The Voice in Speech |
Common terms and phrases
afferent nerve angular gyrus articulation audibly AUTO-AFFIRMATION automatic brain breathing exercise carefully each question cartilage conscious mind convolution cricoid culture daily practice digraph Elevated chest English language exhale expression feel the focal focal center focal-center-resonance following the questions gesture habit hands hyo-glossi muscles hyoid bone inhale Isolated median tongue John Dewey kinesthetic language larynx Learn a word lines master median crease median tongue crease memory laws mental mirror mouth nerve nervous current outlined perfect voice permanent exercises permanent practice exercises phonetic physical plete answers poise position QUESTIONS Think ready reference repertoire remember sentence-key solar plexus breathing soul spaces following speaker speaking purposes speaking voice speech-making power syllables sympathetic nervous system technique ten-minute speech thee Think over carefully thought thru thyroid cartilage tion tone unconscious mind verse vibration vibratory vocal cords voice complex voice machine vowel sounds word a day words correctly defined write out full