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The second of these rules is plainly forced upon us by congruity itself.

Since the Gothic nations, which acquired permanent settlements in the West, were exactly ten in number; it is incongruous to imagine, that any other kingdoms, than those which were founded by these ten nations, should be antitypes to the ten horns of the wild-beast.

The third of these rules is built upon the very necessity of the case, and is suggested by the very construction of the symbol.

In the turbulent age, during which the Roman Empire was partitioned, change rapidly succeeded to change. Some of the original kingdoms were soon subverted; others, though greatly altered in point of extent, have remained to the present day: some of the ten Gothic nations founded respectively only a single kingdom; others founded respectively several kingdoms. Under such circumstances, we can never satisfactorily determine the ten kingdoms symbolised by the ten horns, unless, in strict accordance with the construction of the symbol, we pronounce them to be the ten kingdoms which were first respectively founded by the ten Gothic nations.

lerably violated, if the image had appeared with ten toes on the one foot and with none on the other. But no decorum was violated in the arrangement of the ten horns : which, accord ingly, are all placed upon the Regali-Imperial head of the apocalyptic beast, while his peculiar conformation takes in likewise the dominions of the three first Empires.


mode of speaking: for the Anglo-Saxons founded no less than seven distinct kingdoms in that island. Which, then, of the seven is the typified kingdom: for, without a glaring breach of homogeneity, they cannot all be represented by a single horn? I answer: most assuredly the chronologically FIRST that was founded by the nation of the Anglo-Saxons, to the exclusion of all the other six. In process of time, the seven coalesced into one : but, with these subsequent political mutations, the prophetic symbol has no concern. The ten horns are the ten kingdoms, which were first respectively founded by the ten Gothic nations. Therefore, in the eye of prophecy, the Anglo-Saxon horn is exclusively the PRIMARY kingdom of Kent.

(4.) On the principle now laid down, we shall find exactly ten original homogeneous kingdoms, all founded respectively by ten distinct Gothic nations, all seated within the limits of the Western Roman Empire, and all (with the single exception of the Lombards) planting themselves upon its domain in the course of the fifth century.

In the chronological order of permanent establishment on the Western Roman territory, the first kingdom is that of the Vandals. Godegesilus led them, in the year 406, into Gaul : in the year 409, Gunderic conducted them into Spain : and, in the year 427, Geiseric finally settled them in Africa.

The second kingdom is that of the Suevi. This monarchy was founded by Ermeric in the year 407: and its seat was Spanish Gallicia and Lusitania.

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