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LECTURE I. March 6.

The Signals of terrible Judgments foretold to come before the Restoration of the Jews, produced and explained.

MATT. xvi. 1, 2, 3, 4.



HE Pharisees with the Sadducees,
came, and tempting Jesus, de-
fired he would give them a
Sign from Heaven.

2. He answered, and faid unto

them, When it is Evening ye say,

it will be fair Weather, for the Sky is red :

3. And in the Morning, it will be foul Weather

To-day; for the Sky is red and lowring. O ye





Hypocrites! Ye can difcern the Face of the Sky, but can ye not difcern the SIGNS OF THE TIMES?

4. A wicked and adulterous Generation seeketh after a Sign; and there shall no Sign be given to it, but the Sign of the Prophet Jonas. Jonab i. 17.

LUKE xii. 54, 55, 56.

54. And he said also to the People, When ye see a Cloud rise out of the West, straightway ye say, there cometh a Shower, and so it is:


55. And when ye see the South Wind blow, ye say, there will be Heat, and it cometh to pass: 56. Ye Hypocrites! ye can difcern the Face of the Sky, and of the Earth: But how is it that ye do not difcern this Time?

N. B. Although these Words of our Saviour belonged only to his first Coming, and to Jonas the Prophet, as having been three Days in the Fish's Belly, for a divine Signal, that the Son of Man should be so long in Hades, or the Heart of the Earth, between his Death and Resurrection; yet may they be very fitly applied to any other divine Signals, or Signs of the Times; especially to those relating to his fecond Coming to restore the Jews, and fet up the Millennium, which has been already fully proved to be very foon approaching. See before, Page 602-610. I come now to the Predictions of these Signals themselves.

Ifa. xxiv. xxv. xxvi. and xxvii. being the most

remarkable Chapters as to these Signals, but differing

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