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and of nearly all that is in it, and Whenever a good man would say, says, "I am determined to destroy "Cease your wickedness, turn from every man, woman, and child that your idols, and seek to the Lord," and will not yield to my kingdom, obey they hearkened to his counsel, then my mandates, and renounce the Lord the Lord would fight their battles, Jesus Christ." But my determination and kill their enemies by scores and is, not to renounce the Lord Jesus hundreds of thousands. And on one Christ and his commandments, but to occasion the angel of the Lord slew keep his commandments faithfully, one hundred and eighty-five thousand and let this people pursue the same of those who came against His people course, and wait until the final issue, to destroy them, and when they and see who will come off victorious in the great contest.


At present the enemies of all righteousness have the lead, and say, Now you poor Mormons, are you not afraid that we can muster our thousands, and destroy every one of you? "Go to hell," say I," and be damned; for you will go there, and you are damned already." I can prove from the Scriptures that they are in hell, though sanctimonious persons consider it wicked to make such remarks. I also say, "Stay in the hell you are in, if you choose, or go to another if you can."

Are the people going to fear? If fear is in the hearts of any of you, it is because you do not pray often enough; or when you do pray you are not sufficiently humble before the Lord. You do not plead with Him until your will is swallowed up in His. If every one of the Latter-day Saints lived up to their privileges, they would not fear the world, and all that they can no, any more than they fear that the cranes, that fly croaking three quarters of a mile above them, will drop their eggs upon them to dash their brains out. You might as well fear that event, as to fear all the forces of hell, if the people were sanctified before the Lord, and would do His will every day.

Are these ideas strange to you? Read and learn how the Lord protected the children of Israel in former days, even during their wickedness, and rebellion against Him.

arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses." So reads the Bible. The Lord fought their

their battles.

Again, Elisha's servant saw that there was more for them than all who were against them; he saw that the sides of the mountains were covered with "chariots of fire."

When the Lord commands those invisible beings, shall I say, those who have had their resurrection? yes, millions and millions more than the inhabitants of this earth, they can fight your battles.

Now, since one angel could fight their battles in former times, and overcome the enemies of the people of God, whom shall we fear? Shall we fear those who can kill the body, and then have no more that they can do? No, but we will fear Him who is able not only to destroy the body, but has power to cast both soul and body into hell fire.

There is an item of doctrine that I will now present just as it occurs to me. You are aware that many think that the devil has rule and power over both body and spirit. Now, I want to tell you that he does not hold any power over man, only so far as the body overcomes the spirit that is in a man, through yielding to the spirit of evil. The spirit that the Lord puts into a tabernacle of flesh, is under the dictation of the Lord Almighty; but the spirit and body are united in order that the spirit may have a tabernacle, and be exalted; and the spirit

is influenced by the body, and the body by the spirit.

In the first place the spirit is pure, and under the special control and influence of the Lord, but the body is of the earth, and is subject to the power of the devil, and is under the mighty influence of that fallen nature that is of the earth. If the spirit yields to the body, the devil then has power to overcome both the body and spirit of that man, and he loses both.

Recollect, brethren and sisters, every one of you, that when evil is suggested to you, when it arises in your hearts, it is through the temporal organization. When you are tempted, buffetted, and step out of the way inadvertently when you are overtaken in a fault, or commit an overt act unthinkingly; when you are full of evil passion, and wish to yield to it, then Stop and let the spirit, which God has put into your tabernacles, take the lead. If you do that, I will promise that you will overcome all evil, and obtain eternal lives. But many, very many, let the spirit yield to the body, and are overcome and destroyed.

The influence of the enemy has power over all such. Those who overcome every passion, and every evil, will be sanctified, and be prepared to enjoy eternity with the blessed. If you have never thought of this before, try to realize it now. Let it rest upon your minds, and see if you can discover in yourselves the operations of the spirit and the body, which constitute the man. Continually and righteously watch the spirit that the Lord has put in you, and I will promise you to be led into righteousness, holiness, peace, and good order.

But let the body rise up with its passions, with the fallen nature pertaining to it, and let the spirit yield to it, your destruction is sure. On the other hand, let the spirit take the lead, and bring the body and its passions into subjection, and you are safe.

