L Communion. Observations. offended, either by Will, But still take care, that an evil Word, or Deed, there you go not with Conscience, as Judas did; to bewail your own Sin- wit with any bad Design of Mafulness, and to confess lice in your Heart; yourselves to Almighty while you live and resolve to die in any known Sin unGod, with full Purpose repented of. Or, of Amendment of Life. or And if ye shall perceive Lastly, without fully pur your Offences to be posing, through the Grace such as are not only of God, to lead a Life be against God, but also coming a Christian. against your Neighbours, then ye shall reconcile yourselves unto them, being ready to make Restitution and Satisfaction, according to the uttermost of your Powers, for all Injuries and Wrongs done by you to any other; and being likewise ready to forgive others that have offended you, as you would have Forgiveness of your Offences at God's Hand; for otherwise the Receiving of the holy Communion doth nothing else but increase your Damna tion. ! ObserCommunion. Observations. Consider therefore, the great Hazard you run of going to the Sacrament, while you live in any known Sin: You will provoke God to leave you to yourself, and to that evil Spirit, who is continually seeking whom he may be permitted to de tion. Therefore, if any Do not despise so kind an Offer as the Minister of God now makes you, if you have any Doubt upon your Spirits, the Advantage being greater than you can at present imagine. And because it is requisite, that no Man should come to the holy Communion but witha full Trust in God's MerYou will give him an Opcy, and with a quiet portunity of convincing you Conscience: therefore, of Sins, which, perhaps, you if there be any of you were not before aware of, and which may arise in who by this Means can-Judgment against you; or not quiet his own Con- clearing up some Doubts, science herein, but re- which might proceed from quireth further Com- a disordered Mind or State fort or Counsel; let of Health, rather than from him an evil Conscience. And Communion. Observations. him come unto me, or And do not entertain a to some other discreet Thought so injurious to the merciful Promise of your and learned Minister of Saviour to the Pastors of his God's Word, and open Church, St. John xx. 23. or his Grief that, by the imagine, that the Absolution Ministry of God's holy given by his Minister, after he hath inquired into the Word, he may receive Motives and Manner of your the Benefit of Absolu- Repentance, according to the tion, together with Rules of the Gospel, do not ghostly Counsel and imagine, that this will be of your Soul, and to the Comfort of your Mind. Advice, to the quiet ing of his conscience, and avoiding of all Scruple and Doubtful ness. no avail to the Health of 1 Communion. Rubrick. Or, in Case he shall see the People negli gent to come to the holy Communion, instead of the former, he shall use this Exhortation: Obser Observation. with a Sense of their Duty and Danger, as he promises, and will not fail to do, con sidering how very much depends upon so sacred and saving an Ordinance. Communion. Pious Reflections. When the tender Love of Christians to consider their DEARLY beloved Brethren, on- I in God will not prevail with tend, by God's Grace, Ways, they will learn from to celebrate the Lord's this Exhortation what they Supper; unto which, must expect from the dein God's Behalf, I bid spised Offers of Mercy. you all that are here present, and beseech you for the Lord Jesus Christ's Sake, that ye will not refuse to coine thereto, being so lovingly called and bidden by God himself. Ye know how grievous and unkind a Thing it is, when a Man hath prepared a rich Feast, decked his Table with : Say therefore to yourself, Why am I so earnestly, so Pastor, why is the Church, so lovingly invited? Why is my much concerned for my going to the Lord's Supper? all Kind of Provision, Is it not because she knows, that this is the most acceptso that there lacketh able Way of serving God, of nothing securing Communion. Pious Reflections. own Salvation? 1 Is it not because she would nothing but the Guests securing his Favour and my to sit down, and yet they who are called have me to look into the (without any Cause) State of my Soul, as I must most unthankfully re- do before I go to this Sacrafuse to come. Which ment, that I may not live in the Way to Ruin, till I am of you in such a Case surpised by Death, and utwould not be moved? terly unprepared for the AcWho would not think count I must give? a Shall my Saviour's and his great Injury and Minister's Love and Care be Wrong done unto him? lost upon mef-Is this the Wherefore, most dearly Way to shew my 'Thankfulbeloved in Christ, take ness for the Mercies I hope ye good heed, lest ye, for on Account of his Death? -Is He the better for my withdrawingyourselves Services? Or do I not, infrom this holy Supper, deed, serve myself most, when I obey his Commands, provoke God's Indig- and accept of his Invitation? nation against you. It is an easy Matter for a Man to say, I will not They that be whole, indeed, communicate, because need not a Physician: but dare I am otherwise hindred I say this is my Case, when I so sensibly feel the Corrupwith worldly Business. tion of my Nature, and how But such Excuses are much I stand in Need of not so easily accepted Help? and allowed before Must I be invited, intreatGod. If any Mansay, I ed, compelled, to give God Thanks for the greatest Blesam a grievous Sinner, sing he ever bestowed on and am therefore afraid Men?-And to lay hold on to come, wherefore the only Means of making my Peace with him ? then do ye not repent and Doth it repent me, that I |