Communion. Observations. Do ye not know, Since Thou, O Jesus, hast that they who minister ordained this, far be it from me to envy, or to deprive thy about holy Things, live Servants of the Right which of the Sacrifice? And thou hast given them. they who wait at the Altar, are Partakers with the Altar? Even so hath the Lord also ordained, that they who preach the Gospel, should live of the Gospel. 1 Cor. ix. 13, 14. He that soweth little, It will be our own Fault, shall reap little; and he if we reap not a plentiful that soweth plenteous- Crop. ly, shall reap plenteously. Let every Man do according as he is disposed in his Heart; not grudgingly, or of Ne-" cessity; for God loveth a cheerful Giver. 2 Cor. ix. 6, 7. 6. "Let us proportion our "Alms to our Ability, lest we provoke God to pro" portion his Blessings to our Alms." Bishop Beveridge. Let him that is taught There is nothing, O God, in the Word, minister which we can give to thy unto him that teach- Ministers, equal to the blessings which we receive from eth, in all good Things, them, who minister unto us Be not deceived, God the Means of Grace and Salis not mocked; for vation. whatsoever a man sow eth ObserCommunion. eth, that she he reap. Gal vi. 6. While we have Time, let us do good unto all Men: and especially Observations. : Blessed be God, that I have yet Time! Lord give me an Heart to do Good, before the Night comcth when unto them that are of no Man can work. Godliness is great Riches, if a Man be content with that he hath, for we brought nothing into the World, neither may we carry any Thing out. 1 Tim. vi. 6, 7. Give me, O God, a pious and a contented Mind; and for the rest, Thy Will be done. Charge them who are rich in this World, that they be ready to give, and glad to distribute, laying up in Store for themselves a sion of certain Ruin. Bless God, ye that have Riches, if he has given you Grace and Power to give them with a liberal Hand, and cheerful Heart, without which they will be the Ocса good Foundation a gainst the Time to come, that they may attain eternal Life. Tim. vi. 17, 18, 19. God is not unrighte 1 My God, we have nothing but what is thine; and yet ous, that he will forget thou makest thyself a Debtor your to Communion. Observations. your Works and La- to us, for what we give to bour that proceedeth of thy Poor, and to thy Ministers-How great is his Love, which Love we Goodness! have shewed for his Name's Sake, who have ministered unto the Saints, and yet do minister. Heb. vi. 10. To do good, and to distribute, forget not; for with such Sacrifices God is well pleased. Heb. xii. 16. May our Prayers and our Alms go up before Thee, O God! And graciously accept them for Jesus Christ's Sake, them that thou triest our Whoso hath this Thou, O God, canst supWorld's Good, and port all thy Poor without seeth his Brother have our Assistance; but it is by Need, and shutteth up Faith, and our Love for his Compassion from Thee. him, how dwelleth the Love of God in him? 1 John iii. 17. Give Alms of thy Goods, and never turn thy Face from any poor Man; and then the Face of the Lord shall not be turned away from thee. Tob. iv. 7. Com Give me, O Lord, a true Compassion for the Miseries of others, that thou mayest have Compassion on me, at the great Day. Obser Communion. Observations. Be merciful after thy I thank Thee, O God, Power. If thou hast that thou judgest not by the greatness of the Gift, but by much, give plenteous- the Heart, and the Ability of ly: If thou hast little, the Giver: and wilt reward do thy Diligence glad. accordingly. ly to give of that little; for so gatherest thou thyself a good Reward in the Day of Necessity. Tob. iv. 8, 9. He that hath Pity To thy Account, O God, upon the Poor, lendeth I place my Charity to the unto the Lord: And Poor thou sendest unto me; and I know that I shall be look, what he layeth no loser. out, it shall be paid him again. Prov. xix. 17. Blessed is the Man Keep me, O God, from that provideth for the all idle and vain Expences, Sick and Needy: The that I may always have to give to him that needeth. Lord shall deliver him At the Hour of Death, and in in the Time of Trouble. the Day of Judgment, good Psalms xli. 1. Lord deliver us. Rubrick, Rubrick. Whilst the sentences are in Reading, the Dea- Comfort of seeing your Alms presented unto God by his cons, Churchwardens, or Minister, in order to bring other fit Persons ap- down his Blessing upon yourpointed for that Pur- self, and upon the rest of pose, shall receive the your Substance and Labours, according as you have been Alms for the Poor, and a niggardly, or a cheerful other Devotions of the Giver. People, in a decent Bason, to be provided by the Parish for that Purpose; and reverently bring it to the Priest, who shall humbly present and place it upon the holy Table. Rubrick. And when there is a Observation. The Priest now, and not Communion, the Priest till this Time, placeth the Bread and Wine upon the shall then place upon the Lord's Table, in the Sight of Table so much Bread the Communicants, as a puband Wine as he shall tick Acknowledgment, that our think sufficient: after Lives, and whatever is neceswhich sary for their Preservation, are owing to the Gift of God. We • If this Rubrick is not strictly observed, as in many Places it is not, the Intent of the Church is defeated, and a very instructive Circumstance is omitted. Obser |