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tion, after an ancient custom. About half way through the service, which had been rather dull and sleepy-as prayer-meetings sometimes are when there is nothing special to arouse the people, weary from their day of hard work-he arose with a look of intensity and earnestness on his face that made every one in the house sit up, as much as to say, "It is now time to wake up!" Several rubbed their eyes, and said to themselves, "Something's a-coming now."

"Brethren, I feel strangely moved. I am concerned about my boy. You know him. You know that he was a Christian. But college and its influences have gradually drawn him away until at last he has acknowledged to me in a letter that he has lost that which once he possessed, and now is adrift. He does not know exactly how it happened. It was not in my mind when I came here, but it has thrust itself terribly upon me since coming. For the last few moments the words have been ringing in my ear: 'Frank must be saved! Frank must be saved!' For the sake of the love you bear me, and for the sake of that precious soul, will you not join me in prayer for this dear boy?"

Then he called upon one after another of the praying men, and one or two of the old mothers of the congregation, and at last he lifted up his own soul in an exalted prayer for the boy of his love; not forgetting other boys and the girls who were away from the protecting influences of home, and especially for all those who were open to the terrible temptations of college life.

After his prayer he stood up, and requested the company to join him in singing, "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow." While they were singing the beautiful doxology, there came over the good minister a sense of calmness and peace. He dismissed the congregation, and they departed under great emotion.

Little passed between Mr. Moon and his wife on their way home, but both were thinking. At last he said: "Do you know I believe it is all right with our Frank? It seemed to me while I was praying at the church to-night that for the first time I could take hold of that passage, Mark xi, 24: 'Whatsoever things ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.' It seemed to me that I could feel myself believing and taking hold, and it has been growing stronger ever since. I expect to hear that our boy is saved, and that he was saved this night!"

The mother was a little incredulous at first, and she endeavored to present arguments that would weaken the father; but soon she yielded, and acknowledged that there had come over her likewise a feeling of joy that she could account for in no other way.

"And more, I believe the boy will be called to preach, and that he will be a choice vessel for the Master's use."

"May God grant it!" fervently echoed the


There was not much sleep for their eyelids that night. Their joy was too full to permit it.

Call it telepathy or what you will, there is a way from heart to heart, by way of the Throne of God. He who sits upon the throne of the universe loves his children well, and hears their cry; and often, knowing what their prayer is going to be in the future, he sets his providences in motion that bring the answer to the prayer at the time it is offered. Prayer is the long arm that takes hold on God. paring during the whole week, at Danforth college, to answer these and other prayers.

Thus had God been pre

The next weeks at college are important ones.

A Glorious Visitor

"And their eyes were opened, and they knew him."


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