It is instructive to reflect upon the acts of men, to observe what prompts them to action, and to see how liable they are to get out of the way, how weak they are, how short-coming. how failing in their spirits to do the will of the Lord, and how fearful they are. Afraid of what? Do you reflect, and realize that your fear is all pertaining to your bodies, that it not pertaining to your spirits? Let me tell you, when the spirit is once separated from the body, it is one of the most beautiful and delightful objects that you could contemplate, and there is nothing that can give a pure spirit so much joy as to have the privilege of being separated from the body, and of going back to its Father in heaven, to await the morning of the resurrection.

Remember this when you are afflicted with fear and trembling, and are exclaiming, "Oh what shall we do?" Do you recollect what has been said here? I recollect that when I chastised certain individuals who were really not worth any body's notice, the cry of some was, "O, dear! we are all going to be destroyed, where shall I go to save my life, to the north, south, east or west ?" That fear arose from the organization of the tabernacle, and not from the spirit within it.

The fear and trembling, the misgivings and wavering arise from the anxiety we have to know how to save ourselves pertaining to the flesh. That weakness is not exhibited in the spirit.

I am afflicted with it just as you are, but what do my judgment, the revelations of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures, and the spirit of the Gospel teach me? That my tabernacle is of comparatively small value, although it is a pretty fair one, and one that I am willing to take in the morning of the resurrection. The Lord gave it to me, and I am thankful for it. When it is the will of my Father that my spirit should return to Him, what do

I care about the mouldering tabernacle, so that the spirit is unlocked, and set free from its prison-house of clay? It can go to the Father who gave it, until the body is resurrected, when the spirit will again be reunited with the tabernacle, to be exalted to thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, and spread abroad, and to the increase there shall be no end.

Fears arise from the weaknesses of the flesh, over which the devil has power. We should care, comparatively, but little about it; let it crumble, let it fall, and go back to its mother earth, and be reserved to the morning of the resurrection. I shall have this body again, then what need we care how quickly our bodies dissolve? All I care for it, in my spirit, in my judgment, and in my moments of reflection and revelation, is merely that I wish it to endure here to fight the tabernacles which devils dwell in, until the last one is driven from the earth. Then let my tabernacle stay here and contend with the fallen nature that it is heir to, and let my spirit rise triumphant over it, until every passion, feeling, and appetite is brought in subjection to the will of God. Let me stay here until I have accomplished this, and have done the work I was designed for in this my probation, then my spirit will be free from mobs and strife, and I can soar far above those who have power over them, even death, hell, and the grave.

I say to the Latter-day Saints, who are coming here by thousands and thousands, and who are coming into the Church by tens of thousands, begin to think, especially some of you first Elders, and ask yourselves how many you can bring to mind of those who are now in good faith in the Church, in proportion to the number that you have known to have come into it, and you will find that there are only a very few.

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If you should hunt up many of those who have been baptized for some time, but have not yet gathered, and ask them if they believe that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God, and that the Book of Mormon is true, several of them will reply, O yes." "Then why don't you gather with the Saints?" "O, I don't know; I am poor now; but I would very much like to gather with them." At the same time, I know that their feelings are, "If I go there I shall be persecuted, but if I live here I shall have peace with my neighbors, so long as I let religious matters alone, and here I can live without persecution, until my tabernacle is ready to return to the earth." What makes them have that fear of trials and persecutions? It is on account of their tabernacles. The spirit is not afraid. If it was free of the encumbrances of the tabernacle, no such fear would be manifested; and while we are in the flesh the Gospel is calculated to deliver those who live by its principles from all those fears.

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I recollect many times when brother Joseph, reflecting upon how many would come into the Kingdom of God and go out again, would say, Brethren, I have not apostatized yet, and don't feel like doing so." Many of you, no doubt, can call to mind his words. Joseph had to pray all the time, exercise faith, live his religion, and magnify his calling, to obtain the manifestations of the Lord, and to keep him steadfast in the faith.

Do you not know others who had manifestations almost equal to those Joseph had, but who have gone by the board? Martin Harris declared, before God and angels, that he had seen angels.

