Annals of the South African Museum, Volume 55The Museum, 1970 - Natural history |
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Page 62
... head length ; Snt . snout ; D.O. = dorsal fin origin ) . S.L. H.L. as ( mm ) % of S.L. Snt.-D.O. as % H.L. ... length 20-32 % head length , depth 21-23.5 % head length . Caudal fin subtruncate . Body slightly compressed , tapering ...
... head length ; Snt . snout ; D.O. = dorsal fin origin ) . S.L. H.L. as ( mm ) % of S.L. Snt.-D.O. as % H.L. ... length 20-32 % head length , depth 21-23.5 % head length . Caudal fin subtruncate . Body slightly compressed , tapering ...
Page 126
... Head broad , depressed , 2.3-2.4 in standard length , maximum breadth of head 2.75-3.25 in standard length . Eye round , orbit diameter 4.5-6 in head . Interorbital width greater than orbit diameter , 3-3.7 in head . Snout a little ...
... Head broad , depressed , 2.3-2.4 in standard length , maximum breadth of head 2.75-3.25 in standard length . Eye round , orbit diameter 4.5-6 in head . Interorbital width greater than orbit diameter , 3-3.7 in head . Snout a little ...
Page 130
... length in smaller specimens . Head broad , not strongly depressed , 1.9-2.5 in standard length , breadth of head about equal to , usually very slightly less than , length ; 1.9-2.9 in standard length . Eye round , orbit diameter 3.2-4.9 in ...
... length in smaller specimens . Head broad , not strongly depressed , 1.9-2.5 in standard length , breadth of head about equal to , usually very slightly less than , length ; 1.9-2.9 in standard length . Eye round , orbit diameter 3.2-4.9 in ...
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Common terms and phrases
acuminatus anal fin Barnard Blennioclinus brevicristatus Cape Point Cape Town Caudal fin Caudal fin subtruncate Caudal peduncle Clinidae Clinus Clinus Clinus Colouring crest disc and tail disc width distance between orbits dorsal fin dorsal soft rays False Bay fishes fourth dorsal spines genera genus Clinus Gilchrist & Thompson head length Head pore system heterodon holotype Hubbs interorbital intertidal Intromittent organ juvenile Lambert's Bay Lateral line Lateral view length from middle lips lobes Lüderitzbucht margins membrane between third mentalis middle of vent Mouth nostril nuchal organ of male paratype Pavoclinus Pectoral fin posterior Raja rostral appendices rostral cartilage S.A.M. not catalogued Sensory pores separate horizontal tubes short separate horizontal Smith South African Museum species specimens spiracles standard length supraorbital tentacle surface of disc three dorsal spines tip of snout total length tubes with pore type-species upper jaw Valenciennes vent to tip Ventral surface Vertebrae Vomer Vomer toothed