. Art. II. Numb. 24. After effetq; is added hoftia, with this Note --ic etiam --rrigitur, for fic etiam corrigitur, referring to the printed Erratum at the End. 4. Art. VI. Numb. 23. In W. the Catalogue ftands Ruth. 2. Regum. Paralipom. 2. 2. Samuelis. Efdra. 2.


But in Bod. 2. these Words Samuelis duo are written in the Margin, and there is an Hook importing, that they muft ftand between Ruth and 2. Regum. And further,the figure of Two is blotted out before


Regum, and duo is written after it. The fame Figure is alfo blotted out after Paralipom, and after Efdre, and duo is written in the room of it in both Places. But yet 2. Samuelis is not blotted out before Efdra 2. Wherefore in Bod. 2. ás it is corrected, the Catalogue ftands thus,


Samuelis duo.

Regum duo.
Paralipom, duo.

2. Samuelis.
Efdra duo.

5. Art. X. Numb. 14. funt for fint.

6. Art. XI. Numb. 11. Domini is added in the Margin, with a Note of Reference fignifying that 'tis to be repeated after fervatoris.

7. Art. XXI. Numb. 7. conftent for conftant.

8. Art. XXII. Numb. 11. In the Margin againft the last Words of the Article are thefe Letters itur- but what the reft fhould be I cannot guefs, unless itur fhould be legitur, and MS. fhould be understood, and fignify, that the MS. was referred to.

9. Art. XXVI. Numb. 12. The Word donorum is mark'd under, and in the Margin against it is written ---beft (perhaps for abeft) MS.

10. Art. XXVII. Numb. 26. fufpitientes (fo 'tis read in Wolf's Edition) is mark'd under, and in the Margin is written fic----MS. probably for fic in MS.

11. Art. XXVIII. Numb. 30. [Medium autem quo Corpus Chrifti accipitur & manducatur in cana, fides eft.] The Words in cana are mark'd under, and in the Margin is written ft in MS. But the Letter being juft at the edge of the Margin (which is abus'd by the Binder, as was before obferv'd) one cannot be fure, whether or no the Remarker writ defunt.

12. Art. XXXIII. Numb. 11. publice is mark'd under, and in the Margin is written ---bli---m, which perhaps fhould be publicam.

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