Did he apostatize? Yes, though he says that the Book of Mormon is true. Oliver Cowdery also left the Church, though he never denied the Book of Mormon, not even in the wickedest days he ever saw, and [Vol. II.

came back into the Church before he | a body, from those who have been in


died. A gentleman in Michigan said to him, when he was pleading law, "Mr. Cowdery, I see your name attached to this book; if you believe it to be true, why are you in Michigan?" The gentleman read over the names of the witnesses, and said, "Mr. Cowdery, do you believe this book?" No, sir," replied Oliver Cowdery. "That is very well, but your name is attached to it, and you say here that you saw an angel, and the plates from which this book is said to be translated, and now you say that you do not believe it. Which time was you right?" Mr. Cowdery replied, "There is my name attached to that book, and what I have there said that I saw, I know that I saw, and belief has nothing to do with it, for knowledge has swallowed up the belief that I had in the work, since I know it is true." He gave this testimony when he was pleading law in Michigan. After he had left the Church he still believed Mormonism;" and so it is with hundreds and thousands of others, and yet they do not live it.


If the Saints in the midst of these mountains would live their religion according to the best of their know ledge, according to what they see, feel, and hear, there is no power that could move them out of their place.

A great many of the new comers have been in the Church but a short time, but you may take the Saints as

the Kingdom twenty, and twenty-two years, to those who have embraced it but a few years past, and, according to my feelings and faith, and I will call upon every man and woman, who has got the Holy Ghost, to say whether I am right, faith and good works are rapidly increasing among this people. You know whether I tell the truth, or not. If they have not increased, for heaven's sake, for God's sake, for your own soul's sake, for Zion's sake, for Jerusalem's sake, and for the sake of scattered Israel, let them increase from this time henceforth. Let "Mormonism," the faith of the Gospel, which is "Mormonism," continue to increase, and cease all your evil deeds, and return to the Lord, and be honest and true. I tell you that a man cannot believe "Mormonism as I do, and be a bad man.

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You will find in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, and in the other revelations of God, that there is a clear distinction made between the sinner and the ungodly. A person to be ungodly must have known godliness, and must have a knowledge of what the Lord requires concerning him. There are many in the midst of this people who believe the Gospel with all their hearts, but yet do wickedly; this makes them ungodly. Do wickedly no more, but follow good works, and cherish faith and benevolence one to another.


An Address by Elder Orson Pratt, Delivered in the New Bowery, Great Salt Lake City, April 7, 1855.

With great pleasure I arise before this large congregation assembled here in the capacity of a General Conference. I feel great joy in having the privilege which is now granted to me to stand before you. What I may say, I do not know, but I trust in that God whom we all serve, that He will pour out upon us the Spirit of truth the Comforter-that shall enable us to say those things which shall do you the most good.

it were, in their midst. It will be
twenty-five years next September since
I was baptized into this Church. At
that time I am not aware that there
were fifty persons who had been bap-
tized into the Church.
How many
of those persons still live, and are in
the faith, I know not; but I believe,
from the testimony of our President,
which was given before us in the
tabernacle yesterday, that if we were
to search through the lengths and
breadths of our Territory, and among
all the various Branches scattered
abroad, there are but a very few indi-
viduals indeed, of those who embra-

I do not know that I shall be enabled to make the outskirts of this large assembly hear me, but I will speak as loud as I conveniently can. I truly feel to rejoice, when reflect-ced the work in the early rise of this ing upon the greatness of the work in Church, that are still living and strong which we are engaged: I rejoice with in the faith. Many of them are gone that joy which I am incapable of find to the tomb; their bodies slumber ing language to express. The Lord while their spirits are mingling with has truly accomplished great things the just, waiting the sound of the during the twenty-five years that this trump to call them forth to glory, Church has had an existence upon the immortality, and eternal lives. How earth-things that no man, unless he soon we shall follow and lay down were filled with a very great measure these mortal tabernacles, we know not; of the Spirit of God, could have anti- neither do I, as an individual, care, if cipated in the early rise of this Church. I can be prepared in all things, if I Nothing but the hand of an Almighty can be ready for that day, to stand in Being could have brought about a my lot and station, and receive the rework of the magnitude which we be- ward that is promised to those who hold before our eyes. It is the hand endure in faith to the end; it matters of the Almighty; it is the power not to me whether the time shall be which He has ordained, and the agen- longer or shorter; and I presume cies that He has employed, which there are thousands now before me have performed that which we behold who feel on this subject in the same before us. manner that I do; they care but a very little about this mortal tabernacle; they are looking for a building not made with hands, eternal in the

I have not only read the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, but I have grown up, as

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